Memory Box Part 2

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Tom felt his chest heaving as his lungs tried to take in fresh air. The Dark Forest surrounded him, devouring him in its endless night.

A hiss came from behind him.

He whipped around with his wand at the ready. A blueish-grey figure emerged out from the shadows. It snake-like appearance and piercing gaze sent shivers down his back.

Tom had a spell on the top of his tongue but before he could say it, his wand disappeared.

The crunching of leaves sounded. Miss Norris stepped out of the shadows from the opposite side. "He's a lot like you," the resentment in her voice ringing like a toling bell in his head.

"We are not!" screamed Tom. "Are not a like!" He screamed until his throat was raw.

How could Miss Norris compare him to that thing.

Tom's eyes flew open and he found himself in bed. That was a dream? It had been a while since he had dreamed.

He rolled out of bed with a groan. After checking himself in the mirror, he released a sigh. How could she ever compare him to that thing. That thing was a monster straight out of a nightmare.

Tom squeezed his hand into a fist. He will make Miss Norris a follower by showing her that he was not the monster that she thought he was. He also vowed to find that hideous thing and kill it and its followers for what they had done to Miss Norris. The crime that they had committed was making it difficult for him to recruit the little witch.

Shaking off his thoughts, he dressed for a trip to the library. The library will offer him advice and was the perfect place to ground his thoughts.

A Teasing Taunt

"What are you doing here?" Miss Norris snapped at him. Her brown eyes flashed and he could see hints of gold in their depths. Her unruly hair stood on end, almost looking as if it were alive.

"I wanted to thank you in person for the present and very amusing letter." The two Gryffindors that Miss Norris was sitting with shot her a questioning look.

"There's no need for you to thank me," snapped Miss Norris.

Tom's lips quirked up into a half smile as he watched Miss Norris' nose scrunch up. "Of course I should. I'm also giving you an early invitation to come watch me play when quidditch resumes." Tom was pretty much taunting her behind his polite speech.

"It only seems fair that you come and see your gift in action." His words were honest and teasing. He was liking the way she acted like an angry cat when he teased her.

"Quidditch? Hermione, what did you get him?"

"A broom," admitted Miss Norris with a reluctant smile. "He helped me with something so I got him the broom as a Thank you gift."

"A broom!"  The Gryffindor called Ignatius squealed. "Which one?" He held up his hand to stop Miss Norris from answering. "Nevermind. I can already guess that you bought him the latest version. I want one." Ignatius sighed absentmindly.

Miss Norris turned her attention back to her food. Her crackling hair dying down into its regular unruly manner. "I will not be going to any quidditch matches. If that is all, you. May. Leave." She punctuated her words with an aggressive bite.

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