Chapter 17

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Callum's P.O.V.

I walked into the quad the next day, glowing. I think it was more the blue paint than happiness but still, I felt good. I saw a huge group of people chanting and I ran to see what was happening. Nas and some ginger girl were fighting and so were Missy and Candice. 

"Oi get off my girlfriend," I said to Candice. Mum ran over to try and sperate Nas and the ginger kid. She was trying to pull them apart when the girls hand flew up and smacked Mum's nose. Everyone went silent and stopped fighting. Mum's nose was pouring with blood.

"Don't bloody hit my Mum," I said as I walked over to the new kid. I wanted to hit her and if she was a guy I definitely would. This new teacher came over and sent the two girls to his office. I walked over to Missy.

"You alright?" I asked as I slipped a hand onto her back.

"She barely touched me," Missy answered.

"I meant after last night," I said with a smirk. 

"Cal! You cheeky sod," Missy said but she was laughing. 

After school I went down to the skip.

"What was that thing with that ginger kid earlier?" I asked as I plopped down next to Missy and Nas. Missy kissed me and Nas looked away. 

"What Sam?" Nas asked.

"She kissed her in the toilets," Missy explained. I say explained but she didn't really explain much.

"Woah! I think we skipped a few steps," I said.

"Me too," Nas said and we all laughed. 

A few days later we were all having dinner and Mum was back to her normal, chatty, boring self.

"I feel for her I really do," Mum droned. Me and Chloe we were both engrossed in our food and had no idea what she was on about.

"Cal are you still blue?" Chloe asked as she interrupted Mum.

"No," I answered as I swallowed my mouthful. I was still blue but it just wouldn't come out. I looked like a smurf that had had it's colour drained in the wash.

"You so are."

"Am not."

"Are to."

"Am not."

We finished dinner and I went and grabbed my coat. 

"I'm going to see Missy," I said.

"Alright just be safe," Mum called after me. I arrived at Missy's house and she answered the door.

"Alright handsome?" she asked with a smirk.

"Not too bad beautiful," I answered as I kissed her. She pulled me onto the sofa and we were kissing passionately. Hayley came into the room and her mouth dropped.

"Well you two certainly seem to be having fun," she said and she quickly left the house. I was so embarrassed that the blue was replaced with bright red. 

"Ignore her," Missy said as she kissed me on the cheek. And that was just the start to a good night.

I woke up the next morning in Missy's bed. She was fast asleep and she looked adorable. I looked down at my phone and saw I had 20 missed calls from Mum. I ignored them and decided to just speak to her at school. I carefully shook Missy awake. 

"Wh-what?" she asked sleepily.

"Morning beautiful," I whispered. She became more awake at the sound of my voice and kissed me on the lips.

"MISSY! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE," Hayley yelled up the stairs. She quickly pulled on her uniform and we ran downstairs. I wasn't in uniform because it was all at home but I would cross that bridge when I came to it. We arrived at school and Mum was waiting at the gates.

"Oh thank god!" she said when she saw me. She ran over and pulled me into her arms. 

"Where the hell were you?" Mum asked.

"At Missy's," I answered.

"You should of said," Mum told me but she didn't look too mad.

"Sorry." Miss Carter walked over to us.

"No uniform?" she asked.

"No. Sorry miss," I replied.

"Isolation off you go," Miss Carter told me.

"See you later," I said to Missy and I kissed her on the cheek.

"Oooo," everyone cheered. I walked away with a cheeky grin on my face.

On Saturday, I was sitting on the sofa when I noticed Chloe getting ready to leave the house.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"That march," she replied.

"You what?" I asked.

"I'm not going to join in, I'm going to stop them," she told me. That sounded like a good idea.

"Oh yeah let me come," I said and I pulled on my jacket and shoes. We got into town and Razia had brought some flour and eggs. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Nas asked as she stormed over to us.

"You don't think they deserve it?" Razia asked her.

"I just don't think they are worth it," Nas told us but none of us were listening.

"Oh look who it is," Razia said. I looked up and saw who she was talking about. A flash of ginger hair confirmed it. It was Sam. Nas grabbed an egg and dashed it straight at Sam. We all grabbed some and began lobbing them at the people.

"Get them," some fat bloke yelled. We all scattered and I ran with Nas. We eventually got away by slipping into a cafe.

"I think we lost them," I said between breaths. Nas let out a sigh of relief an her phone began ringing. She spoke for a few seconds and then hung up. 

"We need to go help Missy," Nas said. I followed her to some run down place. Not the kind of place I would ever consider going unless it was an emergency. 

"She used to stay here all the time," Missy said and she started to walk to the door. No way was I letting her go in first.

"Hey, let me," I said. She didn't resist and they all followed slowly behind me. I peered into all the rooms to see if Simone was there. It felt so weird. There were so many people yet it felt like a ghost town. We saw her lying on a sofa and I helped lift her up. Together we walked out onto the street and Simone began apologising.

"Useless. I know I am, useless," she said.

"No you're not," Hayley told her.

"It's just so hard. Everything I do, I mess it up," Simone complained.

"No you don't," Hayley told her. Simone pulled away from me. 

"You don't understand," Simone moaned.

"Then why don't you tell us then, yeah? Make us understand," Missy said as she turned on Simone. 

"I just wanted a smoke. Nowt's as good without a smoke," Simone explained.

"Nothing's changed at all, has it?" Missy said as she grabbed Simone and dragged her up the street. They turned the corner and Nas told me to wait with her. Missy and Hayley came back a few minutes later and we all walked home in silence.

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