A night to remember

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After USJ UA had decided to continue with the sports festival but for Izuku he knew this would be a distraction so he had to not attend.

Izuku was walking up to Nezumi's office but was stopped by someone pulling his shirt "what are you doing here" Izuku turned to see Kirishima "i'm going to see Nezumi" Izuku said as Kirishima tightened her grip "and why is that" she said as Izuku knew she was trying something "because I'm not attending the sports festival as i'm not comfortable" he said as she pulled him "no I want YOU there so I can kick your ass and show your friends what a worthless male you are" Izuku was getting tired as he grabbed her arm and pushed her back "Look Kirishima I don't care what you think now if you'll excuse"


Izuku ducked to as Kirishima missed "are you serious right now" Izuku said as Kirishima got to her stance as she dropped her phone "you called everyone didn't you" Izuku said as she smirked "YO KIRISHIMA" Izuku turned to see Kaminari and Mina "KICK HIS ASS" Mina yelled as the crowd at class 1-A noticed this and ran to see it. "KICK HIS ASS" "CRUSH HIM" "TAKE HIM TO THE BAY" some of the students were chanting "jesus i'm getting deja Vu" Izuku thought as Kirishima rushed him as Izuku saw she was open as he slid under her and kicked her. "OWWWWWWW" some the the crowd screamed as Katsumi walked in "WHAT ARE YOU EXTRAS DOIN-oh hey Midorya" she said as the crowd was just looking at Katsumi like she was crazy "oh so shitty hair tried to fight you" she asked as Kirishima was still in pain "yea...ok see ya" Izuku said as he walked off.

Izuku knocked on the door onto Nezumi's office as he heard her say come in "ah Midorya what brings you here?" Nezumi asked as Izuku sat down "I would like to not attend the sports festival" Izuku said as Nezumi looked confused "and why is that?" she asked as Izuku looked down "well since i'm a male I don't feel comfortable being on TV" he said as Nezumi nodded "well ok i'll have you removed from the festival, is that all?" she asked as Izuku nodded "well ok since classes had 2 weeks to train you won't need to attend i'll see you soon" she said as Izuku walked out the door.


Izuku left class as he informed the teachers what was happening, as he walked outside he heard someone yell his name "MIDORYA" Izuku was praying it wasn't Kirishima as he turned to see...


"OH THANK GOD" Izuku thought...out loud "thank god for what?" she asked as Izuku looked away "forget it umm why did you call me" he asked as Uraraka smiled "well I wanted to thank you" she said as Izuku looked confused "for what" he asked as she looked at him "you showed me to never give up...when I arrived at UA I only did this for my parents but when you were accepted it showed me that maybe theres more and USJ you beat a villain, you did more than any of us...so thank you" she said getting closer "oh shit no no no i've seen this in an anime once, I don't want to be the bland MC who gets all the girls" Izuku thought as God heard his call and gave us an angel...

in human form "IZUKU" they turned to see Momo running at them "hey Momo" he said as he heard a growl from Uraraka "what did you need?" Izuku asked as she looked at him "oh nothing was just" she glares at Uraraka "wondering what you two were doing" Izuku moved back a bit "oooooook then well I need to go i'll see you two later" Izuku said running off.

"you had to ruin the moment" Uraraka said as Momo looked at her "what moment?" she asked clearly smirking "look I was-" "WHAT were you going to confess huh because if you were-" "NO I don't like him like that I was going to hug him and I know you get jealous when others are near Izuku" Uraraka said as Momo stepped back "oh i'm sorry" Momo said as Uraraka looked at Izuku "its fine i'll see him at the festival" Uraraka said as it started to rain.


Momo was walking down the street as she was still thinking about before "I like Izuku but also Spider-man...oh no" she thought. Izuku was on the rooftops "great its raining and I couldn't find an alley well this will do" he thought as he noticed Momo "huh she never takes this way" he thought as he noticed 3 people going after her. "hey Kid" one yelled as Momo started to run. Izuku was getting

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