The Set-up

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"There you are," said Lucretia. "Come on, we have a match to get to." Lucretia pulled Hermione out of her seat from the library.

"I'm not going," said Hermione in frustration. There was a quidditch match that day between Gryffindor and Slytherin. The Gryffindors and Riddle had been trying for the last few weeks to convince her to go.

Lucretia tugged on her arm. "I'm not taking no for an answer, besides, Septimus said he wanted, me, Ignatius, and you for something after the match."

Hermione quirked an eyebrow. "What does he need with us?"

Lucretia giggled before leaning into Hermione's ear. "He's proposing to Cedrella." She leaned away from her ear with a smile. "He wants us there for moral support." Cedrella Black, Lucretia's cousin. Hermione was pleasantly surprised to find out that not many Blacks from this time were like Sirius' mother.

"You mean that he wants us there to keep him from panicking and backing out of it," concluded Hermione.

Lucretia vigorously nodded her head, black curls bouncing up and down. "Let's go."

Hermione sighed but allowed herself to be pulled along. She was excited yet envious with everyone proposing left and right. It must be because of the war looming over them.

The air was a little nippy but not uncomfortable. Lucretia pulled her over to where her cousin, Cedrella, sat in the stands. Gryffindors surrounded them, cheering.

Hermione watched as Gryffindor flew onto the pitch, followed by Slytherin. She was slightly surprised to see Riddle fly over to the goals. "He's Slytherins keeper, along with being their captain," informed Lucretia when she caught Hermione staring.

Hermione humphed and crossed her arms over her chest. She found herself cheering along with her housemates when Septimus blocked Slytherin from scoring.

After a while, Slytherin was in the lead with one-hundred and twenty to zero. It was unfortunate that Gryffindor was unable to score any points. It appeared that Riddle wasn't only good in his studies but also as a keeper. He was able to block every attempt Gryffindor tried to make at scoring. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten him the broom.

Something whirled her hair and she caught a glimpse of gold out of the corner of her eye. Fleamont zoomed in their direction, heading straight for the snitch.

The snitch flew away in a whirring buzz and toward the field. Abraxas and Fleamont flew neck and neck toward it with hands outstretched. Hermione held her breath, whoever caught the snitch would decide the winner.

As the flyers neared the ground, Abraxas pulled up before crashing. Fleamont grabbed a hold of the snitch before rolling off of his broom and across the field. He held up a dirt stained gloved hand with the golden snitch.

The Gryffindors rushed out of the stands and down onto the pitch. They hoisted Fleamont up while chanting Potter over and over.

Lucretia grabbed Hermione's and Cedrella's hand, leading them toward the Black Lake. "Where are we going, cousin?" giggled Cedrella.

"The boys are going to meet us at Black Lake."

Hermione felt her heart sink when she realized she would be the only one there without a partner. A pair of dark green eyes and an irritating smirk floated across her mind instead of the blue eyes and dorky grin that she normally thought about. What in the world was wrong with her? She quite literally might be losing her mind.

Lucretia pulled the girls over to the edge of the lake where a blanket was spread out. A cute little picnic basket sat in the middle.

"Lu, honey, don't you think it's a bit nippy for a picnic!" laughed Cedrella.

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