Chapter 7: Talk to me

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Sorry about this chapter😣😣

Now Detention—

I need help with the homework

Farrah Lockwood

I woke up tears dry on my face from crying all night, I would have thought that after all of what I did for Theo he would at least have the audacity to tell me before I had to find out myself.

He really did hurt me I just should've known that I can't compete with Brooklyn—she's Brooklyn for fuck sakes, the most popular girl at school, most prettiest—at least she wasn't nice to people because god knows no one would be able to even get a boyfriend around here.

You know what that little bitch I'm tired of this shit, first she bullies me for years then she takes my boyfriend that little bitch is going to pay. I'm not going to let her step all over me again—not again.

Theo on the other hand he's going to wish he had me. That little dipshit is going to wish he never did this to me.

Mr. Malfoy has a thing for me I think and maybe I just might do a little something with him who knows.

I'm just tired of people pushing me over, I'm not dealing with it any more people won't push me over for as long as a live—or till I come down from my high.

Now let's see what's in my closet that I can wear. I have this short black dress and to add to that I'll wear some fishnets, to pull it all together I'll wear some doc martens because I fucking hate heels.

I hoped in the shower washing my body and hair.  After an hour I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth then fix my hair and did my makeup.

I got out of the bathroom and put on my outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror admiring my body, I really did change from the years before and my body is much more fuller than it was before. I never really noticed because I never liked staring at my body I always thought I won't like the way I look because of what I looked like the year before that.

Plus Brooklyn's bullying surely helps with that. She really has ruined the way I think about myself she makes me feel the way I do about my body—which I really don't understand why because she looks like a twig with legs and arms.

Okay, enough talking to yourself Farrah grab your robes and your wand and get to class.

I walked down the halls to the class I was late which I meant to be just so everyone could stare at me because why not. As soon as I walked into the class I was getting stares but not the one pair of eyes that I wanted Mr.Malfoy.

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