A Duel Between Masters

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Hermione walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts and her heart fell when she noticed the empty desk that was normally occupied by Kathleen and Abraxas. Abraxas was sitting next to Lucretia's brother. It was such an odd sight that she paused in her movement. She only came alive again when someone gave her shoulder a gentle shove from behind.

She placed her bookbag down beside the table she always sat at, the one behind Kathleen's. The chair beside her scraped across the floor and someone sat down. Hermione looked over to find none other than Riddle.

"Go. Away."

Riddle just chuckled and waved a finger at her. It was such an odd gesture that she found herself falling down onto her seat without protest.

"Is that anyway to treat a friend?" asked Riddle playfully as he placed his things out neatly in front of him.

"Who are you and what have you done with Riddle?" The question tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop it.

"I'm taking your advice. I'm making friends."

"Not with me," hissed Hermione.

Riddle turned a petulant gaze onto her. She shivered involuntarily, raising a smirk out of Riddle. He turned those green eyes away from her and Hermione felt herself breathe again.

Merrythought walked in followed by Miss Goldstein. Riddle fell into silence that left Hermione to her thoughts.

What was Riddle's angle? Was he trying to recruit her or just trying to keep her close? She knew he wasn't being serious because that was just not how Lord Voldemort worked, at least she didn't think it was.

Merrythought's lecture became background noise to Hermione. She had found out earlier in the school year that some of her classes, mainly Defense Against the Dark Arts, Runes, and Care of Magical Creatures were more fifth year level instead of sixth. She was able to afford to drift off in her thoughts in these classes.

Unfortunately, her thoughts kept drifting to Riddle. He was acting so strange, he almost seemed human. She was becoming wary of him and what his endgame might be in acting friendly toward her.

She ignored the stares from the female population of the class that she could feel on her. What did they even see in Riddle? Everything was just a game, an ends to a mean, to him.

Merrythought clapped his hands together, startling over half the class, including Hermione. "Miss Goldstein and I have decided to pair everyone up for a duel. Your partners will be picked based on grades. Now, everyone move to the back wall."

Everyone got out of the seats to go stand at the back wall. There were grumbles and murmurs of excitement among the students. Professor Merrythought called the students with the lowest grades up to duel first. Hermione watched with detached boredom. It was finally her and Riddle's turn.

They took their stand on opposite sides of the room then bowed. "Expelliarmus," said Hermione.

"Finite Incantatem."

"Supify! Flipendo!" Hermione rapidly fired off the two spells.

"Finite Incantatem!" Riddle countered.

Hermione set off a quite oppugno avis. The paper birds attacked Riddle from behind. While he was distracted by burning them she sent a silent colloshoo to his feet. Then as a distraction she summoned fog to surround them.

. . . .

"Incendio!" Tom destroyed the paper birds with the fire charm.

He turned around to attack Hermione when fog enveloped him. He cast a silent homenum revelio. The spell located Hermione to his left. "Expelliarmus!" Nothing came to him.

"Expelliarmus!" Riddle tried the spell again. Again, no wand flew to him. He went to take a step forward thinking he might need to be closer when his feet refused to leave the ground and he fell forward.

"Partis Temporus," shouted Hermione. The spell caused the fog to clear around him, temporarily revealing him on the ground to the rest of the class. His blood boiled when he heard snickers from the students.

"Cantis!" Hermione shouted the jinx before Tom had the chance to counteract the spell on his shoes. He felt the spell take hold of him. He was able to clamber to a standing position before the spell song burst forth. To Tom's dismay, surprisingly he wasn't angered, his deep voice broke out in song. The fog was still cleared around them for him to see the shocked and admiring looks from the students and professors. Hermione might have done him an unknowing favor. Hermione. He momentarily forgot about her. He scanned the fog and found her standing not far from him. Her brown eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging. It appeared as if Hermione had hoped to embarrass him but little did anyone know that Tom was skilled in singing. A smirk formed in his mind at the look of her shocked expression.

Tom watched a pink blush spread to her face. It seemed she wasn't as immune to his charms as she played at.

Hermione flicked her wand causing the spell to stop. The song fell from his lips and Tom was finally able to catch his breath.

"Expelliarmus!" Tom tried the spell one more time before Hermione had the chance to gather herself. He watched as the wand started to move toward him before flying back to her.

"A sticking charm," explained Hermione with a shrug at his confused expression.

Tom couldn't help it. He burst out laughing. He had never seen someone use the sticking charm like she had.

"Finite Incantatem!" The spells disappeared. "That was excellent dueling but we unfortunately have run out of time. Class dismissed!"

Tom called his belongings to him and followed Hermione out of the classroom. "That was interesting." Hermione humphed as an answer. "We should do that again."

Hermione's cheeks flushed pink with his offer. "No, I don't think we should."

She picked up her speed in an attempt to leave him. "Hermione," Tom called to her.

She whirled around with an angry expression on her features. "Don't use my name as if we are friends."

"What if I want us to be?"

Hermione turned a cold glare on him that probably would have frozen a lesser wizard's blood. "I won't be a part of your evil plans." With that, Hermione fled away from him.

What was with that witch! How was she still able to refuse him?

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