Chapter 1: Confused

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She wanted him, would do anything for him, but yet he loved someone else

Farrah Lockwood

"FARRAH," I woke up to yelling in my ear again this morning, sometimes her voice makes me want to pull out all my hair, I swear it's like she thinks I'm deaf. "GET DOWN HERE NOW YOU HAVE 30 MINUTES TO GET READY." Shit. "OK IM GETTING READY NOW." I rush to get in the shower.

I am not washing my hair today

I got out of the shower and brush my teeth and hair. I go back to my room and get my clothes I put on some tan baggy pants, crop top, and some air force 1's, (The picture is at the top) I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and some lip gloss. I put my hair in a ponytail and walk downstairs to my mom.

"ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR LAST YEAR AT HOGWARTS," She said with her arms in the air, I sat down at the dinner table eating cereal still tried.

"come on Farr cheer up, ouu you get to see that boy you like," She said elbowing me. "what's his name again, Theodore right?" I looked at her with a "mom stop face", "Mom I don't like him we're just friends."

I mean I do like him--I have actually liked him since 4th year but I could never tell him how I feel--I mean I was going to, till he started dating Brooklyn 5th year, To be honest, I don't blame him she's very beautiful--

Shit I would date her

It's just that ever since we came back after 4th year she just magically grew, I guess what I'm trying to say is she just got bigger everything, her ass grew, her boobs grew, her face structure got more defined, her voice was more womanly. I mean I grew over this summer--I was not the best looking but to me, I looked way better then last year and the years before, but I'm so glad I did because I needed it but,

I will never be good enough for him, I guess I'm just not her.

"Farrah sweetheart," My mom snapped me out of my train of thought. "it's time to go or you're going to be late, you have your wand and your bags right." I quickly got out of my chair, grabbed my wand, and my bags. "Yes, I have them now." I said out of breath. "Sorry I could not go with you Hunny, you understand righ--?" I cut her off, "Of course."I smiled sincerely.

I mean I do understand, she has two jobs to keep us stable because my dad is not here most of the time.

I know he cheats on her but she just loves him so much, don't get me wrong I love my dad it's just that he treats my mom like shit, they yell at each other all the time--or at least when he's here, after the fights he leaves again.

My dad thinks just because he has a reputation in the wizarding world means he can treat people bad, the thing is he does not even have a job, people only sleep with him because of his reputation, he uses most of the hard-earned money my mom makes to use on hookers,

i wish i could hate him but I can't.

"Ok hun just use the floo powder, I love you and I will miss you." She walked over to hug me. "I will miss you to mom, I love you." I said as I grabbed the floo powder before my mom stopped me.

"WAIT." She said as she grabs something off the counter. "This is for you hun." She handed me a square shape object with the word 'Magnum' with big, bold letters on it.

"Mom, why are you giving this to me?" I asked laughing. "Well ya know your 18 and I think you should just use protection when you have se--" I cut her off. "Mom okay I get it," I said in disgust. "now I have to go I love you, bye"

The last thing I heard before throwing the powder into the fireplace was "IM SERIOUS USE PROTECTION FARRAH SAGE LOCKWOOD".

I don't know why she was so worried it's not like I'm going to have sex anyway.

There was a flash then I was in front of Platform 9 ¾.

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