Part 1 - Fresh Start

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  • Dedicated to all you lovely phans out there ... :)

If you're having second thoughts about reading this phanfic, please carry on:) It'll live up to your expectations I promise


Phil's P.O.V

Today was the day. The day my life got even worse than it already was (If that was even possible) It was 6am. Any second now my horrible Uncle would come in and .. well I don't even know. It was different every day. Sometimes he would make me.. make me do stuff to him. I shuddered. Other times he would just..... rape me. I started crying, like I did every morning since my parents kicked me out. Suddenly the door burst open, revealing my sweaty, bald, angry Uncle. I tried to stop the tears but it didn't work.

''Why the fuck are you crying you horrible child?! Get the fuck out of bed before I force you'' I stumbled out of bed and stood there, defenceless and pathetic. 

''Well don't just stand there, it's your first day today. Try and make yourself look less like a pathetic faggot. Oh wait, that's not really possible is it'' He laughed and slammed the door. I stood there shaking for at least 10 minutes. I sat down and had a talk with myself. Listen Phil, You can't tell anyone at school about your personal life, don't let them find out your gay or it will make things so much worse. Just try and fit it for once you pathetic loser. I stood up and started to get ready.

''OI GAY BOY HURRY UP, DON'T WANNA BE LATE ON YOUR FIRST DAY NOW DO YOU'' He shouted up the stairs. I took one last look at myself in the mirror. I was wearing black skinnies and a white tee. That was mainstream enough, right? I sighed and threw my bag across my shoulder.

''Your new life starts now, don't fuck it up'' I said to myself. I ran down the stairs and went out the front door without a single glance and my Uncle. I was going to regret that later. I walked casually to the bus stop and stood awkwardly with the other people. No one uttered a word. I heard two girls whisper something though, no doubt about me. After what seemed like an hour the bus finally came, I got on first and went straight to the back, away from everyone. I sighed and took my bag off, wanting this day to be over already.

''The fuck do you think your doing?'' I looked up to see three boys, about my age, standing over me. I instantly felt self conscious. I shifted around on my seat, trying to calm down slightly.

''Um, what do you mean?'' The one at the front raised his eyebrows. I couldn't help but think he was gorgeous. No, not now Phil. 

''I mean move, dickhead'' I awkwardly grabbed my bag and scurried past them as fast as I could. They shoved me, hard, and I fell on the nearest seat. Everyone laughed at me and I could feel myself turning bright red. I held back the tears and endured the bus journey to my new school. Finally the bus arrived and I made sure I was the last one to get off the bus so I didn't have to face anyone. I put my head down and walked towards the school. It was big, the outside wasn't very inviting: Grey doors and whitewashed doors greeted me before I walked inside, to the reception area. When I got inside I noticed that the reception area was bright yellow, I suppose this colour was happy and inviting to some people, it didn't seem to have that effect on me though. I walked to over to a women behind the desk, she looked friendly. She had orange hair tied back with rosy cheeks.

''Hello lovely, how can I help?'' I shifted around a bit.

''Um, I'm new'' She laughed.

''Oh, silly me! What's your name dear?''

''Philip, Philip Lester'' She wrote something down.

''Right, well I'm going to give you a map so you can find your way around, and your class schedule'' She handed me a small piece of paper. ''And I'm going to have to assign you a buddy'' I frowned.

''Um, a what?'' She smiled sweetly and leaned forward.

''You know, someone to help you get to your classes on time, find the toilets, stuff like that'' I nodded. This was going to be awkward, I was so bad at meeting new people. She looked around behind me.

''Hey, Dan!'' I looked around and to my utter horror, saw the bully from the bus.

''What?'' He frowned at me. I looked down.

''You're Phil's new buddy. It's his first day here and you have to help him find his way around. You two can become friends? Maybe?'' She smiled and got back to whatever work she was doing. Dan's face dropped.

''You're joking right?'' She frowned at him. 

''Of course I'm not! Now stop being silly Dan. Take Phil to his first lesson I've got work to do!'' Dan sighed and looked me up and down. He looked angry.

''Right, stay at least five feet behind me so no-one knows your with me. Got it?!'' I nodded fast. I snatched the piece out of my hand. He shook his head and cursed under his breath, I was confused.

''What?'' He rolled his eyes. 

''Looks like your first class is with me, and your second, and your thir- WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK'' I couldn't help but smile slightly.

''What the fuck are you smiling at dickhead?'' I stumbled.


''Right, come on'' He started walking in the opposite direction. I had trouble keeping up.

''Hey, wait up!'' He walked faster. I had to literally run. I got weird looks from nearly everyone I saw. Finally he stopped.

''Right, here it is, English lit, don't talk to me, don't even look at me'' He strode in and I followed. (Why was he being so mean?) The teacher looked bored behind his desk and was oblivious to me. I cleared my throat and he slowly looked up at me through his glasses. He sat up straight.

''Oh so you must be the new student, Phil right?'' I nodded. He sighed. ''Right class, this is Phil, he's new, don't be mean to him okay?'' I shifted uncomfortably. I noticed Dan was surrounded by people and they were laughing at me. I took a seat at the back of the class and put my head down. English was mostly a blur, nothing really happened and plus, I wasn't paying much attention, I was to busy staring at the back of Dan's head as he laughed with his friends. The bell rang and we all began walking out to our next class. I remembered Dan still had my class schedule. I walked up to him, he shunned me away, but I carried on anyway.

''Hey Dan, can I have my class Schedual back please?'' His friends looked at him suspiciouly. He gave me a weird look. Raising an eyebrow with a angry glint in his eyes.

''Um, what?'' I didn't understand.

''Dan you know what I'm talking about'' He casually laughed it off.

''Um, no I don't you freak'' He turned to his friends. ''What the fuck? aha'' They laughed with him as they all pushed pass me, this was slowly becoming the worst first day ever. That's it, I can't take it anymore. I ran to the nearest toilets and balled my eyes out, not caring who heard me. I remained in the toilets for the rest of the day. I knew I was going to get in so much trouble but I honestly didn't care. I was more worried by the fact that for some reason, Dan hated me. What did I do? After hours of crying the bell went signalling the end of the day. I walked out of my cubicle with a tear stained face and stopped dead. Dan had just walked in, and he was staring at me.

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