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July 31st, 1964

Interviews. That word was one that had already made Alan uneasy. He was tired of repeating his answers over and over again to the storm of young journalists. He tried to get them over with them fast, but the other four seemed to really enjoy them.

Eric had, well at least tried too, flirt with all of the young journalists and interviewers. Many of them were around our age. Whenever one asked about one's love life, he would make it clear that he was single.

"Alan, I mean, they are going to ask you if you're going steady with anyone. Are you gonna say anything about us?" I asked him one day while reading a magazine.

"I think it won't hurt. Doesn't everyone like Eric or Hilton anyways?" He shrugged.

"I mean, John is steady with Ann. That doesn't effect the band, doesn't it?" I stated.

"You're right. Everyone knows about The Beatles and their birds. Maybe if I say that Chas is single, all the birds would go crazy after him!" He laughed.

I smirked. "I think Chas would secretly like that you know."

"What did you say about me now?" Chas asked as he entered the dining room.

"Me and Alan had this wonderful idea that if he says that although he and John have girlfriends, you, Hilton, and Eric are single and are looking for girlfriends! It would be like a dating game!"

Chas looked like a deer frozen in headlights. "Okay." He slowly said. "But doesn't everyone like Hilton and Eric?"

"Nonsense! I am sure you have some fans Chassy!" I reassured him. "Or worse case, you can always hang out with Hilton. He's like a chick magnet."

My comment resulted in both boys laughing. "You're good at this Penny!" He replied.

I put my hand up in a jazz hand position. "I am just telling the truth!"


Mickie and Mike aligned the band up with the recording studio to record the last of the songs for their debut album. The band couldn't believe that they were getting themselves their very own album! Last year, it was a small EP and now, in 1964, they were getting an album! As usual, everyone woke up extremely early for the day.

I did not want to go at first. It was fine going for a few hours when the band recorded a song or two, but for a whole day? I would be surprised if the band didn't split up after being in a room with one another all day. As I groaned into my pillow, Alan stopped me.

"Ann is coming!" He said. I met Ann twice. She was quiet and pretty, with long, dark brown hair. When we first met, we had some brief conversations about hobbies and the band. You can tell by her voice that she really loves John whenever she mentioned him.

"She is?" I asked.

Alan nodded his head. "Yeah. She doesn't have to work today John said yesterday. Maybe you two can do something?"

I didn't want poor Ann to be by herself. "All right. You win Alan. Now let me get ready, all right?" I shushed him out of the bedroom as I dragged myself out of bed. Diving through the dresser, I found a yellow skirt. I then dipped into the closet and found a white blouse to accompany it. After getting dressed, I brushed out my brown hair, allowing the waves to bounce along my shoulder. I ran my fingers through my bangs and made them cover my forehead before finding my makeup bag.

Thankfully, the bathroom was empty, much to my relief. I darted in there and began to apply on some mascara. When I was nearly done, I heard a knock on the door.

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