Chapter 2: Secrets

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Was he just using her?

Farrah Lockwood

I was in front of Platform 9 ¾.

The train doors opened and everyone was getting on the train, no one I knew was walking on the train--thank god because I could not take being near someone that I know, I need to catch a breather before I do anything. I have to go back to this god-forsaken place, every child's dream would probably be to go to Hogwarts, I mean I was so excited the first time I came to Platform 9 ¾.


"Mom I'm going to miss you so much but I'm so excited" I said jumping up and down.

"Ok dear I have to go now but please be safe and stay out of trouble" She said giving me and hug, I hugged her back.

"BYE MOM" I said waving my hand. "Hunny you don't have to yell I'm right here." I heard her mumble 'Jesus' before I ran into the wall, I came face front with Platform 9 ¾. It's so beautiful, I can't wait till I get to Hogwarts. I said in my head smiling from ear to ear. I stepped on the train and sat in one of the compartments, I started to read one of my favorite books 'Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur'. The door opens to the compartment that I was in open and there was three people that walked in, a girl with gingerish brown hair and tan skin, one with black short hair kinda like a bob and she had porcelain skin, and the last one was a boy with brown fluffy hair, white skin, and his smile was so adorable.

The girl with the ginger brown hair said her name was Maryanne, the girl with the black bob said her name was Edith, and the boy with the fluffy hair said his name was Tate.

Not long after Maryanne, Edith, and Tate walked in two more people walked in, one was a boy and the other was a girl, her name was Brooklyn and his name was Theodore. Brooklyn was very beautiful, Theodore was a very handsome boy, he had nice fluffy hair and porcelain skin, Brooklyn had curly brown hair and soft brown skin.

Theodore and Brooklyn sat next to each other, "So whats your name new girl" Brooklyn asked sarcastically "M-My name is Farrah Lockwood nice to meet you" I said with my hand out for her to shake it, she just looked at me and scoff so I just put my had back down.

"So why did you decide to come here in the middle of the year." She said looking me up and down. "Because why not." I said still excited

"Mhm," She looked me up and down again, "nice outfit." then turned around and started whispering to Theodore then started to laugh. Brooklyn had on a tight short skirt with a crop top, I had on a loose skirt and a butterfly shirt, what? I was 15 and I didn't feel comfortable wearing revealing clothes, I just don't want to show off my body--or what I call a body.

Theodore put his hand out for me to shake it and I did, "My name is Theodore people call me Theo" I shook my head in a way to say 'okay', plus I could barely talk because the excitement started to turn into nervousness. "I-It's nice to meet you Theo" I said laughing nervously.

I got snapped out of my train of thought when the train honked, so I had to get on the train for real this time.

I don't want to be here

I got into the train, as I was about to go into my compartment I saw in the counter of my eye Brooklyn and Theo making out in one of the compartments, Brooklyn was against the wall with her legs wrapped around Theo's waist, Theo's hands were roaming all around Brooklyn's body, Brooklyn broke away from the kiss letting Theo kiss on her neck, while Theo was kissing her neck she saw me staring at them, I would think that they would stop or I would walk away but no I just stood there.

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