How They Found You pt. 3

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Lake and Abaddon belong to the person this chapter is dedicated to. Wattpad is having technical difficulties apparently.

Eyeless Jack:

Eyeless Jack, otherwise known as EJ by his friends and fellow Creepypasta's, was walking around the abandoned side of a town nearby Slender woods. He didn't really have a goal in mind, he had enough food to last a couple months and he was content for the time being. He had no mission's because Jeff fucked up and almost got them found, so now they were in hiding again... Ish. EJ was in a human-ish form, a gift from Slenderman to all of his wards, so he had eyes that he could see out of.

It would be a form he would always be in... But he would end up missing his extra senses he had grown accustom too. So he was often found in his Creepypasta form or a mix of the two, which he had figured out was possible... But the others hadn't yet. He was in the mixed form now. 

As EJ was passing a particular warehouse, one that sparked a chain of memories he would rather forget, a cry rang out... From inside the building. EJ froze as the cry registered. It was definitely a kid that cried, but the why was unknown.

EJ sighed as he slowly made his way inside of the warehouse, curiosity dragging him in. He slowly walked around corners, careful not to be spotted until he knew why a child was crying. He didn't know if there were people here or not. He didn't know if this was a trap or not.

Turning around a corner, EJ stopped. He was on a balcony of sorts, hidden in the shadows, and was carefully looking down. In the middle of a crudely drawn circle was a baby, from this distance he couldn't guess an age but he guessed the child was an infant or very young toddler. 

The child was surrounded by three people, it had seemed to be only females. 

"What do we do now?" One asked, the other two shrugged as they focused on the child. 

"We could kill it. It's the child of Satan after all." A second suggested. 

"NO! They're just a baby!" The third responded outraged. 

"Sally, we can't take care of Satan's child!" The first reprimanded. 

"I don't care if we can't. I will." 'Sally' responded. 

"Sally sally sally.  What have we taught you about emotions." The second one chided, Sally looked down but didn't respond. 

"Maria... What should we do with her?" The first asked now. 

"Annie. we have to kill her. She knew the rules. Emotions for sacrifices will get you killed. She got attached." 'Maria' responded to 'Annie'. 

"NO!" Sally exclaimed. EJ decided he had heard enough, full shifting into his Creepypasta form he attacked the first 2 girls. He left the third alone. He walked towards the child and picked them up gently. 

"Pl-please don't hurt them!" Sally exclaimed quietly. 

"I won't. They will be safe with me. You better get out of here, cops are on their way... Someone tipped them off." EJ responded before he seemingly disappeared. But he faintly heard her say something. 

"Thank you, Jack, their name is (Y/N)." And then she was gone. Why was she familiar though?

Homicidal Liu:

Liu sighed as he walked along the tree line. Ever since Slenderman took him from Zalgo, he's been happier... But he couldn't help but think something was missing. Sully had been separated from him, but he still sometimes acted like him... Like when he went into a rage he would kill hundreds if not stopped. 

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