How They Found You pt. 1

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(I'm using gender neutral terms like they/them/their because I don't like to put genders down, and especially since this is an x!reader and there could be males females and non binary's/genderfluid people reading this book.)

Jeff The Killer:

As Jeff walked along the path, that would undoubtedly lead to the Mansion, he thought. Lately he's felt off. It was mainly caused by loneliness and that was all he could tell. Sure he killed people and it was like he got high off their fear but lately it wasn't doing much to cover the pain he felt. 

A wail of pain stopped Jeff before he could walk into the clearing the Mansion was in. He couldn't bring himself to continue walking into the clearing, where he wouldn't hear the wails because of a charm or ward Slenderman had put so people couldn't find them. Something was telling him to follow the noise, just like when he carved a smile into his face. It was compelling. 

Jeff followed the noise and when he walked into a new clearing he found a man beating on something, and that something was screaming and crying. No doubt the voice was a child.

"Piece of shit! You little brat!" The man yelled out as the wails reached an unbearable pitch. "SHUT UP!" The man screamed, it was easy to tell the man was also drunk with the way he held himself. 

"Go. To. Sleep." Jeff laughed as he approached the man. The man looked up and fear flew across his facial features before he began laughing. 

"And what's a kid gonna do to me? Huh? Run home to mommy and daddy now." The drunk man taunted as Jeff continued walking towards him. Jeff's stride was one of confidence, like he owned the world and that unsettled the drunk man. The child's wails were quieter now that the man wasn't hurting them, but they still cried. 

Jeff began chuckling, before he fell into a pit of laughter. The man stumbled back, accidently kicking the child who screamed as something cracked and the noise filled the clearing for a split second and then the wails turned up four notches as they no doubt felt the pain. Jeff fell silent before he lunged at the man, stabbing him repeatedly before he carved a smile into the mans face, laughing as he did so. 

Jeff turned to face the screaming child and he froze, the child looked so much like Liu did in the pictures when he was a baby. Jeff still felt the rage that the drunk man had caused but whenever he looked at the child, he tested this, the rage almost disappeared. Jeff sighed as he walked over to the child and picked them up. 

The child stopped and looked at Jeff with fear in their eyes before they began giggling and reaching for Jeff, wincing softly whenever they moved. 

"Hey little one, how 'bout we get you home, cleaned up and some new clothes so you can sleep." Jeff murmured as he cradled you close and he turned to walk back to the mansion.

Ben Drowned:

Ben sighed as he walked through the internet screens, seeing everything that people did... Well as long as an electronic device faced it. He was looking for an easy victim because he had to get back to the mansion soon and he didn't feel like having a struggle.  

He was looking through a couple when a baby's cry caught his attention, he focused on the device near the baby and then that's all he could see. A baby was laying on the ground in a room filled with blood. Clearly his kill was already taken. He was going to turn away and leave when he noticed something. There was something around the baby's neck, and clutched in it's hands. 

When Ben took a closer look, he noticed it was a small pendent. It was glowing a bright green and maybe that's why he crawled through the screen of what he now identified as a computer screen. He walked over to the child and looked down at them. 

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