Chapter 24

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Callum's P.O.V.

Exams were getting closer and closer and I was spending all my time revising. Me and Missy had tried to revise together but we spent so much time laughing and deciding who looked better in pink (me) that we got nothing done.

I was sitting in english when the tannoy came on.

"What you should be concentrating on is your students and their futures," Miss Carter said. 

"These kids haven't got a future! High achievers from here will be lucky to trouble the McJob market," Mr Shah shouted. I don't think they realised that the we could hear them.

"You are unbelievable. Every student in this school has potential," Miss Carter yelled back.

"Come on! Monkeys with calculators could could pass more GCSEs than my year 11s," Mr Shah retorted. 

"I'm not having this," Missy said and she got out of her seat. I did the same and we all walked to the lobby.

"Oi! You snobby git," Missy yelled.

"How dare you call us that?" Alya shouted.

"ID please Mr Shah," Miss Carter said as she stuck out her hand.

"You're making a mistake," Mr Shah said. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think she is. We heard you," Mum told him. Mr Shah stormed off and Miss Carter made us go back to class.

Exam week was starting and it was going pretty well. I had spent ages revising and thank God I did. 

"Wanna go to the pub?" Jordan asked after the exams were done.

"Sure," I replied. I went off to find Missy.

"Wanna come to the pub later? A few of us are going," I told her.

"Sure," she replied.

"How do you think you did?" I asked. 

"Yeah pretty good," she said. 

"Well done," I told her. She pulled me in and kissed me on the lips.

"Oooo," everyone cheered. The bell went, ruining the moment.

"Bloody hell you look amazing," I said when I saw Missy. We had all gone home to dress up for the pub and met up again at the bus stop. 

"Not too bad yourself, handsome," Missy said and she kissed me on the cheek. We had a great night until we got kicked out. I don't blame them; we were causing a right scene but it was fun and that was all that mattered.

"Wanna come back to mine?" Missy asked on the bus home.

"Yeah," I replied. I loved spending so much time with her and we had a great night.

It was prom night and I was going round to meet Missy. I did not expect to see a huge pink limo parked on her street. They were all outside screaming and then I spotted Missy. She looked so beautiful and I was basically frozen to the spot.

"You look, wow! You look amazing," I told her.

"Soft cow," she said but she was smiling.

"Come on or you'll make us late," Mrs Paracha told us. We all piled into the limo and took the short trip to school. We had an amazing night and the food was delicious. 

"Are you still eating?" Mum asked. I couldn't help but laugh. She was dressed up as a clown and it actually suited her. 

Later on in the night some slow music came on and Missy made me dance with her.

"This is the last time we are all going to be together isn't it," I said.

"Yeah but that doesn't have to be a bad thing," Missy told me. I smiled at her.

A few weeks later it was exam results time. I was kind of nervous as I opened up the results. 

"I passed 4 in everything," Missy squealed. 

"Well done," I cheered and I kissed her. 

"Level 8 in english language and in english literature," Chloe told Mum. 

"Oh well done," Mum said, "How about you?"

"Level 6," I answered. I was pleased with my results but mostly I was glad it was over. Mum hugged us both and I called Dad to tell him. I might not have spoken to him since the punch up but he was still my Dad.

"Hi Dad."


"I just wanted to tell you that I passed my exams."

"Well done."


"I've got to go but I'll see you soon. Yeah son?"

"Yeah I'd like that."

"Love you."

"Love you too, Dad." I hung up and went to find Missy.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked her.


"Wanna come out?"


I was getting ready when I got a call from Jordan.

"You alright bro?"

"I'm going to college. Art college."

"Since when bro?"

"Since today."

"Well done man. That is actually amazing."

"Well I've got to go pack but I'll call you."

"Bye." He hung up. I was going to miss him. He was my first proper friend in Ackley Bridge and it would be weird without him.

I met Missy at 7 and she was all dressed up in a tight blue dress. 

"So where are we going?" Missy asked.

"Club in Leeds," I told her. She smiled. We got the train up there and it felt like it did all those months ago. I couldn't stop thinking about what a crazy year it had been. Crazy but the best one of my life. Not only had I made new friends but I had the best girlfriend anyone could ask for. 

"I'll get us a drink," I told her and I grabbed us two pints. We danced the night away and had to rush to get the train. 

"I'm freezing," she told me. 

"Not surprised you daft git," I said as I gave her my jacket and pulled her into a hug.

"You know you ain't half sweet," she said as she kissed me, passionately. I kissed back and we were so distracted the train almost pulled away. The train was empty but Missy snuggled up on my lap. I smiled down at her.

We got off the train in Ackley Bridge and walked slowly home. We walked in silence but it was a nice comfortable silence.

"Should we sit down?" Missy asked. I nodded and we sat down on a bench. We chatted and laughed for ages and I realised that it was 1 a.m. Missy was snuggled up in my arms and she looked so beautiful. Everything was so still and perfect it didn't feel real.

"I love you," I said.

"Love you too, Cal."

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