chapter 13

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boo is happy to have best friends and shredder is in jail and boo hang out and mikey is trying to be flirting and boo said'' UGH MIKEY STILL TRYING TO FLIRTING ME ON I TOLD YOU ARE NOT MY TYPE'' mikey said'' but'' and boo said''NO BUTS MIKEY ILL DECIDED WHO WILL HAVE MY HEART UNDERSTAND AND WANNA IMPRESS ME YOU HAVE TO ME MORE TENSE LIKE RAPH FOR EXAMPLE'' raph said'' she does have a point mikey i do be scary and tough'' boo said'' see mikey'' mikey said'' oh'' bethany still working on her skills and  mikey said'' oh'' boo smile said'' see i told you'' and raph said'' ya you are cool'' boo said'' of course i am raph i saved your guys life twice'' raph said'' ya you did'' and so then boo smile said'' you guys are my best friends'' raph said'' awww'' and boo said'' ya its true'' and raph chuckles said'' well then come here'' boo said'' what are you doing'' raph said'' what does it look like im doing'' boo notice said'' oh no[trying to escape]'' raph smirk said'' come here you'' boo said'' nope im faster then you'' raph said'' oh ya'' and boo giggled said'' ya try me'' and raph chase boo and donnie said'' awww those two look like a cute couple'' and raph said'' really donnie we are just friends'' donnie said'' just saying'' and raph said'' ok'' and so then boo said;; come on rapheal'' and raph said'' im coming to get you'' and boo giggled and it was fun also wrestling and boo won and raph laughed sometimes with this tickle war and raph notice his heart hsi being fast around boo and said'' im gonna take a walk'' and boo said'' ok'' raph went to the rooftop to think and said'' am i in love with her.....[feel his heart and cheeks blushing red] oh my shell i am'' and so then boo waved goodbye and went off and raph saw her zoom toward the avengers tower said'' she is amazing'' and boo sighed in her room and so then later raph gave her gifts like a secret admirer and boo said'' awww these are so sweet.....rapheal ]but notice secret message] ha.....WILLL YOU GO OUT WITH ME[shocked and smile] of course rapheal'' and so then mikey said'' you gave her gifts'' and raph said'' ya so to tell her how i feel'' mikey said'' WHAT I HAVE HOTS ON HER'' raph said'' dude you are dating april'' mikey said''' fair enough'' raph said'' ya'' boo  boo enter the room and said'' hey guys'' mikey said'' hey boo'' boo said'' hey raph can we talk in private'' raph said'' sure'' and so then we did and boo said'' the reason i wanna talk to you is yes i will go out with you'' raph said'' you notice the notes'' boo said'' ya i know its from you rapheal'' boo said'' the others may not under my feeling but i like you'' raph said'' oh boo'' boo said'' ya raph'' raph blushes and boo said'' raph its ok i think you look cute'' raph smile and never feel this love before

boo vampire with cloak[all tmnt] part 1Where stories live. Discover now