Chapter 11

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Callum's P.O.V.

A few days later I was putting something in my locker when I felt two hands slip around my waist.

"Alright beautiful?" I asked as I spun around.

"Not too bad, handsome," Missy said as she kissed me on the cheek. She was back in school because of some play thing Mum was putting on.

I had P.E. and we were doing football. It was a great lesson but Jordan was really quiet. I had a feeling something was wrong with him but Jordan never opened up about stuff. We all piled back into the changing room. 

"So you're dating Missy?" Mo asked.

"Well..." I said. 

"Broooo," Zain said and all the lads were piling on top of me. All of sudden I heard a yell and turned to see Jordan attacking Mr Simpson. Mr Bell ran in and pulled Jordan away. 

Every night after school, I cycled out to the burger van to see Missy. What can I say, I'm a classy guy. 

"Want to come home and meet my mum?" Missy asked one night when she was done with her shift.

"Sure," I said. I climbed onto my bike and told her to hop on. 

"You what?" she asked at my suggestion.

"Don't trust me?" I asked and she hopped on to the handle bars. We were picking up speed and Missy was screaming loudly.

"CALLUM! CALLUM!" she yelled. I sped up and she shrieked all the way to her house. Simone was really nice. Nothing like I expected her to be. Hayley arrived home and she gave me a dirty look.

"What are you doing here?" Hayley asked.

"Hayley don't be so rude," Simone told her.

"He's my boyfriend," Missy told her.

"Boyfriend?" Hayley asked.

"Got a problem?" Missy asked her. I sat there awkwardly.

"Well he could be worse," Hayley said and she walked off.

"I'll take that as a compliment," I said.

Marcus had been pissing me off everyday since he had joined. It was so hard for me to keep my cool. I was playing football at lunch when he went in for a high tackle on me.

"Man what you playing at?" Mo yelled at him.

"You could of killed him bro," Zain said.

"Shut up you terrorists," Marcus spat. Me, Mo and Zain all charged him. 

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" a huge group of people chanted. Marcus pushed me and I tripped over. I landed funny and pain shot through my arm. You could hear the crack as my bone snapped. 

"Oh my God! Are you alright?" Missy screamed as she crouched down next to me. Everyone went silent. My arm was throbbing.

"What's happened?" Mum asked as she pushed through the crowd to get to the center.

"Oh my God!" Mum said, "Cal are you alright?"

"My arm hurts," I said as I tried to hold back my tears. Missy was rubbing my back and it made me feel slightly better. 

"Everyone get back to class," Mum shouted. Everyone grumbled but slowly walked away.

"Come on," Mum said as her and Missy tried to help me up. Miss Carter walked over to us.

"He needs to go to hospital," Mum informed her. 

"What happened?" Miss Carter asked. My arm hurt too much to talk.

"Marcus attacked him and he called Mo and Zain terrorists," Missy said. Her voice was so laced with loathing that if my arm wasn't hurt I would of laughed. They walked me to mums car and helped me buckle up without hurting my arm.

"Can I come?" Missy asked.

"No you need to be in school," Mum said.

"Aww please," Missy begged.

"No. Come on Missy back to class," Miss Carter said.

"Please," I said and I did puppy dog eyes. Miss Carter and Mum looked at each other.

"Fine," Mum said and Missy slipped in next to me.

"That boy needs to learn a lesson," Missy said.

"He will. At a different school," Mum said.

"Really?" I asked.

"I'll make sure of it," Mum said. We arrived at the hospital and had to wait in A&E for ages. Missy was trying to cheer me up and admittedly it was working. The whole time, I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I was. I got a cast put on and Missy insisted I got it wrapped in pink. I was given some aspirin and told I would be contacted when the cast needed to come off.

"Thanks for coming," I said to Missy as she got out the car.

"No problem," she said and she kissed me on the cheek. I watched her walk off down the street to her house. Fuck Missy Booth was amazing.

When we got home mum said we could have a movie night and have a break from revision. I hadn't done any revision but I thought I deserved a break anyway. I curled up on one side of mum and Chloe on the other. We hadn't spent this much time together in, well, forever. Chloe begged for us to watch Jaws. Mum wasn't so sure.

"We're not watching it, it's too scary for you," Mum told us.

"We're not kids," Chloe moaned.

"She isn't worried about us, she's the scared one," I said.

"Fine we can watch Jaws," Mum said. I knew that would work. As we watched it, I felt more and more sleepy. I don't know whether it was the medicine or what, but I fell asleep curled up next to Mum. I woke up to Mum being all noisy.

"Right school time," she said cheerily.

"Aww but mum, my arm hurts," I groaned. My arm really did feel shit.

"It's GCSE year; I don't want you falling behind," Mum said.

"Please," I begged.

"Fine," she said. 

I was home alone so I flicked on some random TV. At around 11 the door bell rang. It couldn't be mum or Chloe because they both had keys so I was trying to figure out who it was.

"Who is it?" I yelled and I put my ear to the door.

"Your killer," a low voice said.

"Only joking it's me," Missy laughed. I opened the door and Missy was dying with laughter. I invited her in and we had a great day. She was honestly amazing. I even forgot about the pain in my arm.

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