Chapter 20

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Callum's P.O.V.

At dinner that night Mum said she had something to tell me.

"Me and Chloe are having a double date," Mum said. Why had Chloe agreed to that?

"Mr Hyatt, is it?" I asked. Mum ignored me.

"You can bring Missy if you like," Mum told me.

"Oh yeah sounds great," I said sarcastically. 

The next day I was lying in my room with a pizza. I heard the door bell ring and not long after I heard Mum shouting.

"CHLOE! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Mum screamed. I laughed. What had she done now? I followed after them and apparently Mum didn't think Chloe's date was appropriate. Neither did I but watching them argue was hilarious. I stood at the door watching the argument unfold. Mum was screaming, Chloe was screaming and the two guys watched. I looked closer and realised that one of them was Mr Simpson. Chloe stormed off down the path with her boyfriend and Mum looked so angry. Her looking angry made me laugh even harder and she stormed back up the path with Mr Simpson.

"Your room now," Mum told me. What the actual fuck?

"What have I done?" I asked. I think she really wanted to yell at Chloe but she couldn't so she moved onto the next best thing.

"Just go," Mum shouted.

"No wonder Chloe wanted to go," I shouted as I too walked down the path. I went to Missy's house and she looked surprised but happy to see me. 

"You alright babe?" she asked. 

"Mum and Chloe hate each other and Mum's taking it out on me," I explained.

"Come in, we can watch a movie," Missy said. I sat down on the sofa and she sat on my lap. 

"Titanic?" she suggested.

"Sure," I replied. I loved Titanic but I wasn't about to admit it.

"Oh my God he is the fittest boy in the world," Missy said when Leonardo DiCaprio came on.

"What about me?" I said whilst I fake pouted. She squished my cheeks.

"After you of course," she said like I was some dog.

"You two are so weird," Hayley said as she came into the room. By the end of the film we were both bawling our eyes out. 

"I know what'll cheer you up," I said as I led her upstairs.

"You cheeky sod," Missy said but she didn't complain.

A couple of days later, I was eating breakfast at Missy's house. She said she had something important to tell me which was freaking me out a bit.

"I'm pregnant," Missy said. Now I was not expecting her to say that. We had discussed it a while ago and we decided it would be best if she took birth control.

"Wh- how?" I asked. I didn't know how I felt. I couldn't be Dad, could I?

"They say there's a chance with the pill and Booths get pregnant easy. Nana always used to say a whiff of Old Spice and we're up the duff," Missy told me. I got out my chair. I didn't know what on earth to think.

"It's still early. Early enough to do summit about it," she said. Missy got up as well and put a hand on my back. That was when I knew, I mean I would of preferred to wait a bit, but I wouldn't be totally useless as a dad.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" I said as I turned around. A huge smile spread on Missy's face. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her on the lips.

"I don't feel like going to school," I whispered into her ear.

"Neither do I," Missy said. We took the day off and had so much fun together. I got home that night and Chloe was there. She hadn't been home a lot since the double date incident so I was surprised to see her there. My stomach was tied in a knot. How the hell was I going to tell Mum?

"You alright?" Chloe asked.

"Err yeah," I replied.

"Mum's a right cow. Not letting me be with Tony but letting you be with Missy. It's just so unfair," Chloe moaned.

"Missy's pregnant," I blurted out. Chloe's jaw dropped.

"Well how are you going to tell Mum?" she asked, eventually.

"I don't know. Promise you won't tell her," I begged.

"Tell me what?" Mum asked as she entered the room. I looked at Chloe.

"Just tell her," Chloe said as she left the room.

"Where you going?" Mum asked.

"Tony's," Chloe replied.

"No you're not. CHLOE!" Mum yelled but Chloe had already gone.

"Mum you might want to sit down," I said.

"Cal you're scaring me," Mum said but she sat down. I was pacing up and down while having a mini panic attack.

"Calm down," Mum said as she grabbed my wrists.

"Missy's pregnant," I told her.

"What? How?" Mum asked.

"Well she was taking a pill but I dunno," I replied. What Mum did next shocked me. She pulled me into her arms.

"Are you angry?" I asked quietly.

"No. I mean you're both stupid and it wasn't really my plan to be a Grandma at 36 but I don't think it was yours to be a dad at 16," she said. We sat in silence for a bit before she asked the question I'd been dreading.

"Have you told your dad?" 

"No. And I don't want to."

The next day I was walking with Missy and Nas to our first lesson. We were talking about the pregnancy when Missy slowed down.

"Missy are you alright?" Nas asked. Missy doubled over and threw up all over the steps. Me and Nas rubbed her back. Miss Carter called us into her office later that day to discuss everything.

"Congratulations," Miss Carter said. Mum was standing in the corner. We discussed some stuff but it was very obvious that Missy would rather be anywhere else. 

The next few days were pure chaos. With exams, the baby and Mum and Chloe wanting to kill each other I was stressing out badly. And to make it worse teachers were popping practice exams on us every minute. We were in maths lesson and Mr Shah had given us an exam. I got distracted by Missy slamming her bag on the table and packing up her stuff. 

"I'm not doing this," she said as she stormed out the room. 

"Missy Booth," Mr Shah yelled after her. I grabbed my bag and followed her.

"If you leave this classroom you will be straight on report," Mr Shah told me.

"Looks like I'm on report then," I told him.

"Sir," I added in a mocking tone. 

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