Chapter 8: Fuck me professor

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Now Detention—

Fuck me, professor

Farrah Lockwood

I knew what I wanted from him and no one was going to get in my way, I wanted him and he wanted me—I knew it even if he didn't show it I still knew.

There's no reason he would just act like that with me and not have somewhat kind of feelings for me. I don't know if this is some rebound but I just know that I need this, this is something that I had to have and that person is Draco Malfoy.

I walked into the classroom seeing Mr.Malfoy at his desk work on papers so I decided to take a desk right in front of him.


"Now Ms.Lockwood go ahead and work on your paper and if you need help I'm right here." Draco said raising his head from the paperwork he had.

"Professor I came here for you to tell me why not damn homework, I need to know why you did that to me the other day do you—"

"That is none of your business Lockwood you have to know right being here—it's after hours in the first place so if you wanna leave by all means go I'm not stopping you." Draco said getting up from his desk.

"Well, you see that's where your wrong, Professor. I have all right to know why—and you know what matter a fact you wouldn't mind me going to the headmaster would you." Farrah said walking towards Draco.

"No—no I'll tell you just shut up okay."

"I can't fucking stand you Lockwood, the way you walk, the way you talk, your fucking face—everything about you—you just—"

Draco and Farrah were face-to-face.

"What do you mean Professor."

"Stop calling me that."

"Why is there something wrong with calling you professor."

Farrah got closer to his face, she was inches away from his lips.

"Fuck me, professor."

"Farrah stop."


"Are you sure?"

"Mhm" Farrah nodded

"I need you to use that mouth of yours use."

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