dreamwastaken - im not bored

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gender neutral
plot: everything is going too perfect in your life, and you're not bored. (you are)
warnings: bad communication, swearing, toxic family

I sat around the table with my family, the turkey sat in the middle, and lots of food surrounded it. Luckily no one had asked me about my job or my relationship yet, so things were going well.

"Y/N, pass me the carrots?" My Aunt who was a few seats away from me finally spoke up.

"Y/N! You've been so quiet." My older cousin laughed loudly, knocking his shoulder into mine.

I let out an awkward chuckle, "Yeah, not much to say."

"How is that boyfriend of yours?"

There goes that whole 'going good' thing. "Well, we moved in together last month." I looked down, hiding my smile.

"Haven't you only been dating for like 4 months?" This time my younger cousin spoke up.

My face dropped. "Well-"

"Yeah, and didn't you meet him online?"

"Well technically yes-"

"Someone with your relationship history should probably slow down." This time my mother spoke up.

I quickly looked back at her, she had been fine with Clay. She had spoken with him multiple times. "What do you mean?"

She continued, "You should probably focus on your job. You never know when it's going to end."

Was she going to have this conversation right now? "I can focus on streaming and him."

"You think that but what happens when you and your boyfriend break up. You said he had more followers than you? Won't his fans get upset with you?" No one seemed to be eating anymore, just focusing on the conversation my mother and I were having.

"They don't even know. Why are you thinking about us breaking up?" I felt my cheeks begin to get wet.

"Sweetie, people just have a hard time handling you, especially with all your problems." She gave me a look of pity, that was probably meant to be sympathetic.

"My what-" My voice broke. "Please excuse me."

I went back to my old room, now turned into a guest room. The colorful walls I remember from my childhood had been painted an awful brown color. The bed had plain tan sheets instead of the nice patterned ones I had picked out. Surprisingly there was no 'Live Laugh Love' sign hanging on the wall.

"I think I'm going to stay with my parents for Christmas." I sat on the bed, my phone held up to my ear.

Clay let out a small sigh, almost like he expected this, "What will you do for the next month?"

"I can still stream from my parent's house. It's what I did for the past two years."

"Oh come on, all your things are here."

"Clay, I promise, I just feel a bit homesick. I want to spend time with them." My throat was closing up, I hoped that it didn't sound obvious that I was crying.

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