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The Thestral shot off out of the forest. Tree tops blanketed the ground below him. Hogwarts laid behind him, glowing in the morning light. It was a scene that would take the breaths of most people away. But not Tom and especially not right now.

He nudged the Thestral down. The creature nose-dived down past the tree tops and deposited him on the dark forest floor before flying off.

How could he have been so stupid? How could he let his meticulously placed guards down? He even changed! He changed just so he could be near her. And now look at him. He was a fool for believing in love. Everything he came to know was a lie.

Tom reached into the pocket of his suit and pulled out the ring his grandmother had given him. Light glinted off of its surface, momentarily making the gold ring appear silver.  This was supposed to be his and Hermione's first real date. A day of momentous change. It all turned out to be one big lie.

Balling his fist around the symbol that was supposed to represent love and faith, he threw it. The ring collided into the trunk of a tree before falling down onto the ground. That ring was now a reminder of her betrayal.

Finding little satisfaction in hurling the ring, Tom whipped out his wand and aimed it at the nearest tree. "Confringo!" The tree burst at its trunk. Shattered pieces of wood in various sizes rained down around where the tree used to be.

"Confringo!" Another tree exploded. Another. Then another.

Before long, the sun was setting around him. The area around him, once covered with trees, now looked like a war zone.

Tom swiped the pooling sweat off his forehead. The wand in his hand clattered to the splinter covered ground. Nausea and exhaustion overcame him, telling him that he used too much magic.

Tom was ready to head back to the castle. He wasn't ready to face the traitor. Wait, wasn't the Head room in Slytherin still available. Maybe he could stay there for now. At least he wouldn't have to worry about Hermione finding him there.

After making his decision, he picked up his discarded wand from the ground. Before he could take a step in the direction of the castle, pain split through his head, bringing him to his knees.

"Ahh!" His hands clawed at his head in an attempt to make the pain go away. She had to be doing this to him. The migraines hadn't started until she entered into his life.

"Tom!" The watery shout was barely audible over the pain. Tom felt a hand on his shoulder. White hair floated into his blurry sight. "My lord?" quietly whispered Abraxas. Tom was amazed he could hear him over the pounding in his head.

"What happened? How is he?" The grating voice reached Tom's ears. He watched from the corner of his eye as Fleamont bent down to examine something.

"Should we take you to madame Dhavies?" asked Abraxas. Tom felt an involuntary shudder run through his spine. How he despised the gruff woman.

"No. I'll be fine. Just used too much magic."

Fleamont walked over to them then. Tom saw the Gryffindor pocket something but couldn't tell what it was.

Abraxas turned toward Fleamont. "Help me carry him." Fleamont nodded before looping one of Tom's arms over his shoulders. If Tom was feeling better he would have cursed the two boys but as it was, he could barely stand on his own. "You're going to worry Hermione turning up in this state."

Tom felt his face twist in worry before rapidly warping into anger. "Maybe we should take him somewhere else for now," suggested Fleamont.

"Where?" The lanky blonde asked as he struggled under Tom's weight. Tom felt insulted for he knew that he didn't weigh that much. He was just as lanky as Abraxas though he did possess well developed muscles from his time on the pitch.

"Abraxas." The boy looked at him with questioning eyes. "You need to practice more. There are girls with bigger muscles than you."

Fleamont laughed and managed to punch Abraxas on the arm with his free hand. "Glad to hear Tom returning to himself," joked Fleamont.

"Hey! I can't help it. Besides, I ate a lot tonight."

Tom's stomach grumbled at the mention of food. "At least you ate. I spent all day blowing up trees."

"I'll grab you some food from the kitchens. Her-I was shown how to get into them." Tom gave Fleamont a curious glance at the boy's quick change in demeanor. He was grateful that he had somehow known that he didn't want to hear her name. Thinking about her made his blood boil.

The long walk out of the Forbidden Forest and to the castle was filled with playful banter. Even though he hated Hermione, he was grateful for her introducing him to the concept of real friends. They were much more amusing than followers.

"You never did tell us where we were taking you," said Abraxas when they entered the castle.

"Slytherin common room."

The three of them clumsily made their way down to the dungeons. Fleamont let go of Tom. "This is my cue to go get some food."

"Go with him," commanded Tom in a light voice. Abraxas nodded and leaned Tom up against the wall by the portrait.

"The password is Salazar." After that, Abraxas took off down the hall. Tom should have been angry that a non-Slytherin now knew the password but he couldn't bring himself to be. He had other things to be angry over.

Fleamont hesitated. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. Not just any ring. He handed it to Tom. "Sorry, man. I'll try to talk to her."

Tom looked at the ring as if it was poison but still took it. "Don't bother. I never got the chance to ask." That part was at least true. He wouldn't spill her secret, yet.

Fleamont flinched with Tom's words. "Sorry," said Fleamont for a second time.

"Are you coming?" shouted Abraxas from the end of the hall.

Fleamont gave Tom one last look before jogging after Abraxas.

. . . .

Hermione jerked awake. She had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Tom. She looked at the pocket watch that Tom had given her the previous month. It was well past midnight and he still hadn't returned home.

She just pulled herself up to go search for him when a lizard patronus materialized in front of her. "Tom is safe. Just thought I should let you know," came Abraxas' voice.

Hermione sunk back down on the couch in relief. He was safe. Angry but safe.

How was she going to fix this? Could she even fix this?

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