Chapter 13

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Callum's P.O.V.

"Want to go into Bradford later?" Missy asked me at lunch. My arm was throbbing painfully from earlier.

"Sure," I replied. I met her at her house at 7. Nas was with her.

"She's got a date," Missy told me. We all walked to the station, giggling as Nas told me stories about Missy when she was younger. It felt just like it had all Christmas break. The three of us giggling away. We arrived in Bradford and went our separate ways.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Nandos," Missy said. We found it and I ordered our food.

"How's your arm?" she asked.

"Painful but I can't complain," I said.

"It's weird how Jordan went for you," Missy told me. I had been thinking the same thing.

"I know. One second he's my mate and the next he wants to kill me." Our food arrived and we had a great evening. Even though she kept stealing my chips. Missy was in the middle of telling me about some film she had seen when her phone started ringing. It was Nas. They spoke for a few seconds and then Missy hung open.

"We need to go get her. Person wanted more than they could have, shall we say," Missy said. I payed and we ran to the pub Nas had gone to. 

"Round the back," Missy told me.

"You what?" I asked.

"She's climbing out the window," Missy told me. I laughed. We went round and the window was tiny. We both had to help pull her through and it was honestly hilarious. We laughed about it all the way back to Missy's house.

"I actually thought we were going to have to call the fire brigade," Nas laughed.

"Why didn't you peg it out the door?" I asked.

"Are you joking? Not in these heels besides I've seen her run," Nas said.

"What her? How much have you had to drink?" I asked. They both stopped laughing and I sensed I had made a mistake. They were both deadly silent.

"My mum will be worried. I should probably, probably go," I said. I started walking towards the door.

"I'm gay," Nas blurted out. Oh that made more sense.

"Ok," I said and I carried on opening the door.

"What? Is that all you've got to say?" Nas asked. I didn't see what more needed to be said. She's gay. So what?

"Well it's the 21st century," I replied.

"Is that your answer?" she asked.

"Didn't really know it were a question," I said.

"So what? All you say is ok," Nas shouted.

"You're being aggressive," Missy told her.

"I'm just defending myself," Nas said.

"He isn't attacking you," Missy said, kindly. The room was quiet.

"I'm sorry," Nas said as she started to well up. 

"Hey, it doesn't make any difference. You're still the same person," I comforted her. Missy wrapped her arm around my back and kissed me on the cheek. 

"My mum really will be worried," I said as I ran out the door. 

"CALLUM!" Mum yelled up the stairs the next morning. I was late for my appointment to get the cast off. I ran downstairs and Mum was already in the car. We got hospital and the cast came off. My arm looked proper ugly with scars and stuff.

Play practices were going really well. We weren't quite off book but that didn't matter. Play practice had just finished and Mum came over to me. I was in the middle of kissing Missy so it was a bit awkward. 

"See you," Missy said as she walked off.

"I was hoping me, you and Chloe could have a chat," Mum said. 

"Is everything alright? Is dad alright?" I asked, thinking the worst.

"Everything is fine I just have something to tell you," Mum told me. Mum explained to us both how her and Mr Qureshi were dating.

"Isn't he married?" I asked.

"Well yes but..." Mum started to say.

"Whatever makes you happy," I said. Mum was in the best mood I'd seen her in, in years. She'd even agreed to make us tacos. They were proper tasty with salsa and everything. She was still in a good mood the next morning.

"Assembly for year 11, 12 and 13 in the hall now," Lorraine said over the speaker. That didn't sound good. I walked with Missy and we took a seat. It was looking less and less good when Miss Carter came out in all black. She started telling us all that Mr Qureshi had died. I knew Mum would be heart broken. Miss Carter did the loveliest speech about him and there wasn't a dry eye in the house. As soon as we were dismissed I got up and ran to the door.

"Where are you going?" Missy asked. She had mascara stains all down her face.

"I need to find my Mum," I told her. I grabbed Chloe and we went looking for Mum. She was in floods of tears and pulled us both in for a hug. Her whole body was shaking with sobs and seeing her like that made me more upset than I already was. I called us a taxi while Chloe comforted Mum. I grant you she's not the most comforting person but she agreed to do it. 

"Thanks," I said as I handed the guy a £20 pound note. As soon as we were inside Mum went up to her room.

"What are we going to do?" Chloe asked.

"I don't know," I said as I bit my lip.

"I hate seeing her like this," Chloe said.

"Me too," I said as I flopped on the sofa. We sat in silence until I came up with an idea.

"I've got it! I'm ordering her favourite take away," I said.

"Wow anyone could of thought of that," Chloe said.

"Yeah well I thought of it. Not you," I said.

"Whatever," Chloe groaned and she stuck her tongue out. The food arrived and we laid it out all fancy. 

"I wanna carry the tray," Chloe said.

"It's just a tray for Gods sake," I said as she snatched it out of my hands. I knocked on Mum's bedroom door.

"Mum! Mum we've got curry," I told her. There was no reply so I opened the door. Mum was lying on the bed, her face was red and puffy.

"What?" she asked.

"I've got curry," Chloe said.

"It was my idea."

"Oh whatever," Chloe spat. Mum looked like she was going to break down again so we packed it in and handed her the tray. She didn't say anything so we turned and started to walk towards the door.

"I love you two," Mum called after us.

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