Bringing Them Home, pt. 4

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Puppeteer got to a house that was only for him and he walked inside. He knew he was going to raise the child to be a killer, but how bad could that be? The child seemed easy enough to take care of. For now.

Puppeteer walked into his own room, where he had a crib set up after the first week of watching the mother and her child. He laid down the infant and smiled a soft small tiny smile at them. It was all he could manage, even if the child's mere presence sparked joy all around them.

He walked around the house a bit, trying to find the bottle of formula that he had hidden somewhere, he didn't need Zachary or Emra to find it on accident. 

It took an hour to find it. He found it of course but he cursed himself for it taking so long. He walked to the kitchen and made a bottle for the infant that was, shit that was now crying from upstairs. 

Puppeteer raced upstairs to find the child alone and upset. They stopped crying when he walked in, bottle in hand. The baby cooed at him and Puppeteer smiled at them. Walking over, he picked the baby up and gently rocked them.

"Time to eat, little one." He murmured, Bringing the nipple to their mouth. The took the nipple in their mouth and began lightly drinking, not to fast and not to slow. Puppeteer was amazed by their restraint. Most children would have drunken until they threw up or choked!

The child gave off the feeling of so much happiness, love and adoration... The complete opposite of himself...

Jason the Toy Maker

Turns out he didn't need to ask EJ. EJ had apparently at some point come up to wake him up and had seen the infant and Jason sleeping. He had left them alone and four hours later came back with so much Baby stuff you would think he worked at a bakery. Jason was amazed when he woke up. 

"I noticed the child a couple hours ago, Slender knows and is okay with it as long as the child doesn't leak our secret. I decided to help out because I could... I didn't know if they had a favorite animal or not so I got all kind of stuffed animals... Umm...." EJ began murmuring to himself as Jason watched over the child, that was now his, play with some of the Panda Stuffed animals. The wolf and the fox not to far from reach.

"Thank you, EJ, seriously, thank you." Jason thanked, interrupting EJ as he continued to mumble. Eyeless Jack smiled and nodded as they watched the child protectively. They would so protect the child with their life.

In the nursery there were some cribs for if his friends were younger then normal, a couple beds for his normal friends, and slightly bigger beds for if his friends were older then normal. EJ had gotten formula, blankets, some pillows, the stuffed animals, diapers, clothes. Everything that would be necessary for raising a kid, which Jason was grateful for. 

"You're welcome, Jason. Just know, I don't think you could scare them away." EJ smiled as Jason lit up on that. 

"I sure hope so." Jason watched them play like their was no care in the world. And for now? There really wasn't any. They were safe, nothing could touch them, nothing could harm them.

Ace the Killer

He walked back to Slender Mansion, cradling the small child. Halfway to the mansion, he stopped and changed course to the cabin he grew up in. Robin cut any and all contact with him after he killed their mother, and she made it clear that the cabin was fully his and she wanted nothing to do with it. So that would be a perfect place to raise a child!

I'm raising a child I found. Ace sent a small message to Slenderman, free of the stutter that was usually also present when sending a message to the faceless entity, letting anyone who heard that it was not up for discussion and he was completely serious.

He got no response but he felt calm, letting him know that Slender didn't mind at all. It took an extra hour, because he didn't want to run into his boyfriend just yet so he took the long way. Ace managed to get to his cabin undetected by the smile faced killer, which was a feat because they had micro-senses when it came to the other. 

He sighed as he walked in and towards his own room. It was probably time he cleaned the entire cabin instead of just his room. But for now, his room would work just fine. He set the small child down and looked around. 

"Okay, now. We need to get you some clothes..." Ace murmured. 

"Not a problem." Someone spoke from behind him, Ace jumped and spun around protectively blocking the child to face the door way where Jeff was leaning against the frame with a genuine smile showing through his own cut one. 

"What?" Ace asked quietly. Jeff motioned to behind him, Ace trusted Jeff so he followed and the minute he left the room, the child began crying again. Ace rounded and scooped the child up, effectively quieting them as he turned to Jeff who looked amused. 

Ace followed Jeff as they walked into the living room to find a crib, clothes, blankets, pillows. Everything the three would need to survive here. Food and drinks as well. 

"Slenderman put everything together and dropped me off afterward." Jeff explained. Ace smiled and looked up at him slightly. He was watching me happily. 

"Will you help me with them?" Ace asked. Jeff's smile softened. 

"Of course." Jeff wrapped his arms around Ace and the child, and held them close to him as they relaxed. 

"We're going to need to clean." Ace groaned and Jeff laughed as the child giggled. 

"(Y/N)." Jeff looked at the child who looked up at him sharply. Ace chuckled. 

"Well, that's decided then." Ace smiled at them, as they looked around the mess surrounding them. 

"Well that's one thing." Jeff chuckled and kissed my forehead.

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