Morning in Their Lives, pt. 1

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Ben Drowned

Ben woke up suddenly as a cry sounded through out his created world. He jumped up and raced to the room he knew it was coming from, his (Y/N)'s room. He ran into the room to find that his child was up and clapping from where they laid. 

"You gave me a heart attack (Y/N)." Ben lightly scolded, (Y/N) simply giggled and reached out for him, to which Ben obliged as he walked over and picked (Y/N) up to get ready for the day. The world made sure they were technically a real substance and so it was like actually caring for a human child, even if they were glitches in a system. 

Ben sighed as he laid (Y/N) on the changing table; grabbing a diaper, wipes and an onesie for afterwards. Today he had no mission's because he was ahead of everyone else, so that meant he could spend the day coddling (Y/N). 

He worked fast as he wiped their butt, slid the diaper on under (Y/N), put baby powder on so that there was no chance of (Y/N) getting a rash, fixing the diaper closed and slipping (Y/N) into the onesie and picking them up. It was a cycle that he went through everyday through the last couple of weeks since taking (Y/N) in. He hasn't heard from Dark Link in that time either... But that could be since Ben is technically hiding from the world in his own world. 

"Let's go get something to eat, yes?" Ben asked (Y/N) as he left the room, cradling (Y/N) protectively, even if nothing could hurt them where they were. (Y/N) giggled and clapped their hands excitedly.

During those few weeks, Ben has learned that (Y/N) was around 5 weeks, so about a month and half, which meant that he had to help support (Y/N) around the neck area when feeding or sitting or cuddling. He hoped around the 3rd month mark for (Y/N) would be easier form then on for that he wasn't always worrying when he was on a mission, though he doubted that was possible. 

"Okay, little (Y/N). Today is a bottle but in three or four months I can use more solids!" Ben tried for enthusiastic, but he failed as he was still tired from the scare of an awakening. (Y/N) giggled anyways as he laid (Y/N) on the couch with pillows on either and all sides of (Y/N) so they couldn't fall off or roll off or get hurt. 

Ben smiled and kissed (Y/N)'s forehead before getting up and walking to the kitchen, wondering if he should reach out to Dark Link as both did and both do want to raise (Y/N) like their own. Ben sighed and quickly filled the bottle with luke warm water before scooping in a spoon and a half of formula(someone correct me if I'm wrong, it's been years since I've made a bottle for a baby that needs one) before shaking it to mix it together. 

"(Y/N), now let's not fight me today please." Ben bargained as he walked back into the room and crouch my (Y/N), gently picking them up and cradling them once more, rocking (Y/N) slightly as (Y/N)'s eyes shined with mischief and Ben groaned. "No fighting, or no bottle." Ben bargained and (Y/N)'s eyes widened, tears filling them as (Y/N) began to cry. 

"No no no no! No crying (Y/N), I'm sorry!" Ben exclaimed and quickly brought the bottle to (Y/N)'s mouth, who quieted and began to drink happily. 

"You are so whipped." A voice chuckled from behind Ben, startling him into turning around. Dark Link was leaning against the doorway watching carefully as Ben relaxed a bit. 

"You scared me." Ben scolded as Dark Link pushed off of the wall. 

"And you hid from me." Dark Link responded. 

"I did not! I simply created a world so that (Y/N) was away from Jeff and Toby." Ben responded stubbornly. Dark Link smiled and nodding along with that as he watched (Y/N) carefully, protectively. 


A couple weeks had gone by and Masky was ecstatic to find the apartment was his to use to take care of (Y/N). Hoodie would stop by occasionally to check on Masky, watch (Y/N) when Masky had a mission or just for fun as Masky and him were close. This particular morning Masky didn't have a mission so he wanted to spend the day with (Y/N) and possibly Hoodie if he was free and came over.

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