Chapter 14

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*Little Recap from last update (which was forever ago) basically Ian's dad is dead and he is going through an emotional rollercoaster, this chapter will be extremely hard to write well, lets just say Ian is a little unstable... or alot.*

*Ian's P.O.V*

The only person I want to call about my dad's death, is well my dad. I can't do that though. I might as well call my mom, see how she is holding up. Nina went out to go get some odds and ends done. After what seems like hours of ringing my mom answers. The background sounds hectic, like she's at a party. What?

"Mom? Where are you?"

"Hello dear, I'm at a party. Celebrating."

What the hell could she be celebrating? Her husband just died.

"What the general hell are you celebrating, dad just died!"

"That's what I'm celebrating. The wait has been lifted off my shoulders! I don't have to worry about the burden that was your father."

"You've got to be kidding me! How the fuck could you say that!" I started crying uncontrollably.

"Please, I moved up here to get away from having to deal with you and the whole shitload of a funeral."

"You mean that? You moved away so you wouldn't have to deal with me?"

"You haven't realized I was distant, I don't care about you. Fuck it, I'm having a great time leave me the hell alone!" She hung up. My own mother hung up. Why am I even here if my own mother doesn't want me? What's the point?

I can't I can't do this anymore. I run to the kitchen and grab a knife. Staring at the pointed edge, wondering how bad it would hurt to just ram this into my body. It couldn't hurt worse than I feel know, right? Right? I closed my eyes and inserted the knife, right near my heart, hoping I would hit a vessel or an important artery. Slowly I lose my balance and eyesight and fall back.

*Paul P.O.V*

After hearing about Ian's dad, I figure I'll pick up some flowers and bring them by the house, along with a hundred or so dollars just to give them in case they need anything. I call Ian a couple hundred times and finally just show at his driveway. I knock on his door and suddenly I hear something fall on the floor, it's a loud thud and then a light fall, like metal hitting a floor.

"Ian! Nina! Open up! Everything okay?"

I hear a slight scream, nothing much and thats when I go to the side window, I realized its locked. I go back to the door and break the lock on the door and walk in to see the worst possible sight I could ever see. Ian. On the floor. Knife in his hand. Bleeding terribly.

*A/N~   Cliffhanger! Hope you enjoy!*

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