Chapter One

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I'm falling. A voice creeps in like a mist, invading my mind. Life in another dimension or death? I grapple with the question from the unknown voice, confused at its presence in this shadowy abyss. Life, duh, I think, but when I open my mouth to respond, I find I can't speak. My tongue is somehow glued to the roof of my mouth, and I'm still falling. My stomach makes its annoyance with the constant spinning known, and it heaves itself into my mouth, but I am unable to vomit. Good choice, the voice hisses. It sounds oily and slick, yet something about it makes me think the owner of the voice has been smoking for thirty years. The bitter taste of my own sick makes me want to gag, but my mouth won't open to let the stuff out. I shall assign you a new home, the voice announces. You may have one request before I transport you there. My mind is spinning. I still don't know where I am, I just had to choose between leaving my life for a new one or death, and now I can make one request? This makes no sense. I must be going insane. I just want to go home, I think, struggling to breathe while my vomit slips further down my throat. Unfortunately, I cannot do that. You have one more chance to ask for one thing that I can give you, or you will die. What!?! What kind of crazy game is this? How am I supposed to know the rules if I don't even know what game we're playing? It's getting harder to breathe now, and I'm starting to get lightheaded. Then my stomach heaves again, and suddenly there's vomit in my nose, clogging my throat, and I'm shaking, sputtering as I fight to take a breath. Slowly, a tingling sensation spreads over my body. The last thing I remember thinking before I lose consciousness is; I wanna fall in love.

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