How They Found You pt.2

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Ticci Toby:

Toby sighed as he followed a trail that he was told to take by Hoodie and Masky. In all honesty, he thinks they were just trying to get ride of him for a couple of hours. It wouldn't be the first time, but it was annoying. 

 A small cry broke Toby out of his thoughts, looking around quickly he found a basket about 10 feet from him. He slowly walked towards the basket ticing softly, peering in hesitantly. Inside Toby found a small child no older then 5 months laying inside the basket, tears rolling down their face. 

 "Ah, hey little one." Toby cooed lightly as he ticed, staring at the child who just stared at back at him. Toby tried for a smile, no reaction. "Come on... Let's get you somewhere warm... Yeah?" Toby asked, the child simply stared at him... Almost like the child couldn't interpret emotions. Toby sighed as he picked up the basket, head slamming into his shoulder, the child still had tears streaming down their face... But it didn't seem to be something the child really noticed. 

 "Toby? Where did you go? We have to get back now!" Toby heard Hoodie shout in the distance. Toby sighed once more as he gently rocked the basket, following the sound of Hoodie's voice. He slowly walked along the trail as he heard Masky join in on calling for him. He would wait a while longer before responding, he wanted to make sure that he didn't spoke the child laying in the basket that rested against his side. 

 "Toby! Come on! Where are you?" Masky called out, Toby decided now would be a good time to call out, before they called for Slendy. 

 "I'm over here." Toby called, he could feel the child slightly jump as he rose his voice to call back to Masky and Hoodie. Looking back down at the child, who seemed to be crying slightly harder without actually crying, Toby suppressed another sigh... He seemed to be sighing a lot with in the last half hour. 

 "Hey little one, it's okay. No need to cry. I was just calling out to my friends, no need for them to go back to our boss and saying I wasn't listening." Toby explained, the child looked at Toby before offering a small, delicate smile, that brightened Toby's mood. 

 "Toby... Who is that?" Toby heard Masky ask. Looking up, he found Hoodie and Masky looking at the child, but they didn't seem surprised for any reason.


Slenderman walked through the woods, hunting down his next victims. They had trespassed after he let them live the first time, and it was only because they had a child with them. 

Slowly approaching the couple, he noticed the child was, again, with them. The child was no older than 7 months, but was tiny... Almost like it was a premature birth, or the child was underfed.

He followed them until they reached a clearing, in which the couple set the child down in the middle. The women kissed the child's forehead before turning around and leaving. The man had left a note next to the child before following his partner. 

Slenderman felt rage grow inside of him, causing him to lash out at the couple... Not like he wasn't going to anyways. They were leaving a defenseless baby in the middle of the woods! That wasn't okay, even to a killer... Well... Maybe not to Jeff.

After Slenderman dealt with the parents, he walked over to the child, and simply stared down at it. The child seemed to be asleep... Until they opened their eyes. Slenderman was almost hypnotized by them. They where pure black, with a sea green pentagram as pupils and irises.

Bending down towards the child, who seemed to be smiling up at him, Slenderman gently picked up the child. The child giggled airily, before they were sent through a coughing fit. Slenderman almost panicked before he rested the child against his shoulder and lightly patted their back, ending their little fit before it could get bad.

He also picked up the note, of which it seemed the parents had written together. 

Please watch over our child, (Y/N), we cannot take care of them due to reasons with their eyes. We don't want to get casted out of our home town, though we suspect by the time you are reading this, you would have already killed us. We really really do love our child, but we can't lose our home rights. 

They were born on August 8th, almost a year old now... We know, our child looks to be underfed, but that is not the case. My mother(The mother of the mother) would abuse our child, but knew that we could not get casted out, as it would bring shame on our family. So she kept it secret... We hope you can raise them better then we ever would have been able too. 

Thank you,

(Y/N)'s Parents.

Slenderman sighed, well as what he could seeing as he didn't have a mouth, as he looked at the child who fell asleep on his shoulder. He mentally chuckled before he began walking back towards the mansion. Seems the parents weren't so bad after all... Even predicted their own deaths.

Laughing Jack(I don't know much about how LJ kills, so if someone could correct me please! I've also never really been to what I'm describing...) :

Laughing Jack was slipping through different carnivals around the neighborhood he was currently stalking. He had been in the area for around four months, usually he left by now... But something was drawing him in, and he wanted to figure it out. 

While walking through one of the tents, he noticed a lone child laying asleep on the ground. Taking a look around quickly, it was a performers tent... And there were lions surrounding the child. Protecting them. Laughing Jack sighed before he slowly began to walk forward. The Lions, seeing him approach, growled warningly before they let him through, and made a path to the child.

The child had woken up due to the lions growling, but all they did was stare at Laughing Jack with amusement... Something that the almost 1 year old managed to pull off. Laughing Jack must admit, he was impressed. 

"Hey there little one, my name is Laughing Jack! But people, my friends, call me LJ!" LJ exclaimed with a cynical laugh afterwards. The child simply smiled at him, before reaching out as if they wanted to be picked up, which they probably did seeing as the ground isn't that comfortable. 

LJ smiled in surprise, having wanted to hide the fact he was surprised from the almost 1 year old, as he picked them up. The child giggled as they curled into the LJ, seeking warmth from him. LJ wrapped his arms around the young child, slowly rocking them to sleep. LJ sighed again, before looking at the Lions surrounding them. 

"Are we allowed to leave?" LJ jokingly asked them, and was very surprised to see them make a path for him to exit the tent with the child. "You all can visit them whenever." LJ murmured to who he thought was the head lion. The lion nodded so he assumed that the lion was the leader of the pride. LJ smiled and walked out, cuddling with the child he was vowing to protect, even if he didn't know why.

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