chapter 34

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Boo and raph an amazing sex and rosemary was playing all by herself and so then boo went to the bathroom and took a pregnancy test and said'' oh I hope I'm pregnant....[took it]please I hopefully get it[hear a beep and notice it's positive] YES IM PREGNANT AGAIN'' and raph was worried and so then boo comes out with a smile and raph said'' well' and boo said'' honey I'm pregnant again'' and raph said'' really'' and boo said'' ya I am'' and raph said'' A\THAT AWESOME WAIT WHAT ABOUT ROSEMARY OUR DAUGHTER'' and boo said'' well then let's tell her'' and raph said'' ROSEMARY COME UPSTAIRS WE HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT'' and rosemary said'' REALLY OK IM ON MY WAY'' and so rosemary did and boo smile said'' rosemary your father and I have something important to tell you'' and rosemary said'' your pregnant mother'' and boo smile said'' your good'' and raph said'' wait what'' and boo said;' honey she can read minds she is part vampire after all'' and raph said'' ya true'' and rosemary smile said'' yep true I do and I'm going to be a big sister'' and boo said'' yes sweetie'' and raph said'' yes'' rosemary said'' awesome'' and boo smile and so then later after 5 months boo relax and raph said'' honey I wish you can turn me into a vampire'' and boo said'' I know honey but I only took a little bit of your blood remember'' and raph said'' right'' and rosemary said'' I am part mutant daddy'' and raph said'' true'' and boo said'' we love you anyway right sweetie' and rosemary said'' oh ya'' and boo felt the kick said'' OH'' and raph said'' honey are you ok'' and boo said'' oh I'm ok the baby was excited too I can feel it's blue so it must be a boy'' and rosemary said'' ya a little brother'' and boo said'' yes sweetie'' and raph said'' I'm having a son awesome'' and so then boo said'' yes honey we will call our son name shadow[felt the kick] OH MY... I think the baby agree'' and raph said'' that good'' and so then boo try Meditation and raph notice said'' oh ok I gonna be in stealth'' and so then boo knows it a boy inside her and said'' HONEY I KNOW YOU ARE IN HERE'' and raph said'' oh man'' and so then boo turn on the lights and said'' figures'' and raph said'' ok you got me I'm just checking on you'' and boo said'' honey I'm fine really you know that'' and raph said'' I know'' and boo said'' you think I'm going to labor soon'' and raph said'' well yes'' and boo said'' oh rapheal you know that I love you'' and raph said'' ya I know'' and boo said;' you are cute when you are soft'' and raph blushes said'' um thanks babe'' and so then later 4 more months and boo said'' ok let's go to uncles until it's time'' and raph said'' good idea honey let's go rosemary'' and rosemary said'' ok daddy I'll play with uncle Mikey'' and boo said'' yes I'm sure[water broke] now'' and raph said'' OH MY SHELL BROTHERS NOW ITS A EMERGENCY'' and brothers some in just in time and took her to the lab and boo breath hard and Donnie said'' YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT TO DO'' and rosemary went to play with uncle Mikey for 2 hours and boo hear shadow cry and Donnie smile as he did his thing and said'' cangrats it's a boy'' and boo smile as hold him said'' hi shadow I'm your mother and thinks your father rapheal'' and raph said'' hi little one'' and boo smile said'' let's bring our daughter'' and rapheal said'' I'll get her'' and so then raph come over and rosemary said'' what is it daddy'' and raph said'' wanna meet your baby brother'' and rosemary said'' ya'' and so then raph said'' let's go'' and so then rosemary walk over see a new member in mommy arms and said'' woah that my little brother what his name'' and boo said'' shadow'' and rosemary said'' wow may I hold him'' and boo said'' yes sweetie two hands through'' rosemary said'' ok[hold him two hands] hi shadow I'm your big sister rosemary but you can call me rose' and shadow smile as looking at his big sister and everyone said'' AWWW'' and raph said'' may I rose'' and rosemary said'' sure thing dad''and so then raph hold his son and happy to be a father

boo vampire with cloak[all tmnt] part 1Where stories live. Discover now