Chapter 1

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Callum's P.O.V.

I sat next to my drunken sister in the Uber. I knew I shouldn't have come but I couldn't exactly let her go to Yorkshire alone and there was no way she was staying with me.

"Want some?" Chloe slurred. I shook my head. One of us needed to be conscious incase we were kidnapped.

"Suit yourself," she said as she took a massive swig.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I told her as I tried to snatch the bottle out her hand.

"OH FUCK OFF," she yelled at me. I went silent and stared out the window. I knew we were in for shit.

A little while later we pulled up outside the school mum worked at. We got out and went to the entrance.

"Chlo I don't think this is a good idea," I said as I bit my lip, "We'll wait. Come back at the end of the day."

"Oh whatever Cal," Chloe slurred and she walked into the building. I followed her desperately trying to get her to come with me. It was no use and in the end I gave up and acknowledged we were in huge trouble. Chloe ran off and opened a door. I ran after her and saw Mum standing there with a class of (I'm guessing) year 11s. Chloe started to retch and Mum threw the bin out just in time. The class started oohing and gasping.

"Fucking marvelous," I said a bit louder than I meant to. Mum looked up and noticed me.

"Cal?" she asked.

"Yeah hi. Sorry about this. I told her it was a bad idea," I said. The class all looked at me. That was when I noticed a blonde girl sitting at one of the tables. Fuck she was pretty. 

"Come on," Mum said as she escorted us both out. 

"I'm sorry," I said. I felt guilty for ruining her first impression. She didn't say anything and walked us to the canteen. Once we had some food and got to a table mum began interrogating us.

"Going to tell me what's going on?" Mum asked. I looked at Chloe.

"Dad threw us out," Chloe started to say.

"Threw you out," I corrected. Chloe gave me a look.

"Said it wasn't working. Chose Eve over us mum. So we got an Uber here," Chloe explained. I noticed the blonde girl from earlier standing alone. 

"An Uber? From Peckham?" Mum asked. When you put it like that it sounds terrible.

"You err you know Eve's pregnant," Chloe told Mum. I wasn't really paying attention. I was looking at the girl. Not in a creepy pedo kind of way just a, well I probably did look a bit like a pedo but thankfully she didn't seem to notice.

"What?" Mum asked.

"Yeah," Chloe replied. I snapped back into the conversation.

"No warning," I added.

"Just meet your blob of a sibling," Chloe told her.

"There is literally no room for us there," I said.

"My room is going to be a nursery," Chloe explained.

"I'll sort it," Mum reassured us but after the real reason dad chucked Chloe out I doubted it. Mum went over to some woman, probably the headteacher, to explain about us. We sat in silence. I didn't really talk to Chloe much anymore. She was forever going out and getting drunk and I was, well, I was being boring old me. Mum came back and took us into the staff room to get settled. Chloe looked ridiculous because she was wearing sun glasses. The vodka had affected her and I wasn't surprised. 

"You look like a right muppet," I told her.

"Oh fuck off," Chloe said. People were looking at us so I stopped winding her up. Me and Chloe were polar opposites. She loved the attention and was a bad girl where as I kept myself to myself and rarely got in trouble.

When 'school' was over, we followed mum out the building and got a to her house. It was literally in the middle of nowhere. 

"Why do you still live in this place? I mean why?" Chloe asked. I mean say how you really feel mate.

"I like it," Mum told her. Just then her phone rang. I was praying it wasn't dad.

"It's your dad," Mum told us. Shit!

"He's just going to have a go," Chloe tried say.

"Let him ring. Let him wonder where we are," I said. Mum ignored us and picked up anyway. I shot Chloe a nervous glance which she returned. We followed mum as she started to walk inside. She was completely going off at dad.

"What?" Mum asked. Dad had obviously just said what really happened.

"Don't listen to him, he's a liar," Chloe told her. I don't thinking she was helping herself but it was worth a try. Mum hung up and looked simply murderous.

"She tripped," Chloe said.

"Tripped?" Mum asked. If looks could kill, me and Chloe would be dead. Chloe started to explain what happened.

"Unbelievable," Mum said.

"Mum, she tripped," I told her as I tried to help Chloe out.

"She's not hurt or anything," Chloe added.

"Stay out of my sight. I'm going out," Mum told us as she gathered all her things. 

"No, mum, believe mum," Chloe begged. Mum finally snapped.

"You're lying. You lied to me before and you're doing it again," Mum shouted.

"I didn't," Chloe said, desperately. I watched them both from the side.

"And now you expect me to nurse you through your hang over. Forget it," Mum shouted.

"I'm going to go home then. I'll book an Uber. Again," Chloe said. Mum lunged towards Chloe. I thought she was going to hit her but thank god she didn't.

"Don't even try it," Mum spat as she grabbed Chloe's phone from her. Mum turned and started to go upstairs.

"Gimme your phone," Chloe said. Mum heard her, came back and grabbed my phone too.

"Fuck you," I said to Chloe and I stormed off into the living room. 

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