technoblade - fireworks

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she/her/people okay with being called princess
more than friends but they don't acknowledge shit
plot: you would do anything to stop "l'manburg" from becoming a thing, and techno just wanted anarchy.
warnings: swearing, death

NOTE: this takes place in a universe where Minecraft is realistic, so ye (:

I turned towards Techno, tossing him a pile of fireworks. "You'll need these for the celebration."

He let out a deep hum and put them into his bag. We shared a small underground base that was close to Pogtopia due to Technoblade's temporary alliance with them. It was crowded but all we needed was the chests and our bed.

I sat on the bed and motioned for him to sit on the ground in front of me. I took his hair into my hands and began braiding it, he had been letting his pink hair grow out for the past couple of years. He soon began to complain about it getting in his face and that's when I started to style his hair.

With his hair pulled back into the braid, his pig-like ears stuck out, and he began to put his earrings in, each ear having multiple piercings.

I kissed the top of his head as I finished and he stood up, taking off his shirt and pants to put on his signature outfit.

"At least warn a girl." I laughed and slipped off my clothes as well, grabbing my outfit from the barrel beside our bed.

"You've seen it all."

I stood back up and he had put on his pants already, but his shirt was still off. I reached out, tracing a fresh wound on his back. "When did you get this one?" We were both riddled with scars. We were certainly used to fighting and getting hurt but we had always told each other when we did.

"Tommy." He was facing away from me still but I could almost feel his eyes roll. "He started another fight and of course called on Dream and I to fix it."

I sighed. "Of course. You should have told me, I'll put some honey on it tonight."

"Yes, mother." He slipped on his white blouse and wrapped his cape around his shoulders.

"That's mommy to you." I laughed and slipped on my pants, tucking my white shirt into it. Our outfits were very similar, the only difference being my lack of a crown.

He turned around and leaned towards me. I held my breath and my eyes stared into him, waiting for his response. He reached behind me, grabbing his mask that was set next to mine, "Don't try and act dominant princess."

He slipped it on and walked out of the base. I quickly stumbled back and grabbed my mask.

As we arrived at the surface, I let my eyes adjust to the sun. It appeared to be about midday and Manburg was only a short walk, we would arrive in about twenty minutes.

"Was Wilbur and Tommy invited?" He pushed his way through the trees, holding back the branches so I could follow behind him.

"Nah, they're exiled." I let out a small laugh and took a baked potato from my bag, munching on it as we strolled into Manburg. The place was covered in banners and there were games set up everywhere.

"What losers. Imagine not being invited." There were a few people just standing around but the main crowd was stood around Fundy.

They were all firing arrows at a target, hoping to dunk Ponk. I had never met Ponk but I remember Techno mentioning that he was the doctor of Manburg. Eventually Ponk went in and laughs were heard from the crowd.

After a few more games, like boxing where Technoblade cheated against Fundy, Schlatt called the residents of Manburg to gather around to listen to Tubbo's speech. I knew that Tubbo was a spy for Pogtopia so I doubted this would go well, I could almost see the malice in Schlatt's eyes. Despite that Tubbo got onto the stage and began to praise Schlatt. Quackity and Schlatt stood by his side, and perhaps it was Schlatt's ram horns but he just gave me bad vibes.

"Is that it?" Schlatt turned to Tubbo, the tone in his voice sounded like he was about to snap.

I quickly glanced around, to see if anyone else could feel the tension.

Techno reached out and grabbed my hand. He leaned down and whispered into my ear. "It's going to be fine, chill out nerd."

I let out a dry laugh and looked back up to the stage.

"Yeah, uh, let the festival begin!" Tubbo let out a small chuckle and turned to Schlatt.

He looked behind the large black throne, and two men came out and proceeded to hold Tubbo back and block him in with wood. Only his upper body was shown and he started to panic, his body pushing up against the wood. "Uh-" His voice was shaky. "Schlatt I can't get out."

"Do you know what happens to traitors Tubbo? Technoblade, why don't you get up here." Schlatt's voice seemed to be the only noise in the world.

"Uh-" Techno still held onto my hand, and I glanced up at him with scared eyes. "Yes, Mr. President." His hand slipped out of mine and he made his way up to the stage.

"Me and you Techno, we go way back." Schlatt slapped his hand onto Techno's shoulder. "And you know I only call you in for special favors. "I want you to take care of him."

"Like get him breakfast?" Techno let out an awkward chuckle and glanced back to the silent crowd.

Fuck, now is not the time to be joking.

"Take him out Techno."

"To dinner?"

"You're not gonna take him out to dinner, you're gonna kill him." Schlatt began to yell at him, finally fed up with his jokes. "You're going to murder him right now! On this stage! And make it hurt."

The crowd was silent, a few people let out whimpers. Fundy spoke up, "Schlatt, it's a festival man."

Schlatt kept yelling, "He's a traitor! Are you kidding me? My right-hand man!"

I panicked, knowing that Techno would probably end up killing Tubbo. I glanced around watching as the crowd stayed silent, a few men bringing out their swords.

"Tubbo-" Techno stuttered out. "Tubbo, I'm sorry." He loaded his crossbow full of rockets and shot at Tubbo. With the close range, Tubbo fell back, likely dead instantly, and with Schlatt and Quackity standing so close they became severely injured too, if not dead.

Gasps were heard from around me and time seemed to stand still. I began to run towards the stage, I knew Techno well enough that I knew where this was going.

"Oh," I heard him quietly mumble, "Oh, they're dead." Techno began letting out a deep laugh and despite Tommy using an ender pearl to fly in to attack him, he spun around, shooting the crowd. "Kill everybody!"

As I got on the stage, Tommy was just staring at Tubbo's body, mumbling about Techno. I quickly grabbed Technoblade's hand. "We have to go."

He let out another laugh, "Right! We gotta leave!"

I dragged him back towards our base, him still letting out small laughs as we did. As we got to the entrance of Pogtopia he grabbed my shoulders, turning me towards him, "That was so amazing." He leaned down and kissed me, grabbing my hips and pulling me into him.

"You're fucking insane." I whispered as we pulled apart, my lips still hovering over his. "How are you going to face Wilbur and Tommy?"

"You know I don't care about them."

I let out a small hum. "Can't wait for the day when you betray me."

"Aw, princess." He let out a small laugh.

"Fuck you." I pushed him away, rolling my eyes.

authors note //
word count: 1300
date posted: november 19, 2020

writers block,, whats that ??

i just like finally watched technoblades video and then i remembered that time that he said princess and i was like this is my time

also i live for relationships that arent defined, pls god give me a friend that i can kiss and it not be weird

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