Bringing Them Home, pt. 3

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Eyeless Jack

EJ ran off into the woods and seemingly disappeared into the shadows. Something he picked up from Masky and Hoodie. They were practically invisible in a bright room because of this as well. He arrived at the mansion and he smiled a bit as he walked in. He immediately spotted Hoodie and Toby spying on someone. Sneaking up on them and peaking passed them, he found that they were spying on Ace and Jeff. 

"Really guys?" He asked. Both jumped up and out of hiding, catching the attention of Jeff and Ace. The latter blushing a bright red and hiding in his hands. What were they doing?

"HOODIE! TOBY!" Jeff roared. The child began crying, causing EJ to try calm them down, he shifted to his in between form so he didn't scare them as he began cooeing at them. 

"Oh. my.  gods." Ace murmured queitly, but EJ still had his senses. 

"EJ... Does Slender know?" Toby asked, he was kind of jumping in place meaning he wanted to get closer but didn't because he would scare the child. 

"No... Not yet at least." EJ responded as he held the child more protectively. Toby moved towards the two slowly, as not to spook either EJ or the child in his arms. 

"Toby..." Hoodie warned by Toby continued forward before he was right in front of the two. He looked at the child and waved slightly. The child looked up at him and his eyes widened, he didn't move other then that. It was then that EJ noticed he's never seen their eyes. 

Shifting lightly he turned them to face him more and he smiled at their eyes, pure black with the iris's where pure white. Everything else of their eyes were black.

Eyeless Jack... Who is that. Slenderman demanded. Jeff, Ace, EJ, Hoodie, Toby and the child jumped. The child also began crying again. EJ focused on the child first before he turned towards Slenderman and just simply looked at him. 

"I wish to raise them." EJ responded after a couple minutes in silence. Hoodie and Toby hissed at the tone of defiance towards him and backed up quickly as Ace and Jeff winced. Slenderman stared at him for quite sometime before nodding and leaving. Hoodie and Toby immediately cried in outrage towards EJ, telling him how dangerous that was.

Homicidal Liu

Liu held the child against his chest as he walked, Slenderman would be hard to convince but Liu held hope. Jeff was making faces at the child so they would laugh and giggle. Liu smiled as they walked, it was calming. 

"We're almost there." Masky called back, they weren't heading back to the mansion Liu noticed and he sighed. Slenderman probably didn't want too many others around in case he said no and Liu went into a rage. 

He followed silently as he watched around him, Jeff and the child protectively. Just in case he needed to bolt and take the child, and possibly Jeff, with him. Jeff seemed almost as attached to the child as Liu was, key word is almost. 

Liu didn't need to know when Slenderman appeared, he could feel it... And it was clear that the child could too. 

Who is this? Slenderman asked as he approached from behind. 

"This is..... (Y/N)." Liu responded, choosing a name at random. Slenderman regarded Liu and (Y/N) before nodding slowly. 

I see. Slenderman responded quietly. Liu held the child closer to his chest and Jeff stood between Liu and (Y/N) and Slenderman. It was a clear sign of 'You cant touch them' from Jeff.

"The child pulled Liu out of his rage. Before we were even there." Jeff responded before Slenderman could say anything else.

Fine. But..... (Y/N)...... is Liu's responsibility. Slenderman responded before he was gone in a burst of static energy.

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