sapnap - everything will be fine

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- she/her
- friendship/lovers
- plot: hunger games au where you and sapnap have been friends since you were kids and you go into the games
- warnings: swearing, blood, death, implied smut, sapnap is crazy lmao

I listened to the wind blowing through the trees, laying along the damp ground and watching the night sky. I breathed in and out slowly, as I tried to calm my racing thoughts.

"Hey Y/N."

I sat up and turned my head and saw Nick standing there, "Hey Sap."

He quietly cleared his throat, "You nervous for tomorrow?"

I looked up at him, "You know I am. My names in there over 50 times."

"Okay well," He awkwardly chuckled and sat down next to me, "No need to flex."

I pushed his shoulder, "Shut up. I will die if I go into the arena."

"You've survived 6 reapings, you'll be fine."

"How many times is your name in?"

"Around 40 times. Even if I did get called, you know I would kick ass." He laughed but I could tell he was slightly nervous, everyone always was.

"Sap, you won't be called. It will be fine." I grabbed his hand and looked at his face, but he didn't look at me.

He stood up, removing his hand from mine. "We better get back to our houses, we'll get in trouble if we're found out here." He started walking away before I could even walk after him.

In the morning I put on my nicest dress and did my hair, and then helped my parents with my younger siblings. I had four younger siblings, three who had their name entered, thankfully they only had the normal amount, since I was the one who entered my name for the tesserae.

The entire time as I helped them with their hair, I reassured them that if their names were called I would volunteer for them. My younger brother kept crying, it was his first year and he knew that I couldn't volunteer for him.

"I know that Nick will volunteer for you," I tried to reassure him. I held onto his face, wiping away his tears.

My father came into the room and told him to stop crying immediately. "Come eat breakfast before the reaping."

My little brother stiffened up, trying to stop his tears as we ate breakfast together. We all silently sat at the the table, the only noises was the scraping of forks against plates and the occasional movement from one of my younger siblings.

We all walked towards the town square, where there were lights and TV's set up. Peacekeepers stood everywhere, their white suits standing out in the foggy weather. Everyone was quiet, only murmurs and shuffling of feet was heard. I gently gathered my siblings into the lines, so they could sign in.

"Hand." A lady with black gloves on gestured for my hand and I reached out towards her, letting her prick my finger and sign me in. "Go ahead."

I then went and stood in the back of the crowd, with the other 18 year old girls. I glanced over to the boys, hoping to see Nick. I couldn't find him so I just stared up at the screens, watching as they would scan over our faces, occasionally glancing towards the stage, waiting for Alastair the escort for our district to walk out.

The door to the town hall opened, loudly echoing throughout the square. Alastair walked out to the microphone that was set up between the two bowls of names. His attire stood out even more than the peacekeepers, he wore his signature sunglasses with a long coat tied at his waist, and a patterned shirt with many frills.

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