Tom's Decision

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She didn't want him. Him!

Tom was growing furious with how difficult Miss Norris was being. She was the key. He needed her within his ranks if he were to gather more followers. He hated the fact that he needed her but truth to the matter was that the path to his plans would be smoother with her by his side. Well, in his ranks, not by his side.

He felt an inkling of fear with her opposition. He didn't fear that his plans would fall apart. No, he knew his plans were perfect. No, he feared that she knew more than what she was letting on to.

She knew that his eyes changed color when he was furious. She knew that most of his emotions were a facade. She knew that he was somehow connected to Kathleen's death. What else did she know? Did she know about his Horcruxes? The Knights of Walpurgis? He knew that he was convincing but he had the feeling that they would believe her word over his simply because of who she was. He really hoped that she wouldn't tell anyone what she knew or what she suspected.

Tom paused in his step with a shudder. Hope? When was the last time he ever had hope for anything? What was happening to him?


Tom was able to control himself from being startled, or at least, showing it. He turned toward the voice to find Abraxas. "What is it you want, Abraxas?" It felt weird to Tom to use his first name. As long as he could remember, he and Abraxas had never been on speaking terms.

"It's about your offer," drawled Abraxas.

Tom couldn't resist and allowed his eyebrow to quirk up. "Yes?"

"I've decided to join you. I don't know why I ever turned you down in the first place."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Abraxas wanted to join his Knights? Tom suddenly remembered the scene he witnessed between Abraxas and Norris. Abraxas must have used some kind of memory charm on himself after the loss of Kathleen. The Prewett girl was hardly worth that kind of affection. Tom couldn't imagine having someone in his life who would mean so much to him that he would be unable to bear it if he lost them. That kind of affection seemed pointless to him.

He mentally shook himself out of his thoughts. Should he allow Abraxas to come into his fold? The Malfoys were a prominent family that could open up channels to Tom that he could only imagine. He was about to say yes when an image of Norris flickered across his mind. He also needed her. Would she be more or less willing to join if Abraxas was among his followers. Tom grimaced when he realized the choice that the annoying Gryffindor would make.

"Rid-my lord?"

Tom waved his hand to dismiss the title. "I will allow you to join but next year. I need to keep you out of my midst for now, at least until I have someone else join me. See, I now face a dilemma. I can allow you to join now and risk the wrath of a particular resource or I could have you join at a later date which will give me time to win over this particular resource." Tom found himself grimacing once again. He did not mean to spill his thoughts to someone.

"Tell me who this resource is and maybe I can help," supplied Abraxas helpfully.

Tom thought everything over and came to a decision. "I will win her over by myself." Honestly, he didn't want Malfoy to pretend to be friends with Norris again. He wasn't sure if her poor, and caring soul could handle another heartbreak. He needed Norris sane, not broken, or at least not completely. He had to break her just a little bit if he was going to get her to see his reasoning.

He dismissed Mal-Abraxas. When did he switch back to using Abraxas's last name? He really needed to rest his mind. The magical creatures essay he had to write for next week would help. He hurried back to his room to grab his things. The funeral should be over and if he was careful, he could sneak into the Forbidden Forest without getting caught. The essay was on Thestrals. They were ugly creatures that had no real necessity. You couldn't even see them until you experienced death which was why Tom had never seen one until the death of that Myrtle girl.

He spotted the Invisibility Cloak on his way out. That could probably be of some use. Tom really did not want to get busted for sneaking into the Forbidden Forest. He grabbed the cloak and threw it over his shoulders.

Tom made quick work of the walk to the Forbidden Forest. He only passed a handful of people on his way and was thankful that the cloak seemed to possess true invisibility. Not a single soul seemed to know he was there. He could only imagine the possibilities that the cloak could be useful for. It could really come in handy in the future if he ever needed it to spy on someone or to hide.

Once he reached the edge of the forest, he entered with caution. That oaf's Acromantula was loose somewhere out there along with other dangerous creatures.

The snort of laughter reached his ears. Who would be out here?

"Thank you. I needed that."

Norris! What was she doing in the Forbidden Forest?

Tom clutched the cloak around him tighter and went in the direction of the voice. He couldn't believe that Norris was stupid enough to enter into the forest. He brushed away the fact that he was also there.

He carefully made his way to Norris, taking great care to not step on any twigs. He found her in a small clearing surrounded by Thestrals. Instead of looking disgusted or afraid, she seemed delighted to be in their presence. He watched as one of the older Thestrals rubbed its snout against her cheek.


Tom cursed under his breath. He hadn't realized that he was moving closer.

Norris spun around at the noise. Her eyes squinted in his direction. Tom felt his heart beat a frantic pattern. It was so loud that he was afraid that Norris could hear it. That proved to be a silly thought when Norris turned away from him. She placed a hand on the beast's snout. "I'll come back to visit you tomorrow, I promise," with that, she turned and walked out of the clearing at a hurried pace.

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