The Burrow

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Hermione quickly changed into her bridesmaids dress. The teal-like material fluttered around her legs. Using the spell that Ginny had taught her during Hermione's real sixth year, her hair fell down her shoulders in delicate curls. Pink flowers that matched the ones on her dress adorned her hair. She then threw on the sparkley high-heels that matched the dress perfectly.

When she had arrived back to the common room the night before, a box with her name on it was sitting on the table. There was no note card but she figured it had to be from one of two people, the fun loving Dippet or the moody Riddle. Hermione put her finger on the mysterious gift giver being Dippet; the man she has come to accept as her great-great-grandfather and temporary grandfather.

Hermione twirled in front of the full-length mirror that she had purchased for her dorm room. With the mix of teal, sparkles, and flowers, she looked like a muggle picture-book fairy.

With a final touch of home-made lipgloss, she walked out of the room. Tom was sitting in the common room bent over some textbooks. "Are you skipping breakfast?" Tom should have been in the Great Hall eating breakfast and prepping for his classes, not sitting in the common room.

"I'll go down in a few minutes and grab something. I just wanted to check something first." Tom looked up from his books then and Hermione was pleased to see his mouth open a fraction. Yes, she will willingly admit that it pleased her to see Tom pleased with her appearance. His adams apple bobbed slightly when he gulped and Hermione noted that his cheeks began to tint pink. When did she start caring whether Tom took notice of her or not?

"You look. . ." his voice trailed off and he visibly gulped again. Hermione decided to take a page out of Ginny's book and twirled in front of him. "Beautiful." She heard Tom's whispered comment as if he had spoken right next to her ear.

"Thank you." Not knowing what else to do, she bobbed a curtsey. Her cheeks heated with embarrassment. To save herself suffering from further embarrassment, she started toward the portrait. Before exiting out of the common room she paused and said, "I'll see you tonight," then she bolted out into the hallway.

Hermione touched the teal sash of her dress and found her wand still nestled within. The cold air of the hallway caused her to shiver. Though she loved Hogwarts, the seventh floor seemed unusually cold and empty. She shook off the feeling and made her way to the headmaster's office.

Once there, she found Dippet and Fleamont waiting for her. Dippet turned toward her with a warm smile that instantly brightened when he saw her. "You look beautiful as a bridesmaid, my dear. I can't wait to see how you outshine this moment on your own wedding day." Hermione felt a wave of embarrassment and something akin to hope washed through her.

It was sad to think that one day, she would decide to get married and Dippet wouldn't be there. The kind, old headmaster had wormed his way into her heart. She found herself grateful to have had the chance to get to know her great-great-grandfather. 

Her gaze flicked over to the other person in the room. Fleamont stood there, openly ogling her with appreciative eyes. Hermione took this time to take him in. He wore black, traditional wizarding robes with a white collar. His normally wild black hair was slicked back. She had to admit that he cleaned up nicely. She just hoped that he was better at dancing than Harry because she was pretty sure that there would be dancing at this wedding. And seeing as how she and Fleamont were both dateless, it was safe to assume that they would be dancing together.

"You look handsome," said Hermione as a way to break the silence.

"So do you-I mean, you look beautiful," stuttered Fleamont. Hermione didn't miss the way the corners of Dippet's mouth dipped downward. It wasn't a secret that he favored Tom over, well, everyone. He had even tried boosting Tom's appeal to Hermione during their Saturday talks. She had the sneaking suspicion that he wanted her and Tom to be together. Hermione hid the chuckle that wanted to bubble out of her mouth when she realized that the 'husband' that Dippet had visualized in his earlier comment was more-and-likely Tom. Hermione didn't find that thought as horrendous as she once would have thought she didn't get butterflies over it. She still hadn't forgotten that Tom Riddle was Lord Voldemort.

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