Part 3 - The Great Escape

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I was unsure of how to write the chapter. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Please fan/rate/comment. Thank you xx


Phil's P.O.V

Today had been the worst day of my life, and trust me, my life is utter shit. I had ran all the way home after I'd seen Dan in the toilets, now I was at my front door STILL crying my eyes out. Suddenly door gave way behind me and my Uncle was stood there, smoking a fag. 

''Are you crying?'' I quickly wiped away my tears.

''N-no not at all'' I forced a pathetic smile but he just gave me a disgusted look. He slapped me round the face, it stung like a bitch. 

''Pathetic little cunt, you're lucky I let you live with me'' Then I had an idea. A crazy idea but I had to do it. I was going to leave, escape. I smiled slightly.

''Why the fuck are you smiling?'' I looked down.

''No reason'' I ran upstairs to pack my bag. I'd leave tonight, when he was asleep, oh my God I hope this will work. 

''Don't get too comfortable in your room, you've got a lot of work to do tonight!'' He shouted up the stairs. I shuddered. I knew what that meant. I grabbed the content of my wardrobe and threw it in my old blue suitcase. I didn't have much stuff so it fit perfectly. I grabbed everything I would need from the bathroom including my straightners and threw it in. I stopped and thought about what I was doing. I hadn't felt this much adrenaline in a long time. I zipped up the case and chucked it under my bed, ready for tonight. I logged on to Twitter and attempted to find Dan's Twitter. I didn't know his last name.

''Fuck'' I whispered to myself. I thought for a moment. Then it hit me, today in English I'd looked at the register to find Dan's name, his last name was Howell! I smiled to myself. I typed it in the search and the first Twitter that came up had 2,000 followers. No way Dan had that many. I clicked on it and looked at the dp, oh my God that was Dan. I followed him without thinking and to my surprise 2 minutes later he followed me back. My heart started beating faster. I suddenly had a burst of confidence and decided to dm him;

'Hey Dan, sorry about the toilet incident. I'm such a twat.' I was about to send it when I realized it would make much more sense if he sent that to me. I shrugged and sent it anyway. While I waited for his reply I tweeted 'Worst. Day. Ever' to my 257 followers.

Even though I constantly uploaded videos to YouTube I never got any more popular, it was quite sad actually. All I wanted was a good, kind 'fanbase' I guess, that would understand and appreciate everything I was going through. People I would feel comfortable sharing my life with. I could entertain them with funny AND serious videos. It would be amazing to have that kind of relationship with the public. I'd made my YouTube and Twitter name 'AmazingPhil' I made it up in about 6 seconds. It was pretty crap but it was the best thing I could come up with. Quite ironic really, I was anything but 'amazing' After a good 10 minutes Dan replied, I was to scared to click it. But after a minute I persuaded myself. It read;

'Were you in there all day? x' He put a kiss. HE PUT A KISS. WHAT. I literally gasped. Oh wow what was I supposed to say to that?!

'Um, yeah. I'm such an idiot. This sounds so pathetic but I was to embarrassed to go out and find you again. I knew you'd be with your friends.. x' Should I send it? Fuck it. 2 minutes later...

'Look Phil I'm really sorry about today. I was such a dickhead to you. I'm just really bad with new people, I never know what to say:/ x' I couldn't believe this. It was like talking to a completely different person. Dan was being nice! Maybe he just put on an act in front of his friends?

'Don't worry about it. I'm not good with new people either. I'm so crap at making friends. Sorry for embarrassing you in front of your friends..x' We had a full on conversation for an hour. I was so happy it was ridiculous. Dan was a genuinely nice person. I found out that he had a YouTube account too, he didn't make videos but he liked a lot of vloggers. I was thinking about telling him about my YouTube videos, I was too nervous though. If Dan found my videos he'd know all about my private life, I don't think I wanted that yet. It was 10pm and I heard my Uncle come up the stairs. My heart started pounding. My door opened.

''Look I'm to tired to do anything tonight, so tomorrow you'll have to do twice as much, okay?!'' I was about to reply when he slammed the door. Must have been a rhetorical question. This was the perfect time to leave. I gently put my laptop in my suitcase and prepared myself. I thought through what I was about to do. It was spontaneous, crazy, everything I'm not. I didn't care though, I had to get out of this hell hole. I waited until I could here my Uncle's chainsaw like snoring to make my escape. I gently picked up my suitcase and opened my bedroom door. I made my way down the stairs trying to make as little noise as possible. When I reached the bottom I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled to myself.

''This is it, I'm actually going to this'' I suddenly realized that I had spoken outload and slapped my hand over my mouth. I took the sound of my Uncle snoring as a sign to carry on. I tiptoed up to the door and slowly pulled the handle down, trying not to make a sound. I opened the door and stepped outside into the sharp breeze that greeted my face. I winced at the coldness but carried on anyway. I had no where to stay tonight, but I was sure that if I searched around enough, someone would be kind enough to let me stay. Crazy I know but I didn't have a choice. Anywhere was better than that hell hole.

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