How They Found You pt. 4

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Puppeteer was floating around his next victim's house, his two proxies were inside waiting for his command to attack. But something was holding him back from giving the signal, something that hasn't happened before. He floated to the window, just simply staring at the young girl, who was crouching by something, something that moved. 

"Master?" His first Proxy asked, his masterpiece was staring at him curiously as he watched the victim. 

"Yes Emra?" He asked, it came out more gentle then he intended, but he brushed it off. 

"Would you like us to kill her now? Or would you like to?" She asked as Zachary stood next to her, but also off to the side. 

"We'll wait for a while longer." Puppeteer decided after a couple of moments. Zachary almost groaned but managed to hide it. Emra nodded and both her and Zachary walked off, leaving Puppeteer to watch the women. 

The longer he watched, the more he learned. The thing she was crouched in front of was a baby, she was abused, the child was abused and neglected. All in all, the child kind of reminded him of Zachary... But at the same time it didn't. The child gave off the feeling of so much happiness, love and adoration... The complete opposite of himself...

Weeks passed, and he noticed the child getting thinner... And one day, both parents didn't return. Four days passed before Puppeteer made his way inside and towards the child, gently picking them up with his Golden Strings and holding them like they were made of glass. 

"Hi little one. How bout I take care of you, huh?" Puppeteer murmured, leaving the building with the child who simply smiled and giggled at him.

Jason The Toy Maker:

Jason the Toy Maker was walking around a shady side of town, he was still pissed off and hurt from his last 'friend' and he needed to be left alone for a while. He was hurt. He sighed as he shifted back to his more human form, his honey colored eyes looked around in sadness as he noticed all of the kids. He just wanted someone that would stay with him, and never turn away from him at a slight anger outburst from him. Someone he couldn't scare away.

A broken cry came from a house nearby, catching his attention. He followed the noise, recognizing the sound of loneliness from a mile away. He approached the building slowly, half expecting someone to pop up out of nowhere... Jeff and Ben had a tendency to do that.

Walking inside, Jason followed the noise to a room that only held a desk and a computer. But if you looked around carefully, which he did, he noticed something in a bag under the desk. It was moving around, quite frantically if he were being quite honest. Walking over to the beg, Jason picked it up and set it on the desk. 

It had stopped moving when Jason had knocked over the door on his way over to the bag. Jason opened the bag and gasped in horror, which is saying something, at the sight of a baby laying in the bag. 

The child was covered in dirt, blood coming from different woods, puss coming from a couple as well... The child was also only wearing a diaper, which was filled times 100 and Jason was horrified as the child simply looked at him with a 'why did you bother me' type of look. Jason held up a finger, created a doorway, picked up the bag and made his way into his workshop and over to a newer door, which was a nursery. 

He walked in and over to a changing table, picking the baby up he placed them on the table. He pulled the diaper off the child... And ran to a garbage to throw up. He had stayed there for a couple extra minutes before walking back over to a small tub and began filling it with water. 

He sighed as he turned back to the child who was watching him weirdly... almost like they knew everything he was doing and was confused and amazed by it. He grabbed three packages of baby wipes and gulped before he began cleaning up the child's butt... 

Fifteen minutes later and the baby was sitting in the tub like thing giggling and splashing with the water. Jason smiled, before walking away to grab a small onesie, specifically a red one with black accents. He walked back over and grabbed some anti botanic cream before picking the child up and setting them down on a clean towel and draining the water to refill with clean water.

"Okay kid, I need to clean your cuts so don't squirm to much... Okay?" Jason asked. The child nodded and Jason smiled. Picking up a small wash cloth he began to clean the wounds, the child only squirming because of the temperature. 

When the cuts were clean Jason refilled the now clean tub and let them splash the water around with their feet and hands... Jason was constantly making sure they didn't fall in. Jason grabbed some bandages and wrapped them up before dressing them in the onesie and cradling them to his side.

"I'll take care of you, and no one will ever harm you if I can help it." Jason murmured as their eyes began shutting and they slowly fell asleep. Jason made a note to ask EJ for Baby formula.

Ace The Killer:

Ace sighed as he walked around the small village he had found. It was more of a small town by this point but he didn't care. He had felt drawn here, and he always trusted his instinct or gut feeling if he's drawn somewhere. 

He was passing a house that had overgrown vines climbing up the side of the walls, the grass wasn't cut and the windows were broken. Surprisingly there was no graffiti or any vandalism. It was weird, but that isn't what caught his full attention. No. It was crying that came from inside. It was the crying of a child, age was undetermined. Ace sighed as he began to walk inside and towards the room the crying was loudest, and in all honesty it wasn't that loud to begin with.

Entering what seemed to have once been a nursery laid a child in a basket. Almost like someone knew the family that once lived here and just simply abandoned the child. This was the only room with no dust, he had double checked just to be sure. Ace looked at the child and smiled softly at them. They were staring at him with fear, which to be fair was normal. His katana's on his back and the shiny metal throwing cards hanging from a rectangular pouch was not normal... Remembering that he quickly zipped up the pouch so that the child wouldn't be to scared. 

"Hi there little one, I'm Ace, short for Jaseon(Jase-E-on), or Jase." Ace introduced himself, even if the child wouldn't understand him. Getting used to his voice might help calm the child down, seeing as they were still crying. 

Ace sighed as the child didn't quiet down, so he walked over to the child and picked them up, effectively quieting them. The two just stared at each other before Ace sighed and cradled them to his chest and walked out. 

No point in letting the child die.

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