Chapter 4

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Callum's P.O.V.

I made friends with most of the lads playing football and it was pretty sick. I wasn't the best but I wasn't the worst either. The bell went and I walked to class with Jordan.

"Come rugby after school, I beg," he told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Zain and that are going to kill me," he explained.

"And you don't want to die alone," I laughed. He nodded.

"Oh alright then," I agreed. I didn't want to be at home anyway. Just before rugby I went to find my mum.

"I'm doing rugby. I'll see you later," I told her and I hurried off. Rugby was great but hard work. Jordan was pretty fast and he scored a brilliant try. Even Zain was impressed and he wanted to kill Jordan.

"See you tomorrow," I said to Jordan and I went looking for my mum and Chloe. We walked to the car.

"I got a date. Tomorrow," Chloe said.

"A date? With who?" I asked.

"Cory Wilson," she told me.

"Well don't go getting pregnant," I warned her.

"You what?" Mum asked.

"We all know what he is like," I said.

"Oh shut up," Chloe said as she stamped on my foot. I stuck my finger up at her.

"You two pack it in. Cal's right though. Those Wilson's are trouble," Mum said.

"Jordan ain't that bad," I said. He actually wasn't once you got to know him.

"Oooo is he your boyfriend? Going to take him to watch Love Island?" Chloe mocked.

"Leave your brother alone," Mum said.

"Yeah Chloe," I agreed. She stuck her tongue out at me and Mum warned us to behave.

"I've got a date and all," Mum said.

"What?" me and Chloe said together. 

"With Sami," Mum told us.

"Who's Sami?" I asked.

"Mr Qureshi, stupid," Chloe told me.

"Oh I'm sorry," I said.

"You two really need to behave," Mum told us. "Or no Love Island."

"Mum!" I shouted as they both laughed.

The next day I had the place to myself. Mum and Chloe were both on their dates and I was bored as hell. I was laying on the sofa when I got a message from Missy.




Watching Love Island?

Haha very funny

No I'm waiting for my pizza to arrive


Going to a club with Nas


The front door swung open and Chloe walked in.

"What are you doing home so early?" I asked.

"Hayley ruins everything. The stupid cow," she said as she threw herself on the sofa. 

"Oh come on," I said.

"I want to go home. Like home home. In London," Chloe told me.

"Me too." That was a lie but I was trying to make Chloe feel good. Mum's date hadn't gone much better. She didn't say anything so I guessed it was bad.

The next day I had English and I was sitting next to Razia. Mum had made a seating plan but I suppose she wasn't too bad. I kept looking at Missy.

"Oooo you like Missy," Razia said.

"No I don't," I lied. I mean who didn't like her. She was the fittest girl in the school. Mo heard what Razia said.

"Ooooo Callum's got a boner," Mo yelled and everyone turned to us.

"Oh fuck off," I yelled.

"Bet it's tiny," Mo said.

"Like Big Ben," Zain added. What the fuck!

"Big Ben is massive. It literally has big in the title. Are you dumb or something?" I said as I got out my seat.

"Woah everyone sit down," Mum told us. We ignored her.

"Don't call him stupid or you go through me," Mo told me.

"Ooo scary," I mocked him and the class started laughing. 

"Whatever gay boy," Zain told me.

"How am I gay mate?" I asked.

"You watch Love Island," Mo said. I don't know what came over me but I charged him. I tackled him hard and he fell onto the floor.

"Woah," Mum yelled as she tried to intervene. 

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" the class chanted. Mum finally grabbed me and pulled me to the corner of the classroom.

"This isn't like you," she said. Then the years of anger at her and dad boiled over.

"How the fuck do you know what I'm like? You were never there. Only fucking looking after us because you have to. You know nothing about me because the last time we properly talked I couldn't even tie my own shoe laces. You couldn't bare looking after us so you fobbed us off on dad and Eve. You were only ever a mum when it suited you. Rest of the time you hid away living your life. You probably know people in this class better than your own kids so don't fucking say that this isn't like me," I yelled at her. Everyone was silent. 

"Cal," Mum tried to say.

"No don't," I yelled as I pushed her aside and stormed out the class.

Chloe's P.O.V.

Everyone was silent as he left. I didn't know whether to feel bad for mum or to agree with Callum. I went with the second option.

"Well that told you," I said.

"Chlo not you and all," Mum said.

"Yes me and all. You didn't think you would get away with years of abandonment without us being mad did you?" I asked. The whole class was staring at Mum. I grabbed mine and Callum's bags and left the room.

Emma's P.O.V.

I watched as both my children left the classroom.

"Oooo miss got burned," Mo said.

"Oi leave her alone," Missy said to him.

"Right back to work everyone," I told them as I sat back at my desk. I honestly thought they were fine but obviously not. Missy walked over to me.

"I can speak to them, if you want?" Missy told me.

"No, no it's fine," I replied.

Callum's P.O.V.

I sat with Chloe outside until our next lesson. We walked there together and Missy came over to me.

"What you said to your mum," she started to say.

"It's all true," I said, gloomily.

"Mums aren't all they're cracked up to be, are they?" Missy said as she sat down.

"You can say that again," I said. She spent the whole lesson cheering me up and I felt much better by the end of it.

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