Part 18 - Deja Vu

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What's going to happen to Dan............................


Phil's P.O.V

This was a dream, it had to be. That was what I kept telling myself. If I believed for a minute that all of this was real I might just have a nervous breakdown. I waited anxiously in the waiting room while doctors frantically worked to save Dan's life. They hadn't told me anything, they wouldn't let go in there, how long would it be before I could see him?! I tapped my foot impatiently. Just as I was about to storm into the room one of the doctors came out. It was obvious from the look on her face that it wasn't good news, I wanted to scream, cry and die all at the same time. She looked at me with empty eyes and an echo of a smile on her lips. I braced myself for the worst.

''Philip Lester?'' I nodded. 

''I'm afraid it's bad news'' I clenched my jaw and balled my hands into fists. I took a deep breath. ''Dan has a lot of internal bleeding, he's also lost a lot of blood'' I felt sick. I didn't want to hear what else she had to say, but I guess I didn't have a choice. She sat down beside me and put a hand on my shoulder. ''It's not looking good hun'' I stared at her with tears in my eyes, she looked so guilty. ''I'm so sorry'' I tried to find my voice but nothing came out. She looked at me like she was expecting a response. I swallowed. 

''When will he.... how long....'' I tried to continue but I couldn't. I realized I was shaking. 

''We've done everything we can, but it appears as though he only has hours left, I'm so sorry sweetheart'' At this point she pulled me into a hug, I sobbed on her shoulder and tried to stop shaking frantically. Nothing was making sense, he couldn't leave me, not like this. I waited for the moment when I'd wake up and Dan would be lying next to me, but it didn't happen. I don't know how much time passed but eventually she pulled away from me and gave me one last sympathetic look. 

''Can I see him?'' It felt like my voice didn't even belong to me. She looked worried.

''Of course, just brace yourself though okay?'' What did she mean? Did he really look that terrible? I swallowed and stood up slowly. My legs felt like jelly and wouldn't move properly. Eventually I made my way to the entrance of his room. The Doctor patted my shoulder as I made my way inside. I stopped abruptly when I saw him. It was definitely him, my Dan. But he looked so weak and vunerable. My breath caught in my throat as I tried to will myself to move forward. I examined every part of him with my eyes, he was so pale, fragile. His lips were colourless and his hair was limp. He had his eyes closed but underneath they were stained red and purple. I forced myself to move onto his body. There were tubes sticking out of every part of him, I saw he was on a drip and I could hear the heart monitor beeping a steady beat, at least his heart was okay, for now. I moved my way over to his side.

''Dan?'' My voice was barely a whisper. He turned his head very slowly towards me and opened his eyes. The corner of his lips pulled into a small smile.

''Phil?'' I nodded frantically.

''That's right baby, I'm here'' I held his hand and flinched, he was so cold.

''I'm sorry'' He was apologizing?! For what?!

''No, no don't apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for okay?'' I squeezed his hand gently afraid I'd break his brittle bones.

''B-but I'm leaving you, I can't leave you'' I struggled to fight back tears. 

''You're not going anywhere okay? You're going to be fine'' I noticed there was a slight harshness to my voice. I had to believe he was going to be okay otherwise I don't think I'd be able to go on. I saw him smile slightly again.

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