Chapter 8

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Callum's P.O.V.

When I got home, Chloe was in the kitchen cooking something.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Stupid cow," Chloe muttered. I'm guessing it was about Mum but Chloe doesn't like 90% of people so it could be aimed at anyone. I dumped my bag and went upstairs. I put some music on at full volume. A little while later I turned off my music and put on some show. I heard the door open.

"Chloe? Callum?" Mum called up the stairs. I ran downstairs hoping dinner was ready.  

"Where's Chloe?" Mum asked.

"She was here when I got in," I told Mum. Mum pulled out her phone and called Chloe. She didn't answer. I called her as well and when she didn't answer me and Mum both started to panic.

"I'll call Sami," Mum said. Mr Qureshi pulled up a little while later. I got a snap from Missy and I opened it.

Can you say thanks to your mum

She's a bit stressed rn



Chloe's gone missing

Oh my god

Message if you need anything


Suddenly an idea hit me. I decided to call Jordan. Him and Chloe seemed to be getting close recently. He didn't pick up either which, if anything, confirmed my suspicions. I fell asleep worried sick about Chloe.

The next morning I woke up and ran downstairs. Mr Qureshi was standing in my living room.

"Where's mum?" I asked.

"Gone to pick up Chloe from the police station," he told me.

"Oh thank God," I said as I slumped down on the sofa. 

"You've got school," Mr Qureshi told me.

"Oh please sir," I said.

"No. Go on I'll drive you," he told me. I saw Chloe at break and I went over to her.

"You don't know how worried I was," I said as I pulled her into a hug. 

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Well you're back now," I told her. I could feel her shaking and realised she was crying. 

"Hey! Shush, everything's going to be okay," I comforted her. 

"I want to go home," she cried.

"This is home," I told her. The bell went and she pulled away. My shirt was damp from her tears. I walked to my lesson and saw Missy and Hayley. Missy walked over to me.

"She's home then," I said.

"Yeah," she replied. The smile on her face was huge.

"I'm so happy for you," I told her.

"You're dead sweet," she laughed.

"Wanna come for a drink with me and Nas later?" Missy asked.

"Sure," I said. Seeing as Chloe had been arrested I'm sure mum wouldn't be fussed if I came home drunk.

"Meet us at the rec at 7," Missy told me. 

"I'M GOING OUT," I yelled later that night.

"Woah, woah not so fast," Mum said.

"I'm not seeing Jordan, don't worry," I told her. I mean I saw him at school all the time but still.

"Ooo is it a girl?" she asked.

"Two girls actually," I told her.

"Ooo look at you, hey," Mum said.

"I'll see you later," I said and I ran out the front door. 

"Alright?" Missy asked when I turned up.

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"Well, you look the oldest," Nas said.

"Wait what?" I asked. 

"Go on," they said as they pushed me into the shop. I grabbed two bottles of cider and went to the check out.

"ID please," the man said. I pretended to be looking for it, grabbed the bottles and ran out the shop.

"RUN!" I shouted to the girls and we sprinted off. A few blocks over we came to a stop.

"Why'd you run?" Missy asked.

"I panicked," I said as I caught my breath. Missy grabbed one of the bottles and took a huge swig. 

"I'm going to be sick," Missy said a few hours later. We had just about finished the cider.

"Well don't," I slurred. We all started giggling even though it really wasn't funny. 

"I best go. My mum will be worried," Nas said. 

"Same," I said.

"Come on then Missy let's go," Nas told Missy. They both staggered to their feet.

"I'll walk you home," I said. I could barely walk myself home but who knows what creeps would be around this time of night. We all staggered our way back to their houses.

"Bye," I said and I waved like a lunatic. I had had way too much to drink. 

"Bye," Missy slurred and as she was walking up to her house she tripped on something.

"You alright?" I asked as I pulled her to her feet.

"Yeah," she replied and she stumbled into her house. I got the bus home and pushed open the front door. 

"AHHH," I screamed as I thought I saw a looming figure. I must of been absolutely past it because it was just a coat. Mum came running to see what was the matter.

"What the bloody hell has happened?" Mum asked.

"Nothing," I slurred.

"Oh God not again," Mum said when she realised I was drunk. She helped me into the living room and we sat on the sofa.

"You know you can't keep coming home drunk," she told me.

"I won't come home then," I told her.

"Yes you will because you're grounded," Mum said. Wait, hold up! Chloe gets found in a stolen car and isn't in trouble and all I do is get drunk. Like is Mum dumb or something?

"WHAT?! Chloe got found in a stolen car and that's fine but no I can't go out with my mates and have a drink. Because it's one rule for Chloe and a different one for me," I shouted at Mum and I stormed out the room.

"Cal," Mum yelled after me.

"No leave me alone," I shouted and I slammed my bedroom door. 

I woke up at 3 and my stomach felt crap. I raced to the bathroom and threw up.

"You alright?" Mum asked me. I must have woken her up with all the noise.

"No," I said and I started crying.

"Come here," Mum told me. She hugged me and I broke down in her arms.

"Hey, hey shush," Mum said as she stroked my hair. I started to calm down. 

"What's the matter?" she asked, quietly.

"I don't know. I'm sorry," I told her. 

"Come on, let's get you back to bed," Mum said and she tucked me in.

"Love you Mum," I said sleepily as she was leaving.

"Love you too," she whispered.

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