A Change In The Tide

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"I still can't believe it," said Fleamont for the fifteenth time.

Instead of joking with him, Abraxas stayed silent. He knew Fleamont was struggling with warring emotions from the information overload on two of his friends.

It had been over an hour since Hermione had told them her secret. An hour since she left. An hour since Fleamont learned the truth about Tom's secrets, though Abraxas had the feeling that Hermione knew even more than what was said. An hour had passed and the two of them were still in the library, missing breakfast.

"I can't believe it."

Abraxas sighed. "You better believe it. Now, come on. There's still time to catch breakfast, I hope."

"How can you even think about eating?" Fleamont shot a brown steely gaze at him. "You've been darker ever since Kathleen."

There was that name again. Everyone always talked about that dead Gryffindor in hushed whispers while giving him sympathetic looks. Something itched at the back of his mind. It was as if he was forgetting something.

He was tempted to ask Fleamont what the deal was between him and a girl he could barely remember. One look at Potter told him that he should probably save his questions for another day.

"I'm not a dark wizard, if that's what you're thinking," said Abraxas instead. He knew that was where his friend's mind was probably going.

Fleamont sighed and leaned back into his seat. "I know. It's just. . ."

"A lot to take in," finished Abraxas.

"Yeah." Fleamont glanced to the entrance of the library behind him. "We missed breakfast, didn't we?" When Abraxas nodded, Fleamont sighed. "I have snacks stored in the quidditch locker room." Fleamont stood up and stretched.

"Should have known. They probably won't last once I know where they are," grinned Abraxas. He went to stand up to follow Fleamont but a searing pain in his arm caused him to fall back down. Tom was calling him? A meeting at this time?

Fleamont glanced at Abraxas with worry. "What's wrong?"

Abraxas offered a weak grin. "The dark lord calls." Fleamont scrunched his brows together in confusion. Abraxas rolled up the sleeve to his shirt to reveal the writhing snake on his arm. "All of the Knights of Walpurgis have one. It's Tom's way of summoning us."

Fleamont did the unexpected. He flashed Abraxas a large smile that told him that Potter had an idea. "Wait here for me." Before Abraxas could ask or protest, Fleamont was off.

. . . .

Abraxas held the door to the Room of Requirement open just a little longer than necessary. "I can't believe we're doing this," sighed Abraxas.

"Believe it," whispered Fleamont from underneath his Invisibility Cloak.

If they get caught, he was so going to murder Fleamont. If they managed to get away with it, he was going to have to borrow Fleamont's Invisibility Cloak. Who knew the guy had something that handy lying around. At least Abraxas now knew how Fleamont never got busted for sneaking out past curfew.

The rest of the Knights of Walpurgis were already in the room. So was Tom. Abraxas was screwed for being this late. Maybe he would murder Fleamont anyhow.

"Malfoy. Nice of you to join us." Tom never used any of his knights' first names during meetings. It didn't make Abraxas feel any better.

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