chapter 28

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after 4 months boo rubbing her tummy at home and raph said'' how are you honey'' boo said'' im doing great honey the baby is kicking sometimes'' raph said'' oh may i touch it'' and boo said'' ya'' raph touch it and feel it said'' is it a girl or boy yet'' boo said'' hmmm im not sure yet ill ask donnie'' raph said'' ok then' 'boo said'' raph what do you think our kid is'' raph said'' hmmm im gonna say a girl'' boo said'' really think so'' raph said'' ya i always wanted to have to is like us u know'' boo said'' yes but it could be son'' raph said'' oh right'' boo said'' yes honey it doesn't matter but ill let you know'' raph said'' ok honey'' boo went over said'' hey is anyone seen donnie'' mikey said'' at his lab as usual'' boo said'' ok then'' and boo went over and donnie said'' oh hey boo oh'' boo said'' yes donnie im pregnant'' donnie said'' i guess we are uncles ha'' boo said'' yep did raph told you'' donnie said'' hmmm yes'' boo said'' i thought i was wondering if you can tell me what kind of gender the baby is'' donnie said'' alright let's find out'' and so then boo sat down on the bed and donnie takes a look said'' hmmm'' boo said'' well donnie'' donnie said'' hmm im gonna say its a girl'' boo said'' omg that amazing'' donnie said'' alright then'' boo said'' i better tell raph about this'' donnie said'' he will be surprised'' and boo got out of bed and said'' thanks donnie'' donnie said'' anytime sister'' boo smile and walk away and said''YOU GUYS ARE GONNA HAVE A NIECE'' mikey said''A NIECE YAY'' leo said'' cool'' and boo went home and saw raph working out said'' hey honey i have some news'' boo said'' what is it'' boo said'' we are having a daughter'' raph said'' that wonderful babe'' boo said'' yes it is''but we both need to protect rosemary hamato when she is born'' raph said'' yes honey for our family and our daughter''boo smile as feel the kick said'' i think she likes it'' and boo feels the kicks said'' yes rosemary i know'' and so then boo finally relax all she wanted just until rosemary is born and raph treated her very well like a real queen and so then after 5 more months boo tummy got bigger and she will water break soon and boo sighed said'' man its not easy but ill get used to it'' and boo smile and raph said'' honey are you ok'' boo said'' ya im ok honey'' and until feel water said'' OH GOD'' raph said'' what is it honey'' boo said''THE BABY IS COMING GET DONNIE NOW''and raph shout said''DONNIE COME HERE RIGHT AWAY THE BABY IS COMING'' donnie said'' IM COMING'' and donnie come over and boo breath hard and raph quickly get a blanet,towel said'' here donnie'' donnie said'' thanks[put towel underneath and blanket on her body]'' boo said'' UGH'' donnie said'' ok boo take a deep breath'' and boo did slowly and raph said'' im here babe'' boo said'' thanks honey'' donnie said'' ok 1,2,3 PUSH'' boo did and donnie said'' ok i see the head and keep breathing'' boo did said'' let me guess its a big one'' donnie said'' ok 1,2,3 BIG PUSH'' boo did it until rosemary cried and donnie carry her on the towel also cut the core and begin to clean her and rosemary still crying and its time to meet her parents boo holds her said'' she looks beautiful'' raph said'' ya she is nothing like me'' boo smile said'' RAPHEAL WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK'' raph said'' sorry '' boo said'' wanna hold her'' and raph said'' sure and boo gave it to him and raph holds her said'' hey there  rosemary welcome to the family'' boo said'' is she opening her eyes'' raph notice something and rosemary  eyes are about to open and he smiles said'' she is honey'' boo said'' omg let me see'' raph show her said'' see'' boo said'' oh raph she has your eyes but darker'' raph said'' ya she does'' boo said'' she will have powers she gets older'' raph said'' that true honey'' donnie fix her and said'' ok done'' boo said'' thanks donnie''and mikey looks at her said'' awww hi there little guy im uncle mikey'' rosemary smile and raph said'' awww'' boo smile as mikey got closer she hits him and mikey said''OW TOUGH AS HER PARENTS'' boo said'' that our daughter'' raph said'' yep leo meet rosemary'' leo went over said'' awww she look like you guys'' raph said'' ya she gonna meet splinter'' boo said'' no honey lets wait she just 1 day old'' raph said'' oh right'' boo said'' ya'' leo said'' anyway cangrats you two'' boo said'' thanks leo '' leo said'' anytime'' and raph;s brothers left and raph said'' honey wanna hold rosemary'' boo said'' ya [holds her] she needs a bedroom'' raph said'' ya'' and now rosemary is born and she is new to this world and see what is going on

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