chapter 30

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 when she was a baby her first word is mama and then dada and have a first christmas it was fun and they are so proud of her and teach her how to walk and talk after 5 years and rosemary is drawing and boo said'' oh sweetie what are you making'' rosemary said'' my family mommy'' boo said'' awww'' rosemary said'' mom do i need to go to school'' boo said'' no sweetie you are home schooled we gonna teach you to be a warrior just like your father and i'' rosemary said'' really'' boo said'' ya of course you will have powers like me'' rosemary said'' really think so'' boo said'' i know so sweetie'' raph said'' yes your mother is right rosemary you will get there'' rosemary said'' can i learn'' boo said'' of course grandpa splinter will help you'' and rosemary said'' ok and get to see uncle leo,uncle donnie,uncle mikey'' raph said'' yes princess'' rosemary smile boo said'' you wanna learn to be a warrior'' rosemary said'' ya mom'' boo said'' lets go'' raph said'' ya'' and so then we got to the uncles lair and grandpa splinter said'' my grand daughter come over here'' rosemary did and said'' grandpa splinter will i be a warrior'' splinter said'' yes its time'' rosemary said''ok grandpa'' and splinter smiles said'' alright lets start with the basics'' and thordis listen and boo smile said'' look honey'' raph said'' oh our daughter is gonna be konaleach just like you'' boo said'' yep honey i was fast learner'' raph said'' true''' boo said'' i think is the better time to start training as long she doesn't go on topside'' rosemary hears it and said'' did they say topside'' splinter said'' hmmm rosemary what is on your mind'' rosemary said'' grandpa splinter what is topside'' splinter said'' top side is where humans are they wouldn't understand but you belong here'' rosemary said'' oh alright just curious'' and so then when everyone is talking and rosemary went up and open the lid and got up as got out and said'' wow this is amazing i should explore[she did]'' boo said'' rosemary is time to.....go oh no'' raph said'' what is it honey'' boo said'' rosemary is missing we need to find her'' rosemary walk around and notice said''oh no i feel lost what should i do'' and rosemary notice a strange police guy and keep walking and guy said'' are you lost'' rosemary said'' sort of can you help me'' guy said'' let me help you are you orphan'' rosemary said'' no i have a mommy and daddy'' guy said'' well then you are coming with me'' and rosemary is scared and ran away and guy said'' YOU LITTLE BRAT'' and rosemary  went to the dead end feeling scared and guy said'' FINALLY GOTCHA'' and rosemary need to think of something fast and dont have powers yet and rosemary trying to get away and guy grab her and said'' HEY YOU NOT GOING ANYWHERE'' and rosemary growled said'' LET ME GO'' and so then guy grab and said'' STOP SQUIRMING'  and rosemary wanna bite him maybe her fangs come out so then guy open the door of his car and throw her in and rosemary said'' umph'' and guy slam the door and went to the driver side and and rosemary   

boo vampire with cloak[all tmnt] part 1Where stories live. Discover now