Part 11 - Holiday Pt 2

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Heyyaaaa:D Hope you enjoyed the last chapter;) Not really sure if the song I picked goes with this chapter, oh well, I like it :) I won't spoil this part for you by giving away any hints:) HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!<3 Please fan/rate/comment thank you xxx


Phil's P.O.V

Last night was possibly, no... definitely, the best night of my life. I sure as hell would never forget that. It was 8pm and I was still smiling from the memory. The way Dan's body moved with mine, the way he made me feel...

''What you smiling about?'' Dan queried, smiling and raising an eyebrow. I blushed, for about the billionth time.

''Dan.. last night was just...'' He came closer interrupting my line of thought.

''I know it was. It was.... amazing in every way possible. You truly are perfect Mr Lester. He pecked me on the cheek. Smiling adorably. ''So where shall we go then?'' We were in a car we hired out, driving somewhere for a night out, hopefully it would end up the same as last night.

''A club of some description'' I said smiling. Dan laughed.

''Well. Duh. I mean where?!'' I rolled my eyes.

''I dunno! Where's the map?'' 

''In the back'' Dan crawled over the back seat and pulled out a massive, crinkled map.

''Urmmm...'' I laughed. Dan jumped back in the front holding out the large piece of paper in front of him. ''I think we're here'' He pointed to somewhere at the bottom of the map, I craned my neck so i could see. I wasn't convinced that was where we were.

''You sure Dan?'' He cocked his head and examined the map.

''Nope. Fuck it'' He threw it in the back, I chuckled.

''You're so angry'' He frowned.

''Rude'' I laughed.

''Sorry baby'' His face softened.

''S'okay, hey look!'' I looked to where he was pointing. There was a large building filled with people and radiating music. The music was so loud the car was vibrating. 

''Umm Dan.. are you sure about this?'' He nodded, smiling. I shrugged.

''Let's do this'' I parked the car and we got out, everyone was around our age, completely wasted, obviously. We approached the club cautiously. Suddenly a bunch of drunk girls ran past us, giggling, pushing Dan as they went. He just laughed.

''Looks like everyone's having fun aha!'' I smiled at him. 

''Yep, now let's find the source of the alcohol, I wanna get fucking wasted'' Dan smiled.

''Oooh, I like this side of Phil. He pulled me into a hug. ''Wish you this aggressive in the bedroom'' He whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

''Hey! Look at these fags!'' My head snapped up and I saw a big, bulky guy at least 6ft 4. Approaching me and Dan slowly. I backed up slightly but Dan walked forward, confidently.

''What did you just say?'' Dan said, he was building up his anger and damn it was hot. I didn't want him to get hurt though.

''You heard me you dirty faggot'' The big guy spat on the ground and flexed his muscles, trying to look tough. Dan never really seemed to get intimidated though. I swallowed, I was getting nervous now.

''Why don't you shut the fuck up mate'' Dan said. I saw him tense up. Oh God. They were nearly nose to nose now.

''No one. Tells me what to do. Especially a fucking gay boy like you'' The big guy pushed Dan slightly, making him step back.

''Obvioulsy someone should, cunt'' Dan pushed him back, harder. I stood up wanting this to end.

''Hey Dan come back, he's not worth it'' That was a mistake. As soon as I said it the big guy was right in front of me.

''Aw sorry, am I upsetting your little boyfriend?'' He stood over me, making me feel really small. Dan was over like a shot.

''Back up, leave him out of this'' What? Dan was the one that needed to back off, this guy was obviously stronger than him. I really didn't want him to get hurt, he was being stupid.

''Hey Dan I can take care of myself, now come on'' I pulled his wrist but he easily broke my grip.

''No Phil. I need to teach this guy a lesson'' I rolled my eyes. I wasn't getting anywhere with him.

''Aww how cute! Dan's protective over his boyfriend, pathetic cunts'' His group of friends laughed, I backed off, I didn't want to be involved. 

''Shut the fuck up!'' Suddenly Dan surprised everyone by punching the guy square in the jaw, he fell over, everyone was stunned into silence. I ran up and grabbed Dan.

''Run'' We both sprinted back to the car desperate to get away from the now angry, massive guy that wanted to kill us. 

''Shit!'' Dan said. I turned and saw the guy running towards us, blood dripping from his nose and pure anger in his eyes. I started the engine and drove away as fast as I could, I could of sworn a bit of pee came out. When we were a safe distance away, Dan exhaled in relief, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

''Whoa, that was close'' I didn't reply, I was still annoyed with Dan for nearly getting himself injured. ''Phil?'' I kept my mouth shut. ''What the hell's your problem? I saved you from getting hurt'' I stopped the car. I couldn't drive when I was this annoyed with him.

''No you didn't! You nearly got yourself seriously injured Dan. You should of just walked away'' He just stared at me, like I was crazy.

''What the fuck?! I wasn't just going to let that cunt talk about us like that'' I sighed.

''Why not?! He wasn't worth it Dan''

''I don't care! I'm not going to let some big ass homophobic twat make fun of our relationship! Doesn't it bother you that he was disgusted by the thought of us?'' I breathed deep, trying to calm myself.

''Not really, I don't care what people think to be honest''

''Well I do. Our relationship means a lot to me, obviously more than it does to you'' I could feel tears coming but I held them back.

''How can you say that'' My voice was weak, the anger had evaporated, I don't think Dan noticed though.

''Because it's true. It annoys me. The fact that you don't care about our relationship enough to fight for it'' 

''What the hell are you talking about? It doesn't matter what people say, it doesn't effect us!'' He scowled at me.

''Obviously. It does'' We sat in silence for about 20 minutes. Horrifically awkward silence. After a while I just decided to drive back to the hotel. When we arrived I got out and speed walked to our room, not wanting to even look at Dan. He'd really upset me and he hadn't even realized. He had also been so unreasonable and stupid. 


By the time we were on our flight home, things were still slightly awkward between us. We'd barely said two words since the fight. I stared at the lumpy food in the plastic container in front of me (We were in coach) Since Dan wasn't speaking to me, my ears were filled with the muffled conversations from the other passengers, a baby crying, a couple laughing, everything else was just at a generic volume. I turned my attention back to my food. I picked up my plastic fork and moved the lumps around, trying to figure out what kind of meat it was. Chicken? No it was to dark. Beef? Maybe. I don't know. Wow, I need to make up with Dan soon I'm starting to insane.

''Phil?'' I turned to Dan, for the first time since last night his tone was... not full of hatred.

''Yeah?'' I raised my eyebrow.

''When we get home I want to talk to you about something'' I gulped. I didn't like the sound of that.

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