Chapter 3

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Callum's P.O.V.

Chloe got sent out and Mr Qureshi went to speak to her. The class erupted and everyone was screaming and yelling to each other. A blonde girl and a dark haired girl walked over.

"You Chloe's brother?" the blonde girl asked.

"What do you think?" I replied. 

"It was just a question man, relax," Razia, the dark haired girl, told me. I just sat there and they stayed, giggling with each other. 

I came home after school and neither Mum or Chloe was home. I sat on the sofa and put on Love Island. Yes I watch Love Island, get over it. A car pulled up outside and I tried to turn the TV off but Chloe came in with Mr Qureshi.

"Right well you two have a nice evening," Mr Qureshi said and he quickly left.

"Aww watching Love Island are we?" Chloe mocked.

"Shut up," I said.

"Aww sure everyone school would love to know," Chloe said.

"Shut up. Sure they would love to know about how you attacked a pregnant woman," I shouted at her. We carried on arguing, listing embarrassing stuff the other one had done. Mum finally got home and was surprised to see us screaming.

"Woah, woah, woah. What's going on here?" she asked.

"He watches Love Island," Chloe told her.

"So? She got stood up and she attacked a pregnant women," I told Mum. We were both trying to get the other in trouble.

"Oh for goodness sake. You're not 5 anymore, behave," Mum told us. She sat on the sofa and me and Chloe sat either side.

"So you like Love Island then?" Mum asked. 

"Oh my God not you as well," I shouted as I stormed upstairs. 

In the car the next day I sat in silence. Sadly, I had a lesson with Chloe today and we sat next to each other. Hayley and Razia kept looking and laughing after they stood her up. I turned around to look at the board and accidently knocked into Chloe.

"Aww bro," she yelled. Everyone turned to look at us.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"Oi everyone, did you know Callum watches Love Island?" Chloe shouted. I could of killed her. The whole class was laughing except Missy.

"Oh you wanna play that game? Let's think, yeah? Oh yeah. Chloe attacked our pregnant step mum and she got stood up last night. No one round here wants to hang out with you," I yelled.

"Oh what about you being the master of chess? Or when you pissed on your teacher?" Chloe screamed. The class started laughing harder.

"I was fucking four years old. You were 15 when you attacked her. And you like cheese, peanut butter and jam sandwiches," I shouted. 

"No wonder she was sick on the first day," Hayley said and everyone laughed harder.

"Both of you pack it in," Ms Shariff told us. I stared angrily at her and she did the same to me.

"Callum go sit next to Missy," Ms Shariff told me. I grabbed my bag and went and sat next to her.

"Alright?" she asked me.

"Yeah. You?" I asked. She nodded.

"Did she really attack your step mum?" Missy asked.

"Yeah. That's what got us kicked out," I explained. We carried on chatting for the rest of the lesson. She was really nice as well as pretty. The bell went and we carried on chatting as we left. Chloe came from behind and tripped me up.

"Oi leave him alone," Missy told her.

"Aww got your girlfriend to stick up for you?" Chloe said in a mocking tone.

"Oh fuck off. What was it your last boyfriend said when he dumped you? Oh yeah, 'you're too pushy and aggressive'" I said as I stood up. Everyone was stood watching us and then Chloe jumped on me. 

"Woah," Ms Shariff yelled. I was trying to get her to stop without actually hurting her. I was much bigger and I would never hit a girl. Ms Shariff ran off to get some help and came back with Mum. A huge crowd was gathered around us now.

"Woah, you two are unbelievable," Mum said as she pulled Chloe away. Mum was acting like I had throttled Chloe but I barely touched her.

"Are you alright, love?" Mum asked Chloe.

"She fucking attacked me," I yelled and I stormed off. Missy followed after me.

"Look I can tell Miss Keane what really happened. You won't get in trouble," Missy told me.

"Thanks but Mum doesn't even care, she just acts like it to show that someone wants us," I explained.

"I'm sure she wants you," Missy said.

"Nah. My parents were talking about 'turns' to look after us like we were a burden," I explained. 

"Come on lets go to maths," Missy said and we walked there together. A little way into maths, Mrs Carter came in and asked to speak to me. Missy gave me a reassuring smile and I followed Mrs Carter to her office. Chloe and Mum were in there.

"Right what is going on with you two?" Mum asked.

"She/he's a phsyco," we said at the same time.

"No you're the phsyco," we both said as we turned to each other. We both scoffed and turned away. It's weird because when we get angry we sort of sync together.

"Well, just get back to class and no more fighting," Mrs Carter told us.

Later that night I was lying on my bed when I got a snapchat notification.

Missy_b0oth added you by search

I tried to think what the lads back home would tell me what to do.

Searching for me now, are we? ;)

Oh shut up😂

We spent the evening messaging about the most random crap until she said she had to go help her nana. 

I sat alone at lunch the next day. I hadn't really made many friends yet. Jordan came over and sat down. I'd never spoken to him so I was surprised.

"Tell your sister to not mention what she saw the other day," he told me. I was confused.

"Okay but knowing her she's probably already told everyone," I said. He laughed.

"Wanna play football?" he asked me.

"Yeah alright," I replied and we went out to the quad. I hadn't really expected to become friends with Jordan Wilson but this town was full of the unexpected. 

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