Chapter 3: First Impressions

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Put the song on when you see "*"

Sorry, Mr.Malfoy.

Farrah Lockwood

I woke up late, I don't understand why, I set alarm's but I never wake up with it, it's like I'm just immune to my alarm's--

I got out of bed and took a shower, brush my teeth, brushed my hair. I quickly put on my robes and got my wand and headed out the door.

I'm not doing my make-up today.


She finally got to the front of the door to the classroom--and looked at her phone she was 20 minutes late. shit. At least the door was not locked, she thought to herself before opening the door, she wanted to just walk fast past the new teacher and tried not the get noticed by him, like she use to do with Snape but boy was she wrong, this was not Snape.


"Ms," he said coldly looking up from his deck, Farrah turn around to face him. "may I ask why you're late to my class." he said looking her up and down but not enough for anyone to notice with a firm voice, Farrah turned around to face him.

"Sorry, i-it's just that I woke up late and I ha--" She said nervously, before she could finish her sentence he cut her off. "That's enough just go sit down" he said turning his attention back to his paper he was writing on. Farrah felt nervous from the man talking to her in that tone.

Farrah Lockwood

I walked to my desk still feeling embarrassed. I had to sit next to Maryanne and Edith, Maryanne on my left and Edith on my right, Theo and Brooklyn sat in front facing us. "Farrah are you okay" Maryanne said worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said starting my work.

"Are you sure because I would of had a whole orgasm if he talked to me like that, I know I like girls but damn he might just be an exception." Edith said looking at Draco biting her pencil. "Your fucking disgusting Ed, he's 31." I said with a disgusted face. "Listen, in my book age does not matter." She said winking at me, me and Maryanne shook are head smiling.

In the middle of class I look in front of me and I see Theo fingering Brooklyn under the table.

It's the middle of fucking class, really.

Draco started teaching.

"Hey are you oka-- oh," Maryanne said seeing what was happening. "Look, don't worry about them. Wait why does she look like that" Maryanne said laughing to herself. "Wait, seriously why does she look like that? is that how she moans, she looks like a dying cow" Edith said laughing, Maryanne soon joining in with the laugher. "w-w-wait why does her face scrunch up like t-that" Maryanne said trying not to laugh too loud.

Farrah didn't understand how Mr.Malfoy didn't see what was happening between Theo and Brooklyn. Soon Farrah could not hold it in anymore she had to laugh, and her laugh was not quite either. That's when a cold and stern voice started to talk to her.

"Ms. Lockwood would you like to tell the class what's so important that you and your friends have to interrupt my teaching" Farrah was out of words. "Hmm?" Draco said raising an eyebrow.

She had no words

"You have nothing to say now do you?" He said coming closer to Farrah leaning into her face, their faces were so close. "Then keep that mouth of yours shut, thank you." Then he walked away and he just continued teaching like nothing happened.

nothing did happen, right?

"Holy shit that was hot." Edith said snapping her out of her thoughts. "how did you just act normal, he was right in front of you." Maryanne said shook at how Farrah acted. "What are you guys talking about it's not that serious" Farrah said lying. "Farr you were out of words, nothing was coming out of "that mouth yours". Edith said laughing mocking Draco. "whatever" Farrah said rolling her eyes.

Farrah thought it would be a good idea to talk to Mr.Malfoy after class, she didn't want to get on his bad side.

"Class dismissed" Draco said. everyone left and it left only Draco and Farrah.

"Mr.Malfoy can I talk to you please" Farrah said calmly, Draco stood up in front of his deck with his feet crossed at the bottom, his sleeves rolled up with his arms in the back resting on the desk behind him leaning against it.

"Sure make it fast" he said sternly

"well I just wanted to say sorry Mr.Malfoy" She said putting her head down

"mm, you can go now." he said walking back to his deck and sitting down in his chair leaning back into it.

"B-but nevermind." she stopped talking and just left the classroom


Farrah Lockwood

After the rest of my classes

I was walking to the great hall for dinner when Tate ran up behind me, "Hey Farr are you coming to the party tomorrow night?" he asked me. "There's a party tomorrow night?" I ask confused. "Yeah, you didn't know? well, are you going to go, come on I'll be fun please" he begged. "Fine I'll go just shut the fuck up please, now I'm hungry let's go eat." I said dragging him to the great hall

I sat down Maryanne was on my right, Edith was on my left, Theo, Brooklyn, and Tate are in front of me. They were talking about the party planning for tomorrow, saying that there's going to be body shots, spin the bottle and truth or dare with veritaserum.


I hope you guys enjoyed it
This is a slow burn so stay with me please 😃ok bye

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