fundy - blood

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gender neutral
implied dating
plot: you're not a trained fighter and get attacked by dream
warnings: blood, swearing

notes: realistic minecraft

We were all waiting and joking around by the large stone tower in the middle of the woods. The weather was nice and the nature around us was calm, it almost felt like we weren't about to go to war. I was on the ground in front of Fundy, sitting by his legs.

"When are Wilbur and Tommy getting here?" Tubbo let out a small chuckle. "They're really holding up this whole deal. Aren't they?"

"Yeah yeah." Quackity looked around.

"We're just waiting on them." I said.

"Man." Quackity let out a sigh. "So Tubbo, I've been telling you. Panty."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Plan one." Tubbo nodded.


"Plan one."


"Plan one."

"This revolution is doomed." Technoblade began to walk away. Heading towards the lake, with his head down.

Tubbo laughed, "Wait no—"

"You don't understand Techno, we're speaking in morse code." Quackity chuckled.

"How was that morse code?" Fundy said.

"It was morse code."

I chuckled.

"That was not morse code." Fundy stuttered over his words.

"Well you're a fox." Quackity put his arm over Fundy's shoulder and flicked his ears, "Your fox ears probably couldn't understand it."


"I'm surprised you can even speak english. You should be barking."

I stood up and grabbed Fundy's hand, pulling him away, "Chill out Q."

He pouted, "Aw, protecting your boyfriend Y/N?"

I stuck out my tongue, laughing at him.

"My hero." Fundy wrapped his arms around my waist, snuggling his head into the crook of my neck.

"Where are they though?" Tubbo said.

We had been waiting around for Wilbur and Tommy for almost twenty minutes now.

"Maybe we should head to Manberg, just put some pressure on them." Quackity started to head across the lake. As soon as he passed through the water, arrows began to fire at him and he quickly ran back to the group. Luckily he hadn't gotten hit.

Tubbo shook his head as Tommy arrived, "You need to get your act together big man."

"What the hell? I do not need to get my act together Tubbo." Tommy pushed Tubbo.

I rolled my eyes as the two children fought, Techno soon stepping in.

Wilbur walked up, the side of his shirt stained with what looked like fresh blood. "I hate Schlatt."

"Agreed." Techno and Tubbo nodded.

Fundy chuckled, "And let's solve it without TNT."

"But you see—" Everyone began to shout at Wilbur, but he just laughed. "The part that makes me excited is that I could blow it all up." He turned to Techno, "What do you think about me blowing it up?"

Everyone became silent as we waited for Techno's answer.

"Uh, sounds pretty good." Technoblade nodded.

"What the fuck Techno?" Tommy pushed his shoulder.

"So." Technoblade looked around, "I have a supply. That I can show you."

Just as we were about to leave, arrows began to land on the ground next to us.

I wasn't a trained fighter, infact I had never been in a fight. I watched a Quackity was attacked by Dream, the sword going into the side of his arm.

I just stared as the masked man turned me, as he swung his sword down onto me.

The world around me was quiet as I looked down at the slice. I felt my heart rate begin to get louder in my ears until that was all I could hear. The blood didn't look real even as I reached down and touched it. I stared at my hand for a moment.

"Y/N. Are you okay? Hey." Fundy was stood next to me, holding onto my hand.

I looked around, only a few of us had gotten hurt but I hadn't remembered anything after seeing my own blood. I tried to calm my breathing so that I could speak, "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. It's okay."

"I just froze. Why did I just freeze?" I looked at the blood on my hand, now almost dry, "Is it bad?"

I watched his face as he glanced down at it and back up at me.

"Looks great!"

"Don't lie to me." I rolled my eyes, "Will I live doctor?"

He chuckled as he lifted my shirt slightly and leaned down so that he could see the entire thing. "I think a bandage and some rest. But you'll be all good."

"No fighting?"

"No no no."

I leaned forward, setting a kiss on his forehead, "Stay safe."

authors note //

word count: 730
date posted: february 23, 2021

i pretend like i'd be super tough and cool if i lived in this universe, in reality i'd have a panic attack the first time i was attacked and then pull a george and never show up to any major event again

also yoo i might be posting another chapter either tonight or tomorrow early morning (:

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