Spidey vs A new villain

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"Ma'am its complete" Shigiraki said as All for one was looking at the blue prints "well I must say you did excellent work doctor" she said as someone walked up "thank you ma'am with this machine you could power the world 4 times over and it will be great for out latest weapon" she said "well doctor since our plan is nearly complete I need to know you on your personal name and not your alias" All for one said as the Doctor smiled "of course my name is...

Olivia Octavius"

This time

Izuku woke up to see Momo sleeping besides him, he checked his phone to see a message from Aunt May 'Izuku if you could please accompany me to the bank because during these times I don't feel safe going alone' Izuku responded with 'Ok i'll see you at 12' as he got out of bed and had a shower. 

Momo woke up as she heard the shower running as she started thinking "oh my Izuku is in the shower...maybe I could take a quick peak" she went to the door and opened it slightly to see Izuku shirtless as she blushed madly and ran back to bed giggling. Izuku walked out of the shower in a black shirt and jeans as he saw Momo blushing "hey Momo are you ok?" he asked as she nodded "Y-yep totally fine" she said as Izuku smiled "ok then...hey I need to go to the bank with Aunt may today so we can go on a date tomorrow night if thats ok with you" Izuku said as she smiled "yea lets do that". Izuku put his shoes one and looked back at her "i'll see you later tonight ok" he said as she nodded "bye Izu" she said as he smiled at his new nickname.

Izuku was about to leave the dorms until "where are you going?" Izuku turned to see Katsumi "oh Aunt may needs me at the bank because she doesn't feel safe going alone" Izuku replied as Katsumi chuckled "I don't blame her" "OI MALE" both Katsumi and Izuku turned to see Kirishima "nice excuse to rob a bank" she said as Izuku just sighed "really you think I would rob a bank and use my Aunt as an excuse...either you are mental or stupid...or is it because you are on your period and your hair reflects that " he said as Katsumi started laughing "Nice one nerd" she said as Kirishima got mad "FUCK YOU" she yelled as she tried to throw a punch but was stopped by Katsumi "ok shitty hair leave the nerd alone GOT IT" she said as Kirishima backed off mouthing 'this isn't over'. Izuku just face palmed and left the dorms.


Izuku was at Aunt may's house as he knocked on the door, Aunt may opened it as she smiled "Izuku come in...I just need to find my bag and then we'll go ok" she said "ok Aunt may" Aunt may walked up stairs as Izuku saw Aunt may was behind on her mortgage as he looked at the stair case and frowned. Aunt may walked down stairs and saw Izuku frowning "Izuku are you ok?" she asked as Izuku sighed "yeah i'm fine lets go" he said giving a fake smile as they walked to the bank.


Both Izuku and Aunt May were at the loan department desk as Aunt may gave the woman the paper "thats the social security number" Aunt May said as the woman replied "I can see that" Izuku pointed at the paper "My Uncle Ben's life insurance" the woman replied annoyed "yes...but i'm afraid its not efficient to refinance your home" Aunt may looked at Izuku then at the woman again "oh but i'm giving piano lessons again" Izuku looked at Aunt May confused "you are?" he asked as May kicked the woman's shin "ow...oh oww" she said as Izuku looked at the woman "we appreciate that you opened a new super saver account with us today but the fact is you don't have the assets to justify this loan" the woman said as Aunt may got something out of her bag "well at least we have the free toaster" May said as the Woman shook her head "i'm sorry ma'am but thats if you deposit 300 or more" "oh yes I see" Aunt May said as she was sad Izuku just nodded as the woman walked off "it's ok Aunt May i'm sure we'll find another way" Izuku said as a woman in a coat was at the vault as 4 mechanical arms came out and pulled the vault door out

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