Part 7 - Confusion

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Hope you enjoy this chapter! Took me while to write:) Please fan/rate/comment xxx


Phil's P.O.V

What the hell was I thinking. I just kissed Dan! I'm such an idiot. I felt like crying, Dan was staring at me with uncertainty in his eyes. I was about to get up and walk away when Dan grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. His eyes were fierce, scary almost, but.. full of lust. The next few seconds were the best of my life. Dan pressed his lips against mine and my whole world went in slow motion. Nothing else mattered apart from this one, special moment. I kissed him back instantly, like a reflex. The kiss deepened as out lips moved in perfect harmony, his lips were so soft and fitted mine like it was meant to be. He grazed his tongue along my bottom lip begging for entry, I smiled against his lips but kept my mouth closed. He gently nibbled my lip causing me to gasp, he took that as his opportunity to force his tongue through my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer onto his lap, I ran my fingers through his soft hair as we continued to explore eachother's mouths. All my dreams had come true in the matter of a few minuets. We continued for what felt like an eternity. Eventually though we both pulled away. Our hair was a mess, we were breathing fast and deeply and we were both flushed with lust. 

''Wow'' Dan breathed. Catching me off guard. I had no idea what just happend or what made Dan want to do it but oh my God. It was spectacular. I smiled out of breath.

''Yeah'' We sat in silence for a few minutes, unsure of what to say. After a while Dan got my attention and gestured to the bed, I was pretty certain he was only suggesting sleep. I smiled and nodded. I was hot, really hot, so I took my shirt off without really thinking. Dan did the same. I slipped under the covers as Dan followed me, I turned on my side and closed my eyes, seconds later I felt Dan's arm wrap around my waist. I smiled. Thank God he wasn't ashamed or disgusted about what he just did. Minutes later I was unconscious. 

It was dark, really dark. The only light I was able to see was a reddish, orange light through the big, dark trees in front of me, where was I? I walked forward towards the light, it felt like I was walking on air. I looked down to see the ground was moving underneath me, I looked up again to see a different scene in front of me. I was 99.9% sure I was dreaming. It was a lake. In the middle of the lake there was a small island with two people on it. I ran forward as fast as I could until I reached the lake, I stood on the lake and realized with a shock, I could walk on water. I looked up and saw the two figures again, they were hugging.

''Let go of me!'' The slightly taller, thinner man said. I suddenly realized they weren't hugging, one of them was being attacked. I ran forward, as I did the scenery around me changed, it was no longer dark, the sky was a burning orange. Eventually I reached the island. I noticed with a shock that the two men were my Uncle and Dan. My Uncle was trying to stab Dan. I gasped.

''Let him go!'' My voice sounded strange. Distant, like a whisper. My Uncle's head snapped towards me. His eyes were big and red. Like a demon. I was frozen with shock.

''Get out of here, now'' He said to me with a deep, menacing voice. I gulped.

''No, let him go you bastard'' Wow, I was brave in this dream. I strode up to them both and pushed my Uncle away from Dan. He smiled evilly. Suddenly he reached forward and stabbed me, right in the stomach. I clutched my stomach, but to my surprise, there was no pain. Just an empty feeling inside me. I looked down to see blood, a lot of blood. My Uncle started laughing and then he vanished. Dan was still there, he was staring at me with distraught eyes. Suddenly there was no island, I was in the lake, except it wasn't full of water, it was full of blood. My blood. I tried to swim away, to anywhere but here. I couldn't, the blood was thick and warm. Dan was hovering over me, why wasn't he trying to help me? I thrashed around but nothing seemed to work, the blood was more the consistensy of treacle now. 

''Why did you do that'' Dan suddenly said. I looked up at him, his voice was scarily accurate to how it was in real life. 

''What did I do?'' I said innocently.He growled, like an animal. 

''You fucking dirty fag, you know exactly what you did to me. You kissed me. How fucking disgusting. I never wanted you in my life, I hate you'' My eyes began to fill with tears, why was he saying this? I wanted to die. Suddenly he was getting bigger, towering over me. A knife appeared in his left hand. Oh my God. Almost instantly he vanished from view. I wasn't in a sea of blood anymore. I was no where. Loads of hands suddenly appeared in front of me, waving, was that Dan's voice I could hear? 

I sat up in my bed. Shaking and sweating so much. What the fuck was that dream?! I breathed deeply. I became aware of Dan's presence next to me. Without thinking I leaned forward and collapsed in his arms, crying. He rubbed my back.

''Hey it's okay, don't cry it was only a dream shhh'' He comforted me, it felt weird being treated this nicely by someone who had just threatened me. I cried harder, remembering the haunting dream, Dan held me close not saying a word. It was probably best that he wasn't speaking. It would just remind me of the dream. After I'd composed myself I gently leaned back and wiped the tears from my eyes. Dan's face was sincere, like he didn't want me to cry like this. I sniffed. I looked at him with my tear stained face.


''For what?'' I smiled.

''For acting like that, it was silly, I mean it was only a dream right?'' Dan put his hand on my shoulder. 

''Well it must have been one hell of a dream, you wanna talk about it?'' I shook my head.

''No, it was.... horrible'' He hugged me once more.

''Okay'' Let's go back to sleep.


School had passed quickly and smoothly, with nothing interesting happening apart from a few strange looks. I was with Dan now, at home (Well it was Dan's house really but I guess I lived here now) We were on his xbox playing Skyrim. Sharing his biggest beanbag. His Mum, Dad and brother were out. They never really seemed to be here. A sudden knock at the door gave me a heart attack. I jumped and Dan grinned.

''Be right back'' We paused the game and Dan got up to answer the door, as he was walking someone knocked on the door again, this time longer and harder. He gave me a look that said 'what the fuck?' The door opened just before Dan got to it, damn, I thought he locked it. The door slammed against the wall as a short, sweaty, bald man strode in, his face full of fury. Holy fuck. It was my Uncle. I stood up instantly, becoming the small, fragile nervous person I once was.

''What the fuck do you think you're doing?!?! Have you been here the past 3 days?! GET YOUR ARSE OVER HERE YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT'' I was frozen in fear. He strode over and grabbed me by the ear. ''You're coming home, you've got a lot of things to catch up on!'' I struggled but he was to strong for me.

''Let him go you bastard!'' Dan was next to us in a second, he pulled my Uncle off me and he fell on the ground. I'd never seen Dan this angry. My Uncle stood back up instantly and hit Dan across the face in one, fierce punch. He was knocked unconsious.

''Dan!'' I screamed desperately. I fell on the floor trying to make Dan regain consciousness, I started crying again. My Uncle grabbed my throbbing ear once again.

''Right you're coming with you worthless fag'' He dragged me out of Dan's house and down the street. I struggled hard, finally I got free from his grip. He looked at me surprised. I punched him in the face with as much force as I could manage, he fell on the ground and I ran with all the strength I had left back to Dan's house. The door was open to I went straight in and locked the door behind me. Dan was still on the floor, I went up to him and started crying into his chest.

''I'm so sorry baby'' I said between sobs. After a good 10 minutes of crying, Dan was still unconscious. I was about to call an ambulance when I noticed something, it was a strange smell, burning? I looked through the front window and the fiery, yellow and orange flames confirmed my suspicions. There was a fire, someone had started a fire. I was about to grab the phone when I stopped, I fell to the floor as I fainted in pure shock and horror.

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