Morning in Their Lives, pt. 2

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Ticci Toby

Toby sighed as he pushed himself into a sitting position, looking over to the silent crib in his room. He had woken up from another nightmare, and he didn't want to wake (Y/N) up. He curled into a ball as he watched the crib carefully, he was over joyed when he finally got it finished... He had stayed up for three weeks creating it, carefully designing it. Well, that was after he had gotten all of the stuff (Y/N) would need. 

He doesn't remember actually finishing it though, he had passed out and woken up in his bed, he doesn't know who helped him, but Masky and Hoodie have been easier on him so there was that. 

Toby slipped out of bed and changed quickly, grabbing (Y/N)'s clothes, diaper and everything he would need for when (Y/N) woke up before he slipped out of the room, after setting the baby monitor next to his bed and on his belt of course. 

He jogged down the stairs quietly, no need to wake anyone up at this time. (Y/N) practically always knew when Toby was awake, and wouldn't take long to wake up so that had a pretty similar sleep pattern, well... (Y/N) definitely got more sleep then he did. 

Toby slipped into the kitchen and began making a bottle for (Y/N) so that he was prepared. 

"You know. (Y/N)'s not awake yet, no need to make a bottle." EJ sighed as he walked into the kitchen. Toby held up and hand and counted down from 5, when he hit zero, (Y/N) began crying having woken up. "I still don't know how you do that!" EJ quietly exclaimed, having jumped a bit from the sudden crying. 

Toby shrugged and turned the monitor off before lightly jogging back upstairs and to his own room, slipping inside and towards (Y/N)'s crib. (Y/N) stopped crying when the door opened, and began giggling instead. 

Toby walked over and smiled down at (Y/N), setting the bottle off to the side, Toby picked (Y/N) up and changed them as fast as he could, changing them into a onesie for a 'in day' as he had the day off. Toby handed the bottle to (Y/N), who was able to feed them self with the bottle and have more solid foods. Toby would make pancakes later for everyone else, as he knew EJ was leaving the house for a couple days today. 

Slenderman was watching from the camera's with Masky and Hoodie beside me. 

"He's doing well... Matured really fast too." Masky commented, pride swelling in his chest for the boy he say as a little brother. Hoodie nodded to Masky's statement as Slenderman sighed. 

But I worry, their sleep patterns are extremly similar to a t. I think the child had abilities, and one lets them know everything about Toby's wellness and where he is and if he's awake or not. Slenderman explained. 

"We'll watch them." Masky responded. Slenderman nodded, releasing the two of them as Toby left his room. 

I know you will. I know. Slenderman thought to himself as he let the camera's turn off. 

Toby was later found in the kitchen with (Y/N)in a high chair eating cut up pancakes, normal ones that were cooled off. On plates were differently made ones. Jeff likes apples in his, Liu likes blueberries; Sally Ben and LJ all preferred chocolate chips whereas Masky and Hoodie liked normal ones. 

Everyone loved when Toby was able to cook for them, they'd been getting it a lot since (Y/N) came to the mansion, it's the first time they learned Toby could cook. And the first time Slenderman relaxed with Toby in the kitchen by himself.


Waking up to silence terrified Slenderman. Not even (Y/N) was crying. And that in it's self was a feat that he would reward who ever could get (Y/N) to stop. Slenderman changed into his normal black suit and searched the house to find Liu had (Y/N), they were in the living room. Jeff was also there, but sleeping on the couch as Liu sat in one of the arm chairs. 

Slenderman walked out of his room and almost glided to the living room, where Liu was silently cooing at (Y/N), but when he looked up Slenderman realized that Sully was out. How odd, usually there would definitely be more noise, especially yelling from Jeff and Sully at each other. 

Typically, the house isn't this quiet. Slenderman projected his thoughts to the ward, who looked up sharply. 

"I know. But Jeff was with (Y/N) as the Proxies were on a mission, EJ is in the city, Sally and LJ are off playing their games a couple states over, Ben's playing video games in his room and Liu had been sleeping peacefully when I took over." Sully explained, his voice was slightly layered and a bit deeper then Liu's. Jeff shifted on the couch, but didn't wake up. 

I see. I thank you then, typically (Y/N) is crying a storm right now. Slenderman thanked Sully who only nodded in acknowledgement. (Y/N) was sleeping peacefully as Sully rocked them. How long has Jeff been down here asleep? Slenderman asked, he was careful not to wake Jeff and only projected to Sully who sighed a bit. 

"Couple hours. It's around noon, we let you sleep in seeing as you didn't get any sleep the night before." Sully responded. Slenderman nodded and gently picked Jeff up and carefully maneuvered Jeff into his own bed, Smile Dog was in the dog bed next to Jeff's bed sleep peacefully, must not have known Jeff even left the room.

Slender turned back and walked back to the living room and noticed that (Y/N) was beginning to stir, Sully was quick to quiet them as they looked around curiously before giggling at Sully who was cooing once more. 

"If you'd like. I can watch (Y/N) for the day. Let you get caught up with work?" Sully offered, looking back up at Slenderman who watched carefully. "Liu won't be able to fight me, especially with (Y/N) in my arms." He added. 

I suppose that would be very helpful. Thank you. Slenderman nodded at one of his wards and after a burst of static he was in his office and working. Sully seemed good with kids, and the two might have similar origins. Sully was conisdered a Demon, Liu a human. (Y/N) quite possibly was both... Like EJ.

Laughing Jack

LJ woke up with a start, (Y/N) wasn't in the room and it was making him panic. He got dressed into today's clothes that matches yesterdays and rushed out of his room and to the living room where (Y/N) was sitting next to Ben who was playing video games with Jeff. 

"Next time... Please leave a note if you plan on kidnapping my kid." LJ sighed and it startled Ben and Jeff. The child simply giggled and smacked the controller from Ben's hands, picking it up and clinging to it. 

"We will, and (Y/N) no. You don't know how to play yet. You aren't old enough yet." Ben responded as he tried to grab the controller from (Y/N) who simply glared at him. Looking down the began pushing buttons and moving the joystick, somehow surpassing Jeff and winning.

"What? No! That's cheating!" Jeff exclaimed angrily as (Y/N) giggled. 

"Uncy Peff anwy!" (Y/N) giggled happily. Everyone stopped and stared at (Y/N) who was oblivious to their staring, instead content with hugging the control to their stomach and away from Ben. In the almost year since (Y/N) had joined them, they had never spoken. Not once. Hell, (Y/N) barely even cried unless Masky was in the room! So (Y/N) speaking suddenly was a surprise and shocking. 

"(Y/N), can you repeat that please?" LJ asked. (Y/N) looked up confused and nodded. 

"Uncy Peff anwy!" (Y/N) repeated, exactly word for word. LJ's eyes lit up and he scooped (Y/N) into a hug, the control dropped from (Y/N)'s arms and to the couch as Jeff's eyes filled with happy tears and Ben was still processing that Jeff got the uncle title first. 

"I'm so proud of you (Y/N)! So so proud!" LJ exclaimed happily, not even minding the fact that it was a Jeff related comment a their first words. (Y/N) giggled as Liu entered the room, a quick glance at his eyes and everyone knew it was in fact Sully causing (Y/N) to screamed happily, reaching for him.

"Uncy Soully!" (Y/N) cried out happily. Everyone looked at (Y/N) in amazement. EJ had been right, (Y/N) wasn't talking because they hadn't been comfortable too yet. Jeff and Sully weren't too surprised by this as LJ handed (Y/N) off to Sully who glanced at them amused. 

"Did you kicked Jeff's ass at Mario Kart?" Sully asked, fully ignoring the betrayed sputtering of Jeff as (Y/N) nodded excitedly. LJ laughed as Ben tired to hid his laughing. It was a good start to the morning at least as Jeff wasn't trying to kill Sully, or vice versa, so that they could keep (Y/N) happy and not crying.

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