Chapter 18

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Callum's P.O.V.

We had an assembly first thing on Monday.

"Good morning year 11. Today we are going to be talking about exams," Miss Carter told us. We all groaned. I'd tried to push them out my mind.

"As of this week, your school day will no longer end at 3 o'clock. You will now go to period 7- study skills until 4 o'clock," Miss Carter said. Everyone muttered and groaned in disapproval but that was nothing compared to the reaction after her next statement.

"And prom has been cancelled," she told us. Loads of people groaned, yelled and shouted.

"I know. I know it's a disappointment but you have to understand that sometimes, in order to succeed in life, you have to make sacrifices," Miss Carter shouted over the noise.

"Then we'll just fail our exams and make you look bad," I shouted. Everyone murmured in agreement.

"And then what would you do for a job?" Miss Carter asked.

"Touché," I muttered as everyone laughed. 

"So what we going to do about period 7?" Clint asked in science.

"Well I ain't going," I said.

"Me neither," Missy told us.

"Why should we go? I gotta better things to do bro," Zain said. We all carried on discussing how to get out of it.

The end of the day came and we all put our plan into action. I say plan like it had taken ages to figure out but really it was the most obvious one. We were just going to peg it. Mr Simpson was in a high vis jacket, patrolling the gates. All of us ran straight past him and he tried to catch up.

"Bye sir," we all chorused as we disappeared around the corner.

"Wanna go into town?" Zain asked.

"Sure," I answered.

"Yeah," Missy said. 

"Meet at 7," Zain said and we all went our separate ways to get ready. Mum wasn't home so I made myself a pot noddle and put on my best jeans and t-shirt. 

"Woah," I said, when Missy opened her front door. She was wearing this rose gold dress and she looked amazing.

"You look lovely," I told her.

"Lovely?" she laughed. I took her by the hand and we went to meet the lads. We had an amazing night and once again I pushed all thought of exams out my mind. A few, fun, hours later me and Missy staggered back to my house. 

"Wanna come in?" I asked.

"You sure your Mum won't care?" Missy asked.

"My Mum loves you," I said and we walked into the house.

"Woah, hello," Mum said.

"Is it alright if Missy stays the night?" I asked.

"Yeah just don't make too much noise," Mum told us with a smirk.

"Mum," I groaned.

"I'm just kidding," Mum laughed. We started to go up the stairs when Mum called after us.

"Where were you two, period 7 today?" Mum asked. Me and Missy looked at each other.

"I told Mandy it wouldn't work," Mum said and she carried on waffling on while me and Missy walked upstairs. 

"Morning," Missy whispered. I opened my eyes and saw her face beaming down at me.

"Morning beautiful," I said and I kissed her on the lips. Just then my door flew open and Chloe came in.

"Didn't know you were staying," she said to Missy.

"Get out my room," I shouted. She took a few steps back.

"What are you doing?" I asked, "Get out my room."

"I'm not in your room," Chloe said with smirk. I looked and saw she had done the really annoying thing siblings do. She was standing just outside my room. Chloe was smirking like she was some genius. I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it straight at her.

"Callum, behave yourself," Mum said as she came around the corner. I groaned loudly.

"And Chloe leave them alone," Mum said as she pulled my door shut. I flopped back onto my pillow and I could hear Mum and Chloe screaming at each other. Missy kissed me on the cheek and my mood instantly lifted. 

"Can I borrow one of your jumpers?" Missy asked.

"Of course," I said and I went and grabbed her a pale blue hoodie. 

School was pretty boring over the next week. We were all still bunking off period 7. Mum had shouted at me about it but I just didn't see the point in going. That very quickly changed when she told me that if I went I would be allowed to go to prom.

"Seriously?" I asked as I took a bite out of lasagna. 

"Yeah," she replied.

"Well then I'm down," I said. I could see a smile start to appear on her face. 

Jordan was back in school and we were sitting together in science. Clint was blowing up his rubber glove and Mr Hyatt swiftly told him to stop. Being told not to do something obviously made us do it more. We kept on blowing up gloves and eventually I took it to far. All of us were hitting it up in the air but I accidently hit it too hard and landed at Mr Hyatt's feet.

"Right! Callum please step outside," Mr Hyatt shouted. Everyone looked round at me. I grabbed my bag and went and stood outside. 

"Alright bad boy?" Missy asked when the lesson had ended.

"Shut up," I told her, jokingly.

"We need to find Nas," Missy told me.


"Razia and Sam are going to have a fight and we need to stop it."

"Well I ain't gonna fight no one," I told her.

"You won't have to," she said as she pulled me down the corridor to the sixth from hub. We found Nas and Missy explained what was going to happen. We spent so long explaining that they were probably already fighting. 

"Come on," I said, trying to hurry them up. We all sprinted off and saw a huge crowd of people. Together we ran to the center of the group. 

"I'm not doing this," Sam said.

"What you doing? Smack her," Candice said.

"Go home," Sam yelled at everyone. She started to walk away but Razia ran after her. Nas got in between them.

"OW!" Nas yelled and she doubled over. Razia had stabbed her and she was bleeding badly. Mr Shah saw what was happening and took Nas off to hospital.

"Well that could of gone better," I said as the car pulled away.

"You think?" Missy asked. 

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