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"Is that really necessary?" Hermione huffed in annoyance. After Filch and Mrs. Norris revealed themselves to be Tom Riddle and the future Hermione, Mrs. Weasley ushered the group to the infirmary where she could keep an eye on everyone while she mourned for the loss of her son. Hermione's heart clenched at the thought of Fred's death. It was going to be a cruel world to have George without Fred.

"Unfortunately, it is. They'll never listen." The future Hermione shot her younger self a sympathetic look.

Ron moved his wand back and forth between the two Hermiones while Harry, Ginny, and Mr. Weasley had their wands trained on Tom. "Which one is the real Hermione?" Ron asked Harry.

Harry shrugged his shoulders, his eyes never leaving Tom. "We'll wait. One has to be under the influence of a poly juice potion."

Hermione rolled her eyes while the older Hermione snorted. "I assure you that they are both the real Hermione," said Tom, a hint of amusement in his tone.

"No one asked you," sneered Ron.

'Ugh! We don't have time for this!" The future Hermione glared at the wand holders. "I'll explain everything but she-" she jabbed a finger at the younger Hermione, "needs to leave. She's not supposed to hear this conversation."

"And, she needs to meet past me," Tom seemed relaxed despite the situation he was in.

"You can't trust a word he says, Harry," Ginny growled, never taking her eyes off of Tom.

"Yes, I suppose young Ginny would have a hard time with this conversation after the incident with the Horcrux."

"Don't talk to my sister!" Ron growled, thrusting his wand to Tom's throat.

"Ron!" Both Hermiones said with a hard glare.

"Earlier, you said that Hermi- I mean- can I call you Mrs. Norris?" Mr. Weasley asked the older Hermione.

"You may."

"Mrs. Norris, earlier, you mentioned that Hermione needed to leave. Can you tell me what that was about?"

"May I?" Mrs. Norris pointed to the pocket of her jeans. "It's a Time Tuner." Mr. Weasley gave her permission. She pulled out a very familiar Time Turner. "When Hagrid came out of the woods carrying Harry, I-Hermione- used the Time Turner that Dumbledore had given to us. Instead of going back a few hours, she went back decades. The Hermione here today, has lived for two years in the past with Tom and the other students-"

"You're saying that you-Hermione lived in the 1940's for two years?" Ron already looked lost.

Hermione cleared her throat. "Technically it was 1944 and 1945."

Mrs. Norris nodded her head. "During that time, we pretended to be the long lost granddaughter of the current headmaster. But the point is that right before graduation, Hermione was whipped away from that time and brought here. Now she needs to take the Time Turner and return back to Tom so that we-" Mrs. Norris indicated herself and Tom, "-can come into existence in this time line. She has to leave now because I have no recollection of anything after this point and so she has to leave."

"What if you're trying to send her into a trap?" Harry accused.

"Yeah," agreed Ron.

Hermione growled in frustration. She reached over to Mrs. Norris and grabbed the Time Turner out of her hands. "It's not a trap."

"How can you be so sure?"

Hermione ignored Ron. "Is this already set?"

Mrs. Norris shook her head. "It isn't. Just spin it however you like."

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