Good Riddance

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As Izuku slowly crept closer and closer to the bank Trying not to get any unwanted attention, a group of people watched on and creeped through the shadows as Izuku made his way to a manhole cover. Sinister smirk growing under his mask it was payback time his rage was slowly forming and excitement slowly replaced most of his hateful thoughts.

As Izuku tore the manhole cover out of the ground a figure stood in the shadows in awe at his pure power and as they edged closer the spider ascended into the underground railroad hot on the trail of sandman.

As izuku hit the ground he jumped on the roof and crawled towards the one man he wanted to kill at this moment. As Izuku creeped closer to the sand man who was holding 10 sacks of cash in each hand as Marco heard a noise he turned his head and saw the chilling sight of spider man staring at him they were now face to face and the two engaged in battle on the underground subway.

Sandman enlarged his fist and attempted to deal the first blow but the black suited viglianti ducked under and Marco hit the wall,Flint was getting nervous "what do you want from me?" he asked, Izuku in a fit of rage couldn't hold his anger anymore "remember Ben parker" Flint began to feel guilt "the old man you shot down in cold blood" Flint needed answers now "WHAT DOES IT MATTER TO YOU ANYWAYS"


A train is going by and Izuku webbed it using that to get speed and kick Flint in the chest, it smashed through Marcos' gut which made Flint hit the signs behind. They fell down to the other tracks.


He said in a cold tone with a rage filled echo in there voice as izuku charged once again at the sandman and smashed him into the ground, breaking the tracks below them and landing on another set of train tracks. And the sandman reformed his body he began his charge at the spider launching his massive sand fist towards the spider which Izuku narrowly dodged. Marco landed a hit making Izuku fall under the tracks but he swung back up to where Marco was and kicked him into a train. Marco got up and continued to attack again. After a series of missed attacks Izuku heard a subway and a sinister smirk grew under his mask as he recklessly charged at Sandman with a monsterous plan brewing behind this attack.

As Izuku jumped to his left the sandman went to block but it was to lsge izuku had gripped onto the side of marcos head and had shoved it through the moving train tearing through marcos face.

As Izuku jumped to his left the sandman went to block but it was to lsge izuku had gripped onto the side of marcos head and had shoved it through the moving train tearing through marcos face

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Yelled the anger fueled the sandman and to his horror as he felt pure agony spiderman was feeling joy. Every time izuku pushed Marco's face further and further through the train one person was on his mind. Uncle Ben the good and the bad filled his mind as Izuku slowly put less and less force into his onslaught one last memory emerged itself.

His lifeless body uncle bens worn smile faded his eyes closed skin pale and a bullet through his chest this is what made him scream in pure rage as he reached the last crat of the subway shoving marcos hole head through it and cutting his own hand in the process.

As the last cart left izuku let go of Marco as flint, began believing his pain was coming to a close spider man jumped on his legs and began to hammer him in his chest with his bare hand punch after punch izuku's torn hand and glove slowly healed itself. Izuku was giving into his rage as within Izuku's mind a woman laughed with an arrogant kacle.

As Izuku's suit slowly changed his symbol became larger his eyes became more jagged and what looked to be a closed mouth was forming on his face.

" your not...spiderman!?"

Said sandman as the spider lifted him up his legs and arms slowly reforming and as spiderman spoke he put Flint in front of his face. And his mouth opened and a long tongue came out along with sharp fangs.


Flint heard another train coming and pushed Izuku into it causing him to break the window, Izuku jumped back up and continued throwing punches making them once again fall off the tracks. They continued to fight midair but landed on a pipe which Izuku broke when he punched Flint through it. Izuku made a web to stop him from falling as Flint fell all the way down to the bottom where he landed in water. He tried to grab the money but realised his hand was falling apart. Izuku swung down to try and kick him but Flint fought back causing Izuku to land on the water pipe. Marco began to shake as Izuku looked down hearing voices in his head

"Do it he's the reason, Ben's gone, FINISH IT"

Izuku gave in and began to pull the pipe causing the bolts to fly off. Izuku was blinded by rage as the dying image of uncle Ben flashed before his eyes as he screamed in pure rage.

As the sandman heard the sound of metal being bent by pure strength as he turned his head he saw it. The embodiment of rage and chaos tearing apart a matter pipe just before Marco got engulfed by water he heard venom's declaration.


he watched as flint slowly turned into wet sand. Izuku's cold and evil look emerged as Flint fully became sand and went into the sewers.

"Good riddance"

Chapter end

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